He reigned all the beasts in and then walked them out of the tent, sending them toward the forest. While people were panicking about seeing strange creatures walking in the middle of the street, while Cross was laughing at it all. We followed them inside our carriage to make sure everything was fine and so that the beast boy wouldn't escape. Eventually we made our way to the forest.
After letting out all the beasts out into the forest, we made our way home with the beast boy riding inside the carriage with us while Cera prepared an Alm contract.
"So what's your name?" I asked.
"I don't have a name." He replied right away.
"Then let's give you a name."
"How about Zervas? And I'll call you Zerv for short." I thought that was a good name.
"If that's what you wish, that is fine." He replied unexcitedly.
Well, I shouldn't expect much emotion from him. He seems to have been fairly mistreated and probably doesn't like people in general.
"Righty then. This is the Alm contract, I'm going to bind it to your heart." Said Cera.
She then stood up in the carriage and slapped his chest with her hand, the contract being violently deployed was rough on Zervas. He began spasming in and screaming. I don't know why Cera deployed it this way, but Zervas seemed to agree with it.
After a while he was back to normal.
"Thank you, master." Master?
"As long as you follow your duties, you'll be safe from pain and you can protect all the animals you want." Said Cera.
"You can bring the cute ones home for me to see too, okay?" I interrupted Cera.
"Cute ones?" He asked.
"Yeah, like kittens and puppies!"
"Aren't they all cute?" He responded with a confused look on his face.
"No, no. Only the small ones are cute. The big ones are kind of... weird looking. Listen just the cute ones, okay? I don't want you bringing in some monstrosity into the house." He didn't seem to understand. But I wanted to see cute animals and beasts, so I tried again.
"When you see a small one, bring it home for me to see before you release it into the wild, okay? I want to see it." I really hoped he understood as he nodded.
"Right then, there are some rules you have to follow as well." Cera spoke up again.
"First, you will learn etiquette from Viv and Cross and how to dress appropriately."
"Second, you will not be in our presence while you're ragged and dirty."
"Third, you will train every day."
He kept nodding, so I assumed he understood.
"Now get out of the carriage, you're dirty." Said Cera coldheartedly.
He exited the carriage and began running alongside us since there was nowhere for him to sit. He could have switched places with Viv and she could have come inside the carriage, but instead he decided to run. I'm starting to get worried.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked Cera.
"What is? This guy?"
"He's strong. Probably stronger than Viv."
"Of course, have I ever lied to you?" She put her thumb on my cheekbone and pressed down on me with her whole body, pinning me down on the carriage seat.
"N-no." I was a little fluster by her sudden advancement.
She then traced her finger around my ear, causing my entire body to shiver in anticipation. Followed by kisses on the cheek and on my lips.
"Today was a good day. We should celebrate." I was gasping for air and breathing heavily as soon as she got off me.
I wanted more.
This time I pinned her down and kept her lips to myself. I kept thinking of all the fun I had today and I wanted to thank her somehow. We stayed this way until the carriage stopped and we arrived home.
When we got out of the carriage, I could feel my face had reddened and I was slightly sweating. I tried not to talk to avoid attention and simply clung to Cera's arm. We made our way in, being followed by my three bodyguards in tow.
"You guys go train amongst yourselves. I will call for you when you're done." The three nodded and they went to the front yard. While Cera picked me up.
When we entered the house, we noticed it had been ransacked. The couch and chairs were all thrown around and Noire was on the ground unconscious. Cera put me down and I went to her right away to check if she was okay.
Thankfully nothing happened and she wasn't hurt anywhere.
I knew it wasn't Cera's fault, but I was still angry.
"I hate your job!" My anger seething.
"This didn't need to happen to Noire!" I screamed at Cera for the first time in my life. I wasn't angry at her, but I was letting it out on her.
She slowly approached me and I released all my power, I didn't know what she was going to do, but I knew it wasn't going to end with just a few words.
She approached me and quickly apprehended me by using her whole body to pin me down.
We fell on the floor and she had a hand on each of mine and the only thing I could do was see her beautiful face.
"Calm down. She's fine." I knew she was fine, but I was angry.
I tried my best to remove her grip, but she was too strong.
She then bit my neck and released so much of her Alm inside of me. Making me feel drowsy and amazing at the same time. She had never done this and I couldn't help but moan in pleasure. Her Alm stimulating all of my body.
Her teeth sinking into my neck and her Alm circulating inside of me. I stopped resisting because of how good it felt and she continued. It felt like short burst of kisses were being exploded inside of my body. Tingles being sent everywhere and a euphoric feeling overwhelming me. Eventually leaving me in a half-asleep state.
"If you hate my job so much, I'll go quit, okay?"
That was when I heard Viv rush in.
"My liege!"
"The first prince is here!" Screamed Viv before I passed out.