
"Welcome, princess Cera." Said the two guards that are always in front of the palace.

"Call Celest over, I need her help."


One of them went and grabbed Celest while the other invited us to the tea room. It was night time and the palace looked very luxurious at night with all the lights making the silver decorations shine.

We sat down and Celyce was still playing with Cammy. She was pushing the petals and tickling them. She even gave the plant a cookie and to my surprise, the petals opened up with razor sharp teeth and ate the cookie.

A demonic being indeed.

When Celest walked in, she was surprised.

"Did something happen?" She asked.

"The idiot prince burned down our house while we were away. So we need a place to stay."

"Prince Mason? Hmm..." She stopped to think for a second.

"Did you kill him?" She asked.

"Yeah, he's dead." I responded.

"Well, that's a little troublesome, but how about I give you a palace?"