Physical Education Teacher, Garde

[ At the same time, you have discovered one of Jessica's wishes. ]

[ Upon completion of this wish, you will receive five favorability points. The the higher the favorability, the better Jessica's attitude towards you. Who knows, there might even be some surprises. ]

[ And for every increase in favorability points, you will receive an all-purpose point in the game. ]

[ You can purchase all kinds of items and items in the game store with all-purpose points. ]


After reading all these items, a big question mark appeared in Bach Allen's mind.

Jessica's attribute panel? Bashful and traditional?

Jessica's wish was discovered? You can increase your favorability by completing it? Will there be a surprise event?

I will receive an all-purpose point by increasing my favorability? I can use all-purpose points to buy things?

What is all this?

Why do I feel like I can't understand it?

Bach Allen scratched his head and suddenly thought of something, something very important.

Since the Miss Jessica in the real world could appear in the game, does that mean that the wish in the game is the wish of the Miss Jessica in the real world?

Does the relationship in the game correspond to the relationship between me and teacher Jessica in real life?

If that's really the case...

Then if he improve the ability of the character he control in the game, does that mean that he can also improve his ability in real life?

This is a problem.

A problem that was worth thinking about!

But this thought was too crazy.

It was so crazy that Bach Allen was afraid to think further.

He didn't care so much and directly clicked on the next step.

That was to check Jessica's current wish.

The next second, when he saw Jessica's wish, Bach Allen was completely dumbfounded and even cried out!


One couldn't blame Bach Allen for being overreacted.

The main reason was that Jessica's current wish was-- she wanted a porn DVD?!

And just as Bach Allen cried out in class, trouble came!

At this moment, it was the last class of the morning, physical education class.

The physical education teacher, Garde, was a man with thick muscles. When he was young, he had trained hard in karate for a period of time.

Because of this, he especially liked to train his classmates in karate during physical education classes.

Just now, he was explaining some theoretical knowledge of karate.

Just as he was engrossed in his teaching, Bach Allen suddenly shouted and interrupted his lecture.

The PE teacher, Garde, frowned and looked at the place where the sound came from.

Bach Allen had been hiding behind his classmates and playing with his phone, so the PE teacher didn't notice him immediately.

As the PE teacher looked over, the students moved away, revealing Bach Allen who was hiding behind.

Bach Allen quickly reacted before the PE teacher saw him.

He hid his phone and stood up as if nothing had happened.

"Bach Allen, what's the matter?"

Garde frowned and asked Bach Allen.

"Reporting to teacher, nothing has happened!"

Bach Allen stood where he was and answered seriously.

Meanwhile, Garde looked even more unhappy.

"Nothing? Then, why did you suddenly shout just now?"

"Do you know that you have interrupted my teaching?!"

The PE teacher Garde took a step forward. He was a head taller than Bach Allen. His muscular body gave Bach Allen a sense of oppression.

Bach Allen was a little flustered, but he quickly thought of an answer.

"Reporting, teacher!", Bach Allen shouted loudly. "I just realized the truth of the teacher's lecture and thought it was too wonderful, so I couldn't help but shout!"

After saying that, Bach Allen's eyes looked at his nose, nose looked at his mouth, and he looked very honest.

It was as if what he said was the truth.

"Is it true?"

Garde looked at Bach Allen up and down. There was suspicion in his eyes.

Obviously, he didn't really believe Bach Allen's words.

"Reporting to teacher, it's true!"

Bach Allen answered the teacher's question again. He seemed very confident, as if he had complete confidence.

"Well, since you said that you have some understanding."

The PE teacher sized up Bach Allen again, and then continued:

"Then, go and have a match with Pax!"

"What the f*ck? What?!"

Bach Allen was almost dumbfounded. This PE teacher was really merciless.

He actually wanted him to have a match with Pax?

The other students in the class who were watching also exclaimed at this time, "F*ck! Did I hear it wrong?"

"What did the PE teacher just say? He said that he wanted Bach Allen and Pax to have a real-life match?"

"Is this a joke?!"

"No, you didn't hear wrongly. That's what the PE teacher said!"

"Oh my gad, let us pray for that pitiful fellow Bach Allen!"

When the students in the class heard the PE teacher's words, they immediately began to pray for Bach Allen.

One had to know that Pax was one of the top three karate experts in the class!

He had reached the level of a purple belt!

Moreover, the top three karate experts already included the existence of the PE teacher, Garde!

In other words, Pax was either the number one or number two karate expert in the class.

"Sir, is this really necessary?"

Bach Allen stammered.

He had never learned karate before. Even when Garde taught the theoretical knowledge in class, he rarely listened to it. All he did was play with his phone.

He had said that he had a new understanding of karate. It was all nonsense. He had hoped that he could fool Garde.

However, he had not expected that Garde would actually not let him off!

Garde wanted a rookie like him to fight against the top three karate students in his class, Pax, who had a purple belt in karate.

How was he going to fight? He was simply looking for a beating!

Garde was definitely trying to make him lose face!

I was just shouting in the class, was there a need to target me like that?

Bach Allen was completely speechless.

"Hehe, of course, you don't have to go.", Garde smiled, but it was obvious that he had bad intentions. Under Bach Allen's hopeful expression, he slowly said.