"For a little girl, you're not bad." Said Paisely.
My scythe was stuck in her shoulder, but it didn't penetrate deep enough to cut off her arm.
"We're the same age. Who are you calling a little girl?" I twisted my body with enough force to destroy the house we were living in, but she simply grabbed my scythe and halted my forced movement.
"I'm much older than I look." Paisely spoke calmly and quietly moved her wand and created an ice hammer that smacked me head on, sending me flying into the house.
Thanks to my strong Alm resistance, only the impact from the hammer hurt. Albeit, too much.
I could feel my bones shaking from the impact.
I saw her trying to remove my scythe from her shoulder, but she couldn't.
"It seems you're really special. Even I can't touch your scythe without getting burned by the frost." orange frost started covering her shoulder and hand where she had touched my scythe.
I recalled my scythe and it disappeared from her shoulder before she finished waving her wand. I didn't know what she was about to do, but I felt a tremendous wave of Alm emanating from her.
She then drew up some runes I didn't recognize with her wand in the air and the hammer from earlier reappeared, but it was much bigger this time.
"Since you're this strong for your age, I assume Celest thought you would be okay and sent you here on your own without protection." Paisely began slowly walking toward me with a massive, ominous hammer behind her.
"You're wrong." I spoke out almost instinctively.
That was when she smashed down with her hammer and I created various ice spikes from below me that exploded on impact and reduced the speed of the hammer slamming down on me. Creating a chance for me to move out of the way.
That was when I saw a second hammer appear next to me. Greeting me with its incredible speed.
I tried to block it with my left arm, but it wasn't enough. I felt my bones shatter from the impact. And I was sent skidding on the ground.
I cried out in pain and was paralyzed for a moment as I tried to get up.
"You're weak. You walk around thinking you can do anything, but you can't. That careless attitude of yours is the reason you're on the ground. After spending so much time with you, I learned that your biggest weakness is physical damage. You may have a strong body, but it's not something you obtained through training. You're simply using your body as a sand bag without any real skills because you were born gifted." I could barely hear her over the ringing in my ears, but I didn't like her tone.
As I got up, I felt the pain from my broken arm surge through my body. That was when another hammer came from in front of me. I tried to create more ice spikes, but I didn't make it in time.
That was when Zervas and Cross appeared in front of me and used what seemed like their strongest attacks against the hammer. Barely stopping it in front of me.
However, Cross was sent flying in my stead.
"David!" I turned my head to see if he was still alive.
That was when Paisely showed up in front of me.
"Don't you know to never turn away from your enemy?" She tried to grab me but Zervas attacked her and was sent flying almost immediately after trying to intercept her.
That was when I could finally feel Cera's presence.
"Please, don't kill her, she was my first friend." I spoke in a soft voice before Cera appeared behind Paisely with a bloodlust strong enough to make it hard for me to breathe.
Paisely turned around and did a roundhouse kick as fast as she could, only to be dodged by Cera as she weaved underneath her and attacked her.
Her hand reached toward Paisely's face and poked through her eye socket. Pulling out one of her eyes.
Paisely stepped back and smashed down four ice hammers onto Cera, but Cera simply dodged them and went next to me. She grabbed my unbroken hand and placed the eyeball in my palm.
"I found a good pair of eyes for you. I'll get you the other one in just a second." She kneeled down next to me and kissed my forehead before patting my disheveled hair down with blood in her hands. Trying to fix my hair from the fight.
I started crying from relief and bit my lip only to nod in acknowledgement. I sat on the ground with my left arm weirdly hanging from its socket and tears rolling down my eyes. I was in so much pain. Emotionally and physically.
Paisely screamed out in pain and charged at Cera. Blood dripping from her eye socket.
Cera swiftly moved in front of her and the Alm around us began to tremble.
Paisely sensed it as well and changed her stance to a long range one and retreated.
Cera was smashed down by the hammers this time, but the air around her stopped them from reaching her. There was a visible blue hue in the wind around her. It almost looked like armor.
Paisely waved her wand with incredible skill and speed and began drawing runes in the air.
I don't know what she was doing, but purple ice spider legs began forming and protruding from her back.
