Reposition the Arms


Pax's screams echoed throughout the entire field.

"My... My hands... Both of my hands are broken!!!"

Pax was extremely terrified. He looked at his shaking arms and kept screaming.

Then, he screamed in both panic and anger, "You... How dare you break my hands? I will not let you go! I want you to die!!!"

The mournful howl almost pierced the ears of everyone on the field.

Bach Allen, on the other hand, chuckled. Without saying anything, he walked towards the locker room.

When Pax saw Bach Allen actually turned around and left without saying anything after breaking his arms, immediately, he let out another wave of curses, "You, don't go!!!"

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!!!"

"You despicable and shameless person. You actually hid the fact that you know karate! F*ck!"


Bach Allen stopped walking and said without turning his head, "Your hands are only dislocated at the moment. If you continue to scream and move, I don't guarantee that your arm will not really break."

After hearing Bach Allen's words, Pax finally shut his mouth.

He looked at Bach Allen and his eyes filled with unwillingness, fear, and anger.

But he didn't dare to say another word.

Bach Allen didn't respond and walked into the locker room.

Under Pax's desperate gaze, Bach Allen's figure still disappeared from his sight.

Beside his ears came the discussions of his classmates, "I really didn't expect that Bach Allen would actually defeat Pax!"

"Sigh, what level is Bach Allen's karate?"

"I've also practiced karate before. I actually didn't notice that Bach Allen knew karate at all."

"Haha, Pax has lost a lot of face this time!"

"Shhh... Keep your voice down. Don't let Pax hear you. He must be in a bad mood right now."

"What are you afraid of? He has already lost, yet he still won't let others say it?"

Although this student said so, his voice was still a little softer.

One could see that Pax's status in the class was still very high, but it was already showing signs of loosening.

And when the students' discussions fell into Pax's ears, his heart felt even more uncomfortable.

Since when did these commoners dare to talk about him?

Were they worthy?

But when he saw the sorry state he was in where his two arms shook uncontrollably, Pax fell silent again.

On his face, there was humiliation, anger, unwillingness, and regret.

Yes, he began to regret that he was against Bach Allen.

If he had not taken the initiative to target and ridicule Bach Allen, he would not have ended up like this.

That was true. The source of all the problems was still on Bach Allen!

It was all Bach Allen's fault!

If Bach Allen did not know karate and was defeated by him...

If Bach Allen directly admitted defeat and did not oppose him...

If Bach Allen's karate skills weren't that high, he would be defeated easily...


If that was the case, would he have lost so much face today?

It was all Bach Allen's fault!

That was right. It was all Bach Allen's fault!

Pax's anger toward Bach Allen burned again in his heart.

After this matter was over, he would definitely take revenge on Bach Allen!


Looking at the humiliated and unwilling expression of Pax on the field, Garde, the PE teacher, could not help but sighed.

He could naturally see that Pax's hands were only dislocated.

He would only need to go to the hospital for medical treatment and it would be cured very quickly.

However, Bach Allen just had to say that if Pax dared to scold him again, he would not treat Pax's arms and it might cause Pax's arms to really be broken.

Bach Allen was just trying to scare Pax.

Not to mention anything else, just talking about himself.

If Garde, the PE teacher, wanted to go up and heal Pax himself, he could easily reattach Pax's arms.

However, Pax's arrogant character really needed a little bit of pain to polish.

Therefore, the PE teacher, Mr Garde, just put his hands behind his back and did not show any action.

At this moment, when Rebecca saw how down-and-out Pax was, she just stood there expressionlessly. No one knew what was going through her mind.

"If I go and help Pax up now, I will definitely gain a lot of favor from Pax and I will be able to make better use of him in the future."

"However, if I do this, it will be seen by the entire class and they might think that I am a b*tch because I just helped Bach Allen. I'm half responsible for this duel. And if I go over to help Pax now, I'll look too much of a b*tch."

"Moreover, if I do that, I'll lose Bach Allen's good impression of me, so the best thing to do now is to stand still."

Thinking of this, Rebecca just stood there and did nothing.

Finally, Bach Allen's footsteps sounded. He had already changed his clothes.

The karate suit of Rebecca had already been taken off and held in his hand.

Bach Allen had already put back his black hoodie.

Bach Allen walked to the front of Pax and smiled.

In Pax's eyes, this smile was undoubtedly Bach Allen was mocking him.

And that was indeed the case.

However, Pax did not dare to be presumptuous at this time because the safety of his arms was up to Bach Allen.

If he dared to curse again, his arms might be disabled for the rest of his life.

This was something that he could not accept no matter what.

Bach Allen saw that Pax really held back and did not say a word. He just gritted his teeth and looked at the ground.

He couldn't help but felt a little bored.

Of course. After all, who would dare to be really carefree in the face of a crippled arm?

Bach Allen didn't tease the poor child anymore. His just put his hands on his shoulders.



The sound of two bones rubbing against each other could be heard. Pax's bones had already been reset.

Pax tried to move his arms. He found that although they were still a little sore and weak, there was no longer any big problem. He believed that they would recover after a period of time.

Pax's face revealed a trace of joy as his arms were finally fine.

However, it quickly turned into resentment. He looked at Bach Allen's back with a malicious gaze.

Bach Allen, meanwhile, was having a good time talking to Rebecca.