"Bring the other two inside and guard Zara until I come back." I ordered Viv.
I happily picked up Zara and handed her to Viv, ready to kill the first prince and send his head to his father.
We walked out together and Viv gestured at the other two to come in while I turned around one last time to look at Zara's faint smile in her sleep before I closed the door.
"You got my letter and you still decided to come here in person?" I asked.
"You are under arrest for suspicion of murder against many nobles. You are to come with us." He said with an angry look on his face.
"So you don't even know who did it, but you're pinning on it me on mere suspicion that I'm from another kingdom? I don't understand why I'm under arrest." I continued.
"If you don't give me a proper reason, not only will I not go with you, but I will kill everyone for trespassing on my property."
"How dare you talk back to me!" The first prince drew his sword.
I quickly created a wind blade and cut his head off, along with the 20 guards behind him.
"Didn't I tell you I was going to kill you for trespassing?"
"You should have listened. Especially because I'm not in a good mood right now."
"I just got yelled at by my wife you see. It was painful and I didn't like it." His headless body flailed a bit and he gurgled on blood while looking me in the eyes.
"Let's go see your dad now. I was told to quit my job, so this will be my last job I do for the academy." I picked up his head by the hair and began walking toward the castle.
Slowly and taking my time.
I wanted to enjoy my walk before the fight. People kept giving me looks and running away from me, but I didn't mind their fear. In fact, it felt quite pleasant to see them frightened for their lives.
I have to retaliate for what they did to Noire. Zara would not have screamed at me if Noire hadn't been attacked by this idiot.
I gripped his hair tighter and as I was nearing the entrance of the castle the guards quickly reacted and attacked me on sight.
I didn't falter, kicked one of them straight into the gate, breaking it open with his body. While I was still in midair from kicking the first guard, I spun and smashed the prince's head onto the guard's head and heard a violent cracking sound before he fell down to his knees.
I didn't really want to get dirty so I continued walking inside the gates, only to see the king staring down from the same window as last time.
I prepared myself to launch the head straight at him. Imbuing it with Alm and making it harder, I threw it with all the strength I had at the window. Causing a huge explosion right in front of the king.
From what I could sense, he was able to catch the head, only to see the bloody, distorted face of his son.
I waited for him to come down, but he just stayed at the window even after I pried it open by force.
I waited and waited, but he didn't move. He simply stared at the head and sometimes would look down at me. Eventually, however, I was surrounded by guards. Some of them stronger than normal. Wearing black uniforms and specialized weapons. But some of them shaking and slightly scared.
"Well, you see, I don't particularly mind the attention, but unless you wish to lose your life today, I suggest you stand down. Whether you're punished later or not for not following orders is better than dying now, don't you all think so?" I spoke my mind. Frankly, I didn't want to kill so many people. I would surely get dirty.
I heard the shuffling of weapons getting readied.
"I guess there's no helping it. You all have 10 seconds to bring me the queen, or you all die. Now please choose while I count down." As I started counting down a few of them starting running inside the castle. Whether it was to fetch the queen or running away, I didn't know, but I was happy. I saved some lives.
"9." I released a tempestuous attack all around me. Slashing and blasting the guards away. My power cutting through people like it was nothing.
Some managed to block and some only lost an arm.
"Attack!" I heard one of the guards stand his ground.
"Come down here before all your subjects die." I looked up at the king, patiently looking at me."
I caught one of the swords with my hand, stealing it away from the tip and then forcibly stabbing people with the hilt. Leaving a huge gash wherever I stabbed them. I didn't bother dodging and only resorted to riposting and counter attacking with wind blades and weapons I was attacked with.
I had to conserve my energy for fighting the king.
After a little while, all the guards who stayed were on the ground, bleeding to death.
"I warned you, didn't I?" That was when the king finally jumped down from his hidey hole.
"So you weren't responsible for the deaths of the nobles. But now you're responsible for the death of my son, a royal family member and the slaughter of many knights."
