I woke up early in the morning and quickly got ready to start off my day.
I took a shower, went to the kitchen and ate, then made my way toward my lady's room.
I waited outside, ready for anything. On guard and prepared.
I stood there a few hours before my lady and my liege woke up and got ready to begin their day.
"Good morning, Viv." I got down on one knee and greeted my lady.
"Good morning, my lady." She awkwardly looked at me as she always does.
"You don't have to do this every morning, I already told you." Said my lady.
"Let her be." Said my liege.
"Good morning to you too, my liege." I kept kneeling.
"Morning." She yawned and then made her way to the kitchen, both still in their sleeping gowns.
I closed the door to their room and followed behind them.
Once we reached the dining room, I went to the kitchen to inform them that it was time for breakfast.
They were served their food and I stood by the door as they ate.
My lady began being flirty and fed my liege with a lot of affection. I was used to this scene but it always made me smile. Mornings are always a nice ray of sunshine to my eyes. Makes me happy to see them being happy.
Eventually, David came into the dining room and disturbed their happiness.
"Yo." He said as he walked in shamelessly late.
"Good morning, Cross." Said my lady with a smile on her face. Looking very cute, which I thought David didn't deserve. My lady should only smile for my liege.
My liege didn't say anything and continued being fed by my lady.
After their lovey dovey breakfast time, I got a list of things from Noire, who had scheduled their day. Ranging from important things to do, to unimportant.
I walked up to them and helped pick up their plates.
"Today we will start with training after you both shower and then it'll be time to study the contents of next week's curriculum at school. After that, you'll be free to do whatever you want, my lady."
"Okay..." She sounded slightly upset, but it was things my liege had ordered.
"The faster we get stuff done with, the sooner you'll be able to laze around, my lady. I'll even prepare some cakes and cookies for your study session." I told her.
"Okay!" She got up and dragged my liege back to their bedroom to get changed.
They usually take a shower and then spend an hour trying on outfits before they're ready, so I just stood guard outside the door with David.
Eventually my lady came out with a beautiful two tone black and white dress and my liege came out in black tights and a loose white shirt.
"We're matching!" My lady hugged my liege's arm and we made our way to the courtyard.
"First, Cross." Said my liege.
David stepped up and then training begun. She would give him pointers on how to attack and how to dodge but it was no use since she was so much stronger. As always, David got pummeled into the ground and beat up black and blue.
"Viv, you're next." I readied my sword and began training.
I quickly dashed to her side and slashed down with my sword clad in lightning, with my other fist ready to attack.
She used her wood training sword and reinforced it with Alm and stopped my sword, causing my shoulder to ricochet off, along with my sword. I felt like my shoulder almost got dislocated.
She then approached me and hit me in the stomach with the hilt, I tried to stop it with my hand, but she was faster.
"Not bad. You're able to react to it now, at least." I was sent rolling on the ground and was gasping for air.
That really hurt.
"Get up, your enemy won't wait for you to recover." I tried to stand up as fast as possible, but she was already in front of me, she swung her sword down and I had just enough time to intercept her attack with my sword.
She then kicked my side and kneed my stomach. Sending me flying and rolling more violently this time.
And just like always, I was beaten black and blue, just like David.
After our beating, we went and sat down next to Noire, who had tea and cookies ready for my lady.
"Now, channel your Alm like this." Said my liege as she hugged my lady by the stomach.
"That tickles, stop!" As always, my liege was training her in the easiest possible way while flirting.
She helped her redirect her Alm and taught her how to manipulate and use her attacks more efficiently.
Something we can't do because we'd probably die.
I've only ever heard of them doing that together because of their mutual trust. No one would ever allow someone else to do that to their body. They were brave and stupid at the same time.
"Ugh, I got beat worse than yesterday." Said David, hugging the side of his stomach.
"You did great, sir David." Said Noire.
Well, in a sense, she's lucky that she doesn't have to train with us. Every morning is just filled with pain.
"I said stop." I looked at my lady being tickled and sighed.
I took a deep breath and stood up. Stretching my pained body.
I always did this in order to stay nimble and adjust to pain so that in an actual battle, I'd be ready to react to the pain and discomfort.
After they finished flirting, they stood up and came to us.
"Thanks, Noire." My lady grabbed a cookie and her tea cup.
"My pleasure." Said Noire with a smile.
David was still sitting down in pain and I quickly shoved him to stand up.
"We'll get everything ready." I said as I dragged David with me
We headed in toward the study and I arranged my lady's books and homework from school. Since I always went with her, I knew what it was that she needed to do. They liked studying on the couch, so we had a small table set up with their books. I also arranged a few documents for my liege, and letters from queen Celest.
After we were done, we called them in and they finished having their private tea time outside.
Noire set up some cookies and tea in the study room as well and then left.
They entered the room and sat on the couch. My lady leaned on my liege and began reading her book.
Since they always end up being affectionate with each other during study time, we left the room and waited for them to finish.
"Let's go, David."
We were waiting outside the door and from time to time we heard my lady complain, followed by a flirty laugh or giggle.
I always wondered how she got good grades in school.
She never really studies and is always playing around with my liege.
After a few hours, they left the room, my lady looking reddish in the face.
"Time to eat." We went back to the dining room and ate dinner.
We ate an extravagant meal and then my lady and liege got ready to go to bed.
"Goodnight, Viv, Cross." My lady waved at us and wished us goodnight before my liege picked her up and led her to their room. A huge smile on my lady's face.
We also got ready for bed and I prepared my clothing for tomorrow before sleeping.
Getting ready for another day filled with happiness.