Phone Number

"Thank you for your suit, Rebecca."

Bach Allen smiled and handed the suit to Rebecca as he thanked her.

"It's nothing, it's just a small matter."

Rebecca revealed a smile that made the hearts of the boys in the class jump as she took her suit.

"Fortunately, I didn't sweat. Otherwise, I would be ashamed to return the suit to you."

Bach Allen shrugged and made a joke.


Rebecca covered her mouth and let out a chuckle.

Pax, who had been feeling very unhappy, was now filled with anger when he saw the two of them chatting.

Bach Allen was obviously teasing and mocking him!

What did he mean by "Fortunately, I didn't sweat"? Didn't he mean that he didn't even sweat when he fought with him.

Didn't that mean I'm useless?

D*mn it, this d*mn Bach Allen!

Sure enough, Pax understood what he meant and the other students who were watching also understood.

They began to whisper again, "Wow, Bach Allen actually said that. He really didn't give Pax any face at all!"

"What face? Pax was the one who took the initiative to target Bach Allen. Bach Allen was completely forced to fight back!"

"That's true. From what I saw, Bach Allen's previous intention was clearly to finish fighting faster. He would hold back and admit defeat so that Pax could win. In the end, Pax mocked him again and again. Then, Bach Allen couldn't hold it in anymore and directly used his real skills."

"Haha, but Bach Allen is also weird. He's so good at fighting, why hasn't he disclosed all this time?"

"Sigh, maybe Bach Allen likes to keep a low profile."

"Yeah, that should be the case. But Bach Allen's personality was really good. He was so good at karate, but he didn't show it at all. Unlike some people who wished that all the teachers and students in the school would know just because they knew a little bit. Now, they were at a great disadvantage..."


As he listened to the discussions of his classmates, Pax clenched his fists so tightly that he almost couldn't help but went up and punched those gossipers and Bach Allen again.

However, he still held it in in the end.

Because he knew that if he vented his anger on his classmates, his prestige in the class or even in the school would be reduced again.

As for Bach Allen? Forget it.

There was a huge gap between him and Bach Allen, an insurmountable gap.

His full-strength punch landed on Bach Allen's most vulnerable stomach, but he was completely fine. He even said that it was no different from being bitten by a mosquito.

Although he was angry and desperate, Pax realized that what Bach Allen said was very likely true.

Therefore, he definitely couldn't beat Bach Allen.

If he went up and challenged Bach Allen again, he would only embarrass himself.

After taking the karate suit, Rebecca hesitated for a moment and said, "Bach Allen, your karate skills are really good. When did you train it? I actually didn't notice it at all."

After Bach Allen heard Rebecca's words, he laughed lightly and gave a casual reply, "Haha, I've liked karate since I was young. I often practice it secretly by myself."

"Then, slowly, I got to where I am today."

"As for you not noticing it, that's normal. After all, I like to keep a low profile. I don't like to show off."

Pax, who was standing at the side, immediately felt as if he had been shot by an arrow after hearing Bach Allen's words.

You said that you enjoyed keeping a low profile and didn't like to show off.

Then who was the person who liked to show off?

Weren't you still talking about me?

This d*mned Bach Allen had actually been mocking me this entire time!

After hearing Bach Allen's words, Rebecca also let out a soft laugh.

With her intelligence, she naturally knew that Bach Allen was mocking Pax again.

However, she pretended not to hear it and did not look at Pax.

Instead, she said directly, "Wow, Bach Allen, your karate skills are self-taught? This is really amazing!"

"I also like karate very much. Do you have time recently? Can you teach me?"

After saying that, Rebecca looked at Bach Allen's face with a pair of big eyes full of anticipation.

As expected, under Rebecca's big and watery eyes, Bach Allen thought for a moment and realized that he really didn't have much to do recently.

At most, he would just play mobile games.

However, how could playing mobile games be as fun as playing with the class belle and the three school belles in the school?

Moreover, this was teaching karate.

It was inevitable that there would be physical contact.

Then, he might be able to take the opportunity...

Thinking of this, a smile immediately appeared on Bach Allen.

"Okay, no problem at all."

Bach Allen directly made an "Okay" gesture and said to Rebecca with a smile.

At the same time, he looked at Pax from the corner of his eye.

As expected, after hearing their conversation and interaction, Pax's already terrible expression became even worse.

His eyes flashed with anger, his hands clenched into fists and his body trembled.

The girl he liked... The girl he had wooed for so long actually invited the opponent who had defeated him in front of him.

She invited him to teach her karate?!

Since he was teaching karate, there would definitely be physical contact and collisions, for example, touching hands, touching feet, and so on.

These were definitely not few.

There were even more in-depth movements!

D*mn it!

He had clearly taken the initiative to invite Rebecca to spar with him in karate before but she had rejected all of them.

But now, she had actually invited Bach Allen to teach her karate?

Was it because I, Pax, wasn't worthy?

Well, maybe I wasn't worthy.

Pax recalled how he had been knocked down by Bach Allen, and a hint of shame appeared on his face.

But soon, it turned into anger.

No matter what I did, Bach Allen, this fellow shouldn't have snatched away Rebecca!

Rebecca is only worthy of my possession!

And just as Pax was getting angry, Rebecca's voice sounded, "Bach Allen, what's your phone number? I'll call you this afternoon."

What? Rebecca actually took the initiative to ask Bach Allen for his phone number?!

Pax looked over in shock.

Yet, he just happened to see Bach Allen smiling as he took Rebecca's pink phone and keyed in his phone number.