Pax’s Disdain

"If you don't have a match with Pax, I'll punish you for disrupting of class discipline!"

"The consequence will be a disciplinary punishment!"

The PE teacher's voice was cold and there was no expression on his face.

Moreover, the coldness in his tone quickly infected Bach Allen.


Bach Allen couldn't help but swear.

Disciplinary punishment?!

The surrounding students also exclaimed in surprise:

"Did I hear wrong? Disciplinary punishment?!"

"This is too serious!"

"It seems that Bach Allen really made the teacher angry this time."

"If you get disciplinary punishment five times, you will be expelled from the school!"

"If you get one punishment, your mistake will be announced through the school school's broadcast and everyone will criticize you."

"This is going to be fun!"


The students cast all kinds of gazes at Bach Allen.

Some pitied him, some felt sorry for him, some watched the show, and some were waiting to see Bach Allen make a fool of himself.

As for Fatty Peter, he secretly laughed out loud.

He had no choice. It was really rare for him to see Bach Allen make a fool of himself. Usually, Bach Allen was the one who laughed at him.

Now that he finally had a chance, he would definitely laugh at Bach Allen.

He was a bad friend.

"Alright, I accept."

Bach Allen helplessly agreed.

Getting beaten up and losing face in front of his classmates was better than being announced by the entire school. It was better to lose face in front of the entire school's teachers and students.

Moreover, he had never learned karate.

In that case, it was normal that he couldn't beat Pax, the top three karate student in the class.

In this way, it wasn't really much of an embarrassment.

At this moment, a blond, tall, and handsome young man stepped forward.

He was wearing a white karate suit with a purple belt around his waist.

He didn't even glance at Bach Allen. Instead, he said to Garde, "Sir, isn't this a little too troublesome?"

"With Bach Allen's strength, I don't think there's a need to fight with him, right?"

"Doing this is just a waste of my time and a disgrace to him."

The guy said indifferently, not taking Bach Allen seriously at all.

And he was the guy that the students had mentioned earlier, the one ranked in the top three of the karate class -- Pax!

The PE teacher glanced at Pax, a hint of displeasure in his eyes.

Even if Pax was telling the truth that letting him fight Bach Allen was just a waste of time. However, Pax disobeyed his orders in front of the students and questioning his actions. Wasn't this too disrespectful to him?

Bach Allen disrespected me like that, and you, Pax, was still dared to misbehave, where is you respect to your teacher?

But when Garde thought about Pax's family, one of the largest families in Z city, his family was very rich.

Garde did not dare to be too rude to Pixar. He could only suppress the displeasure in his heart and slowly said,

"Pax, this is not right. How can you say that sparring with Bach Allen is a waste of time?"

"You must know that when I was learning karate, I heard an eastern proverb."

"It means that among three people, there will always be a person who can be the teacher."

"So, even if Bach Allen's performance was not always good, I believe that there is definitely something in him that can help you improve."

"Alright, that's it. Pax, go change into your karate suit first, then the two of you can start the match."

The PE teacher said lightly, but his tone was very firm and could not be disobeyed.

Pax frowned. He really did not want to waste his time on such trash.

As an elite, he held a very disdainful attitude towards his classmates.

Except for Rebecca.

Pax turned his head and looked at a beautiful girl with a good figure not far away.

The girl was only seventeen years old, but she already gave off a faint fragrance that was about to mature.

She was like a plump peach that was about to mature.

Rebecca had a beautiful face. She was the class belle and one of the top three school belles in the entire school.

At the same time, her family background was very good. The family behind her was the Vic family, one of the big families in Z city.

Her beautiful appearance and good family background made her the most popular girl in the class. She was the dream goddess of many boys in the class.

At the same time, she was also one of the few people in the class who practiced karate at the highest level.

The three karate masters that the students mentioned before were Garde, Pax, and Rebecca.

Therefore, Pax felt that Rebecca and he were a match made in heaven.

After all, they were both karate masters of the same age and had similar family background.

This was the girl that god had specially arranged for him!

However, for some reason, Rebecca had always been cold to him.

Even when he had invited her to fight him in karate, she had always rejected him.

Therefore, Pax felt that perhaps his performance was not dazzling enough to attract Rebecca's attention.

Pax felt that girls at this age should prefer the kind of powerful and dazzling boys who attracted the attention of thousands of people.

Therefore, he should do things in a high-profile way to attract her attention.

Because of this, Pax had just taken the initiative to stand up and reject Garde's order. Pax wanted to use this method to belittle Bach Allen and raise his status at the same time to attract Rebecca's attention.

Pax wanted to make Rebecca notice how wonderful he was.

"What's wrong? What are you daydreaming about? Hurry up and change your clothes."

Garde's voice rang in Pax's ears, waking him up from his memories.

It was Grade who was urging Pax to change his clothes.

"Reporting to the teacher, I don't have a karate suit.", Bach Allen stood where he was and said helplessly.

Actually, he didn't take Pax's mockery to heart.

After all, Bach Allen had seen many of these people who thought they were very noble and outstanding.

Bach Allen's mind was much more mature than his peers.

What he cared about was the punishment.

"How about this, teacher? I'll wear this outfit to fight Pax."

Bach Allen shrugged and said helplessly.

What he was thinking now was to finish the match as soon as possible and then end the matter.