"A disgusting spider. No wonder I never liked you." Said Cera.
Cera kept slowly walking toward Paisely like nothing was happening while Paisely seemed to be in a panic.
"Your name is Rena Paisely, isn't it?" Huh? The ancient witch? I was surprised by what Cera was saying.
"Shut up, you monster." Paisely kept retreating and began attacking with her spider legs. Cera didn't bother dodging and simply pushed straight toward her. Eventually she began sprinting and caught up to Paisely, smacking her palm on her chest.
Paisely didn't react for a second as she wasn't sent flying back or any visible harm appeared. But a few seconds later, she coughed up a lung. Blood landing all over Cera's hand and arm. A bloodied lung on the floor still pulsing.
"What are you?" Paisely huffed roughly as she spoke.
My eyes were wide open at the sight. If she was really the ancient witch, how was Cera overpowering her?
"My lady!" Viv came running at me and quickly took off her jacked and put it around me. Her eyes were trembling and her hands were shaking.
She began crying and began cleaning the blood off my face with a cloth she took out of her pocket.
I was sitting on the ground with a broken arm and tears in my eyes. But I was concerned about Cross and Zervas.
"Viv, go check on Cross and Zervas. I don't know if they're alive."
"My lady!!" Her shout surprised me.
She then ran into the torn down house, I thought she was going to check on Cross, but she came back out with bandages and a blanket in her arm.
"Hey, I said to go check on-" That was when I heard a loud scream coming from Paisely. Her other eye slowly being ripped out as Cera stood above her. The spider legs attacking rapidly and trying to get Cera off, only to be bounced off by the wind around her.
"Get off me!" Cera pressed her foot into her stomach and finished ripping out her other eye.
The spider legs scurried her body away as Cera stepped away from her and came back to my side.
"Here's the other eye." She said with a blood covered face and a gentle smile.
I now had both eyes in my hand and Paisely seemed to be running away.
"Don't worry, she won't get away." Said Cera in an ominous voice.
"Wait... please." I couldn't physically stop Cera, but my words did the trick.
"She was my first friend... please, don't kill her..." Even though she was an enemy, she was still my first friend. I didn't want her to die. Even though she broke my arm. Even though she almost killed me. I didn't want to think that all the memories we made were fake.
"Okay." I didn't know, however, that this would be the first time Cera would lie to me.
Paisely seemed to have had enough time to disappear while I was talking.
"Miss Valentine!" That was when some old man came running toward Cera before kneeling in front of her.
I'm sure he felt Cera's overwhelming presence and quickly realized what was going on. He took one look at me and the surroundings before he began talking.
"Please follow me, we have a healing artifact in our possession. Allow us to repay you by healing your wife."
He was visibly shaking in fear, but was still able to get his words out in front of her bloodlust. I was surprised.
"Viviana." Bloodlust once again erupted from Cera as she said her full name.
Viv didn't get the chance to even kneel down and simply stood frozen in place.
"Where are the other two?" Cera asked.
The bloodlust this time didn't affect me, but I could still feel it.
"Viv! Go get the other two! Check if they're okay!" I screamed as I remembered about them, but Viv seemed too scared to move.
"Please allow us to look after your companions." A very old looking woman entered the gates of the house and some men behind her began searching the grounds.
"Grand sorceress Vitri, did you take care of the king's body already?"
"Yes, thanks to you."
She was the head of the academy. The one at the very top of the food chain.
"Find David Cross and an animal halfling. Bring their bodies to me when you find them."
Viv was finally freed from her stupor, and put the blanket she brought around me this time.
"It looks like you found a nice pair of eyes, lady Zara." Said Vitri.
She wasn't hostile, but I could sense a bit of harsh curiosity in her words.
"When did I say you could talk to my wife?" Before I could reply, Cera picked me up and interrupted Vitri. I was wrapped up in the blanket before I knew it and Vitri smiled at me.
"My apologies, Miss Valentine." Vitri lowered her head slightly to show her sincerity.
"Take me to the artifact." Cera said to the old man still kneeling on the ground.
"As you wish." I didn't notice when, but the blue hue around Cera disappeared before I realized.
"I'll see you later." Vitri waved at us, but it felt like she was talking to me.