I was running in the middle of the forest, avoiding attacks from each side and cutting trees out of the way with my scythe.
I was interlocked in a battle between two scouting teams.
It started off early this morning when I found traces of a dragon egg shell and followed it up the mountain. Where there were two groups of people also looking for dragon remains.
"Hello." I politely waved with a smile on my face and then both teams attacked me.
I dodged back to avoid one attack and repelled the other attack by slicing the thunderbolt with my scythe. I landed a few feet back and they all had their attention on me.
"Well, that wasn't very nice." I said while looking around and counting the enemies.
Two teams of four.
I saw the invocators begin their blessings and clicked my tongue. I'm not sure if I can handle both teams at the same time. I looked around and made my way up the mountain, following the trail of dragons with the two teams on my tail.
One close quarter fighter caught up to me and punched me midair, I stopped it with my palm and created and ice explosion and tried to kill him. After the frost cleared up, I saw that he was smashed into the ground but wasn't dead. He was just bleeding a bit.
These guys are tough. I swung my scythe and blocked another thunderbolt.
"Why don't we fight fairly and attack each other instead of just me?"
I dodged another close quarter attack by slightly moving back and moving side to side.
A speed closer quarter combatant was trying to hit me by using his speed but I was slightly faster. I kept dodging his attacks and eventually swung my scythe at him, only to be stopped by the other muscular guy. He caught my scythe with his hands and tried to take it away from me.
I followed the momentum of my scythe and kicked him in the chin while the speed combatant closed in on me and kicked me in the stomach. Sending me flying back into the tree trunk.
I let go of my scythe and resummoned it back to me after crashing.
"She's a spiritual weapon user!" Screamed someone inside the forest.
That was when a massive flame attacked both close combat combatants in front of me and I stood up to admire the fire power.
I whistled.
"You guys show no mercy. That was your own team mate."
A lady in a black robe and a wand had suddenly attacked them.
"Don't worry about my team mate, he's fast enough to dodge it."
When the fire cleared up, the muscular guy had a fire shield around him. Blocking flames with flames.
I could feel the presence of two invocators beginning to channel their Alm somewhere in the forest and I got ready for round two.
The muscular guy went and attacked the robed woman and the speedster came to attack me.
We exchanged blows and I planted my scythe in the ground before using it to spin and pick up speed in order to do a roundhouse kick on the speedster.
I sent him flying back and used my explosive ice to finish him off. Sending him flying through a few trees.
"That's one down." A fireball suddenly fell down on top of me. I spun my scythe quickly and tried to use the wind force to repel the attack, only to be hit by the muscular guy from behind.
He elbowed me in the ribs and it hurt a lot but it didn't feel like anything was broken.
Thankfully my Alm reinforcement was strong.
I slashed down with my scythe and cut the muscular guy in half because he wasn't expecting me to be okay after his attack.
"Whew. You guys are tough." I took a deep breath and began summoning ice in all directions.
I didn't know where they were, I just knew they were around me so I blasted ice spikes in all directions. Then exploding them and causing ice shards to stab and pierce into all the trees around me. I waited for a moment before moving and two fire attacks came at me. I did a backflip and slashed one fire away while I summoned an ice spike from beneath me to block the other one. They weren't pushovers and I didn't want to get hit by those flames. They would burn my school uniform.
I smashed down my scythe into the direction of one of the fire attacks and created a path of ice spikes toward them. Only to hear a resounding scream after my attack reached them. They didn't have time to dodge.
I heard the shuffling of leaves behind me and jumped toward it and found one of the invocators. I punched him in the throat and easily pierced through him. Leaving him gasping for breath and on the verge of death.
I felt the presences nearby begin to move away and I was finally able to catch a breather.
I followed the ice path I created and found the black robe woman from earlier impaled in the stomach and hovering slightly above the ground.
"What do you know about the dragon?" I asked before cutting the icicle that was holding her up in half.
She fell to the ground and screamed in pain. Coughing up blood in the process. She gritted her teeth and before she could talk, I heard a rumbling noise and a flying rock came my way.
I moved out of the way and she was squashed by the massive rock.
I got ready to fight again.
"What's a student from Rena Academy doing in the middle of the mountain?" A tall man with a brawny disposition and scars on his face suddenly showed up with an invocator next to him.
He looked around for a bit and saw the dead bodies.
"Seems like you're pretty strong for a little girl." I swung my scythe in a circle and readied my stance.
"I was just looking around when I got attacked by some people. If you could kindly let me go my way, I'd appreciate it." I said while exuding bloodlust.
He laughed for a while before putting a serious face on.
"Not in your life." He dashed toward me and smashed down with his fist.
I swung my scythe at him and we clashed, creating a massive shock wave that sent us both back a few steps.
He had a small nick on his fist and my arms were trembling from the impact.
"Do it now!" He screamed and the invocator began chanting.
I felt it would be dangerous so I charged at the invocator, but was stopped by a massive fist.
I kicked his fist away from me by exploding my ice on impact.
I could feel his bloodlust beginning to surround the area.
"I don't know who you are, but you will not be leaving this mountain alive." The invocator had finished chanting and this guy had been buffed by him.
He looked and felt stronger than before.
I didn't want to have to do this since it takes up a lot of energy but I began to channel my demonic powers. I released my scythe and I began crystalizing ice on my palm.
"Back off now or die." I told him.
He looked at me with a serious expression and then smiled.
"Come at me, you cocky little girl."
I dashed forward and compacted my crystalized ice on my palm before releasing it. I hit him dead on the chest and created a massive explosion, blowing away all the trees near us and creating a crater. I knew he was strong so I didn't stop and smashed him with another one. This time he moved back and he stood near the invocator. With one arm missing.
"Who are you? You're not a student." I took a deep breath and put my palms together, creating a miniature crystalized bomb of Alm.
"My name is Zara Valentine. I am a student of Rena academy." I slowly lifted my hands and the crystalized orb began levitating. I gave him one final look before finally blowing up the bomb. Creating a massive explosion around me, leaving nothing but a massive crater covered in ice.
When the dust cleared up, they were gone. Blood simply splattered on the ground.
I got down on one knee because of how much power I had just used. I was tired.
I resummoned my scythe and used it as a walking stick.
"Back to searching." I made my way up the mountain again and followed the egg shells and some slimy liquid.
I searched for a few hours before finally finding a cave.
I went inside and followed a bloody trail. I began feeling a sense of urgency and I sped up. Eventually reaching the end of a cave and the corpse of a baby dragon laying on the ground with its head missing.
Seems someone got to it before me.
I checked the body and noticed that it had a whole in its chest. I sat down on a rock that was nearby and took a break before leaving the cave. I made my way down the mountain and eventually ran back as quickly as I could back to the academy before sunset.
Ending my first dragon expedition in failure.