We had been in bed for three days and I hadn't had anything to eat since she passed out. I had been worried sick about her Alm fluctuations and fever that I simply stayed by her side and hugged her until she finally woke up.
I hadn't heard anything about Zervas or Cross. I only knew that Viv was guarding the door outside and hadn't moved either.
That was until today. When Cera finally woke up.
"Good morning." Her dreamy expression made my heart skip a beat. Being able to finally hear her voice again made me extremely happy.
I started crying out of happiness and hugged her head tightly into my chest.
We stayed like that until I calmed down and Cera eventually wiped the tears off my cheeks and we went to the bathroom to take our routine bath.
After we finished, we got dressed in the school uniform and Cera looked very lovely in hers. Both of our hairs were down and we let them flow outwardly and without a care.
"Viv, get us something to eat." Said Cera.
"Right away!" I could hear Viv's cheery response through the door before she ran off to get us something to eat.
We were still barefoot and Cera decided to stretch a bit before she summoned that blueish wind again.
"Stop! You just woke up!" I jumped on her in an attempt to stop her, only to land on top of her. My legs above her waist and my arms pinned to either side of her face. My hair flowing downward and caressing her cheek.
"Sorry. I'm okay though, see?" She made a small tornado with her powers, but I was still feeling anxious from the 3 days she was unconscious and how her Alm was running rampant.
"Stop!" I screamed without a care in the world.
My tears began falling on her face. I was so worried about her. I had been useless the last three days and even before that. Had I been stronger, Cera wouldn't have had to been injured like that.
I couldn't stop my streaming tears and Cera tried consoling me by hugging me tightly into her chest.
"Sorry I left you alone for so long." My worried mind and tired body simply let go of all the pent-up anxiety at once.
I cried and cried. We stayed on the floor like that until Viv came back and even then, I couldn't stop my tears. Viv walked into the room with a cart full of food only to see us on the floor.
I heard the door close almost immediately and Cera kept patting my back, trying to make me feel better.
"I missed you so much!" I kept screaming my worries out and lashing out at Cera.
"I'm sorry I'm so weak!" I kept crying and my runny nose started to get the better of me.
I sniffled and stifled my screams into her chest. My body couldn't keep up with this anymore. I let go completely and laid all my weight on her. Only to hear her breathing become slightly haggard.
"I'm sorry." She apologized again and I cried even harder.
She kept apologizing like that and trying to comfort me while I cried.
Her fingers running up and down my back.
Eventually I became tired and stopped crying and screaming. When I raised my head, I realized I got her clothes dirty and I sat up.
"Sorry, I got your clothes dirty."
She sat up with me and wiped my tears once last time.
"It's okay. I can just change." Having finally calmed down a little, I took a deep breath.
"Let's go eat." I said in a somber tone.
"Stay here, I'll get the food." She sat me down on the bed and went to open the door.
"Thank you, Viv." She grabbed the cart of food and closed the door.
"Let's eat." We sat in silence with a cart full of food and the sounds of forks and knives resonating in the silence of our meal.
I felt terrible after crying for so long and the fact that I hadn't slept for three days only made it worse.
I didn't want to say anything, so I just laid down after eating and covered myself with the blanket.
"I'll be here with you, so sleep well to your hearts content, okay?" Cera cuddled next to me and made me the little spoon. Her hot breath and warm body making me feel safe.
And like that, I ended my first tantrum of the day.
After a few hours of sleep, I woke up only to find Cera lightly snoring behind me.
I couldn't help but let out a chuckle and she woke up from my movement.
"Good morning, again." She said with a brimming smile.
"Good morning." I happily stood up this time and called for Viv.
She was still wearing her torn up uniform from 3 days ago and then she kneeled right away before I could greet her normally and tell her to go get changed.
"My lady, my liege, I have bad news." I didn't want bad news. I was about to stop her but she was quicker.
"Zervas passed away in the fight and Cross has been under intensive pain treatment the last few days. He survived but is being healed with an artifact and is suffering intense pain right now." I clenched my fists as hard as I could and my Alm began pulsating wildly.
"Damn it..." I started crying once again. I had only met Zervas and he had told me how he was going to help all the animals he was going to come across and find them a happy home. But instead, because he had to protect me, he had to die.
My tears began falling again and Cera quickly hugged me.
"It's okay, it's not your fault." Even though she said that, I felt responsible.
Now I just felt depressed and was crying in Cera's arms once again.
Viv didn't raise her head and stayed on the ground while this was happening.
"Let's go see Cross. I'm sure he'll be happy to see you." I didn't want to go see him but Cera dragged me by the hand. We went to the treasure room in the principal's office again, only to see a squirming David on the ground.
"My lady! I'm glad you're safe!" His legs and arms were twisted in all sorts of ways and I couldn't help feel a sinking feeling in my heart. Why was he worried about me in that condition!?
I wanted to look away but Cera tightened her grip around my hand. As if telling me not to look away.
My tears once again started and David smiled at me.
"It's okay, my lady, I'll be good as new soon enough. Then we can go back to school, so for now, please rest and take care of yourself." I couldn't hold it anymore and I turned around with tears in my eyes. Leaving him behind and forcing Cera to come with me.
It was hard to breathe. I was gasping for air and my anxiety was spiking. My chest felt heavy and my conscious even heavier.
"Zara." I heard Cera's voice but I didn't want to listen.
I wanted to be alone but she didn't let me.
I tried to break free of her grip but I couldn't. She was too strong. And I was weak. That was why this was happening.
Cera quickly embraced me and I began crying uncontrollably for the second time today.
A few hours passed and I just felt depressed. I was in bed while Cera was sitting next to me.
I want to go home.
I want to see big sister Celest and I want to go back to training every day. I want to forget about Paisely. About the cat. About Zervas. I was tired of it all. I wanted to go home.
"Cera, I want to go home."
"Okay. I'll have it arranged." Cera stood up as if she already knew what I was going to say.
"We'll wait for Cross to recover and for you to graduate and then we'll leave."
"Okay." I hugged my pillow and went to sleep.