I left the room as soon as Zara fell asleep and made my way to see Vitri.
"Welcome, miss Valentine." She spoke in her usual playful demeanor.
I saw Andrew sitting in front of her in her study and they seemed to be talking about who would be taking over the crown next.
"Is there anything you need? What was so urgent for you to come in person, leaving your lovely wife behind?" I held back my anger from her smart-ass remark.
"Hand over the ancient draconic scriptures you promised. Along with all information regarding dragons." I had prepared this as a gift for Zara, but now I just felt disappointed and annoyed.
That useless Zervas had to go and die. Making my little wife sad like this. Cross made her feel terrible even though he's still alive. I wish I could kill him too for making her sad, but that would only make things worse.
Keeping her happy is slowly becoming more and more difficult. Then the thing with Paisely doesn't help anything. This is why I didn't want her to make friends in the first place. I was feeling annoyed and my bloodlust began seeping through.
"You know, miss Valentine, the best way to keep your wife happy is to first be able to control yourself." Andrew spoke up out of turn and I wanted to cut his head off.
"You're lucky I don't kill you on the spot for speaking to me like that." If I killed him now, I wouldn't be able to get my hands on any future information about dragons and that would make things more difficult for us.
I sighed internally and walked up the desk to grab the documents Vitri was about to pull out.
"Be careful, future princess, dragons aren't to be underestimated. I know you're strong but they're ancient and dangerous creatures." Said Andrew.
"If you know how strong I am, you should stop talking already. I'm not in a good mood today."
"Now, now, princess, there's no need for the hostility, he's only being friendly." Said Vitri as she handed me a thick book filled with information.
"I put it together for you. Please take your time reading it."
"Thank you." I said without much meaning.
"My, you're so polite, too bad you're already taken. I would have loved to make you part of my family." The old hag laughed stupidly and I left the room before I killed them both.
I passed by to visit Cross to tell him to prepare himself to leave when Zara graduated and to say his goodbyes.
When I was going back to the room, I noticed Viv was training outside the door. Focusing her lightning around her sword.
She kneeled upon seeing me and stopped her training. It's good to see at least one person in good spirits.
I walked inside the room and Zara was still sleeping. I sat on the bed next to her and began reading about the ancient dragons. Preparing myself to fight them in the near future.
As far as I can tell, they're just overgrown lizards that can use Alm. Maybe they were lizards are first and grew to be so big since they have a long lifespan.
I turned the page and read that just like humans, they can have different elements for their power attribute and because of their age, they're pretty hard to kill. I still don't know exactly why she needs to kill a dragon, but that doesn't matter. If that's what she wants, I'll make it happen.
I kept reading until Zara woke up and then put away the book in a bag so she wouldn't see it. It is a present for her after all.
"Good morning." I said to my lovely wife.
"Morning." She still looks sad.
Before I could do anything, she jumped on me and began kissing me. But I could tell she was just doing it to make herself feel better. I could feel her sadness.
I let her continue until I heard her stomach grumble.
"Let's go eat." I helped her get out of bed and put on her school jacket over her gown. No one but me gets to see her slim shoulders and beautiful neck.
We made our way outside and followed Viv to a private dining room where Vitri was waiting for us.
"If it isn't the Valentine girls." I didn't want to see this old hag any more than I had to, but she just kept following me around.
"Hello." Zara politely greeted her and I just looked at her.
"Please have a seat. I would love the company of two beautiful girls." She said with an annoying smile.
We sat down next to across from her and waited for her to speak.
"The ancient witch Rena was found dead in a student's dormitory." She continued.
"Do you know anything about that?" She asked.
I thought for a moment about what to say, but Zara intervened before I could stop her or say something better.
"Paisely's dead?" She had a surprised look on her face.
Even though she revealed that she knew who Rena was, she also showed that she wasn't aware that she died.
"Ah, yes. You two were close friends, weren't you. I'm surprised she told you." Vitri seemed to have the wrong idea. It was me who told her who Paisely was.
"Well, I wanted to ask you two because both of her eyes were missing. And I seem to recall that you two recently got your hands on a good pair of eyes."
"And?" I asked, pretending to be annoyed.
"I hope you're not accusing my wife of murdering her own friend." I released my aura to try to play it off. Bloodlust mixed in.
She released her own aura and was confronting me in an invisible fight. She's stronger than she looks.
Just as I was about throw a cutlery knife at her, I heard sobbing sounds coming from Zara.