"However, if you were to join the family as one of my queens, I'd pardon it all." What a sick and twisted thing to say.
"I'm not interested in marrying someone else. Especially not a disgusting king." We locked eyes. I prepared myself and enhanced my body with Alm, ready to fight in close combat.
He began laughing and simply waved his hand at me.
"I'm not interested in you, just your power. Join me and you can have anything you want." It seemed this annoying king didn't understand.
That was when the upper echelons of the academy appeared by the gate.
"Lady Cera, stand down." They spoke politely toward me, even in this situation.
"How dare you scums show up in my front yard?" The king suddenly released a wave of Alm and prepared himself.
"You've killed many of my subordinates and nobles simply because you're weak. Then you come show yourselves in front of me and expect me to do nothing? Nonsense!" The king of the Rena kingdom soon charged straight at the upper echelons, my employers and I intercepted him by kicking him straight down. Causing another huge explosion on his precious front yard.
"Did you forget I have a bone to pick with you? Because of you, my wife is angry at me." I went toward him at my fastest speed and punched him straight into the ground by pummeling his chest. Causing a huge crater to be created.
He looked fine as I jumped away but I knew he wasn't. I could sense he was breathing heavily from my punch. Close combat wasn't my forte, but I knew I could hold my own if needed.
I then launched waves of air slashes into the crater where the king was. An endless barrage that I used half my power to conjure up. Feeling a little tired, and creating a huge smoke screen in the middle of the front yard.
I didn't stop there.
Once I finished attacking, I jumped into the crater, sensing where he was and landed with both feet on his stomach like a hammer to a nail. Blood launching out of his mouth and cuts and bruises all over his body.
He grabbed my ankle and slammed me straight into the ground. I was fine because of my Alm reinforcement but I didn't like the fact that he touched me.
I kicked his fingers away by crushing them with my other foot and left his hand dangling in front of me.
He then attacked me head on with fire covered fists and swung powerfully enough to create heatwaves every time his fists tried to reach me.
I was barely able to dodge but he didn't stop attacking.
Eventually one of the upper echelons used a spell and bound him from above the crater. I sensed his Alm moving but I didn't know he was helping me. I then proceeded to create a wind dagger in my hand and stabbed it straight into his abdomen. He created a massive firewall to prevent me from stabbing him but it only added made the dagger stronger. I tried my best to control the wind all around us and used the momentum of the fire wall being erected to pierce through his abdomen, my hand going through his body as he screamed.
I dodged backward and he released a massive fire force all around us. Melting even the ground. Creating puddles of lava.
I was beginning to get tired but I knew that attack hurt him a lot. He was half limping and blood was gushing out of both sides of his abdomen.
That was when the queen showed up to support him. But I wasn't going to let that happen and acted quickly. Rushing to her side and twisting my fist into her face. Sending her flying out of the crater and being attacked by the king head first.
As soon as I hit her, he hit me. But in his weakened state, he didn't accomplish much. I held myself together and tanked the hit. My arms slightly shaking from the impact. I didn't know what kind of ability the queen had, but it must be some rare ability for her to be slow enough for me to get close to her but strong enough to name her queen. And I was correct.
She rushed at me with her sword out and slashed me as quickly as she could.
I kicked her knee and it turned the other way before she began healing it on the spot. Reverting it to how it was before. The king fell to one knee and she tried to rush back to him again.
This time, however, I wasn't going to let her get away unscathed. I mustered the little bit of power I had left and attacked her with a small tornado emitting from my hand. A tornado sharp enough to cut render her regenerating powers useless as they chopped her up faster than she could heal. Only to leave a pile of limbs on the lava filled floor.
My bloodlust no longer being suppressed. I was feeling happy. I killed a very powerful enemy and it made my blood boil. And I still had one more to go. I was excited.
Tired as I was, my job wasn't done yet. I walked up to the king and kicked him down on his back. Then resorted to barbaric tactics.
I began punching his face over and over again until he stopped breathing.