Damn it.
"She's dead...?" She looked at me with a concerned look on her face. Like she knew I had killed her. She got up and left the room before I could do anything.
I fucked up.
"Aren't you going to chase her?" At this point I lost my cool. I was stressed out.
I launched myself at Vitri before she could block me and I punched her in the face and sent her flying out of the room. Breaking the wall behind her.
"Did you think I was afraid of you?" I asked as I walked toward the broken debris.
I saw she launched two lightning bolts at me, but I didn't bother dodging and they hit me dead on. My Alm resistance being the stronger of the two.
"You've been saying some stupid remarks since I met you. And just now you made my wife cry." I created an orb on top of my palm and launched a massive tornado at her.
She countered my attack by sending many lightning arcs and bolts at my tornado, creating a massive explosion inside the dining room. When the dust and debris cleared up, I saw Vitri standing there with a bloody nose and her wand in hand.
"Ladies, please calm down. This isn't the time to be fighting." Andrew suddenly walked in. Even though information about dragons and other things will be useful, I really wanted to at least hurt them for annoying me. I launched another tornado, this time at Andrew, using it as a distraction.
I saw Vitri move to stop the tornado again, but this time I closed in on her, kicking her in the stomach and then smashing her head into the ground with my hand.
I stepped on her hand so she'd release the wand and then kicked it away.
"Next time you have something to say to me, watch your tone." Since I wasn't satisfied, I decided to break her hand. I stomped on her hand as hard as I could and left an imprint on the floor and through her hand.
I walked away and left the dining room.
"I told you, you would get hurt if you fought her." Was the last thing I heard Andrew say before I focused on how to apologize to Zara.
I made my way back to the room, where I stood outside the door, next to Viv, thinking about what to say. But nothing came to mind. The moment I go in there, nothing is going to go my way.
I took a deep breath and entered the room. Only to get yelled at as soon as I walked in.
"You lied to me!" She threw a pillow at me and hit me right in the face. Even knowing that she was angry at me, I couldn't help but think of how cute she looked right now. She was sitting on the bed with a pouty face and leftover tears on her cheeks and eyes.
I tried to get closer, but she yelled at me again.
"Stay there!" She looked like she was about to cry again and began biting her lip.
"Don't do that. You'll hurt yourself." I continued walking and grabbed both her arms and planted them against the bed. Placing my body aloft hers.
"Bite mine, so you don't hurt yourself." I said as I got closer to her. She then ferociously attacked my lower lip with her teeth and bit me harder than I thought she would. Making me bleed right away.
I saw her shake for a moment and she let go of her bite. Right after turning into a kiss. Almost as if she was apologizing for biting me.
She sucked on my lip and licked it lightly, as if trying to make me feel better.
I found her confused, angry actions very cute.
I used my right hand to begin tickling her stomach.
"I'm sorry I lied to you." She let out a soft giggle but gave me an even angrier look.
"I just couldn't forgive her. Especially not after seeing what she did to you." Good thing Vitri didn't mention the state of her body. Zara might have been really upset if she knew I tortured Paisely before killing her.
She looked a little moved, but still somewhat disappointed.
"I promise you I won't ever lie to you again." I grabbed small, gentle hand and kissed it.
"Ask me anything." I let go of her hands.
"No. I believe you." She shyly looked away and hugged me closer to her.
I could feel she was still angry at me but also a little lonely.
"I'll always be here with you." I kissed her cheek in hopes that she would turn her face.
I could tell she was liking it, so I continued. My joy turning into excitement.
I began with a lick on her neck. Then turning into a kiss and then a suckle. My self-control beginning to wane.
I heard her moan when I began biting her neck and pumping Alm into her body.
Slowly losing control of myself, I ripped apart part of her gown and reached for her breasts. My hand slowly enjoying a soft squeeze.
"Stop." I heard her, but I was too excited to stop.
I moved myself down and kissed the top of her chest before she stopped me by pushing my off her body.
"Not like this. Not now." I could feel my face was flushed and I wanted to keep going.
I took a deep breath to try to regain my senses but it was futile. After touching her, the leftover feeling on my hand was still too vivid.
She then hugged me tightly and forced me into her body.
"Not yet. I'm not ready." Sensing that she was a little anxious, I finally came back to my senses.
I had been waiting for so long and she was just making me wait longer. It was difficult but not impossible. If she wants to wait then I'll wait.
We stayed like this until nighttime and eventually fell asleep together.