
Chapter 5

Knowing that I was reincarnated in VANHA, the forst thing I try was to test out a function.

Internally, I call out a familiar command.


After a few breaths' time, a small and transparent blue hologram appears in front of me.

[ System activating ]

[ Booting up ]

[ Please be patient ]

[ □ □ □ □ ]

[ ■ □ □ □ ]

[ ■ ■ □ □ ]

[ ■ ■ ■ □ ]

[ ■ ■ ■ ■ ]

[ Scanning Host ]

[ □ □ □ □ ]

[ ■ □ □ □ ]

[ ■ ■ □ □ ]

[ ■ ■ ■ □ ]

[ ■ ■ ■ ■ ]

[ Data has been collected, compiled, and configured ]

[ Welcome to the hive ]

The hive.

Also referred to as the system.

My father was the one who created the main source code's structure and base for the system, and I was the one who maintained and utilized the technology, along with some upgrades here and there.

The systems' structure was similar to a pyramid.

Queen was the main AI, she made sure there were no loopholes and commanded the main system.

The AI's Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Zeta were directly under her and commanded the rest of the minor AI.

Minor AI were numbered 000 to 999.

'System, connect to Queen'

When logging in to VANHA, the first thing one would do is connect to Queen. Connecting to Queen lets her collect data from the host through the system and thus access to Skynet.

[ Connecting to Queen ]

[ Please be patient while the system is attempting to contact Queen ]

[ Link has been established ]

[ Host is now connected to Queen ]

[ Welcome to the hive ]

[ Alert : Queen AI's consciousness is requesting to connect a system gate ]

[ >Accept/Decline< ]

A series of alerts pop up, as I was dismissing the unholy amount of system notifications, a few short dings played out as another system screen popped out, overshadowing the rest of the notifications.

It was the generic ringtone, one that one would wake up to every morning.

Mentally pressing the [ >Accept< ], a much larger hologram appears, overlaying the other system notifications.

{ Master! }

A small child goes out through the window before it gets dismissed.


I could feel my ears perking up, my tail was also swaying a bit.

The system is connected with a part of my soul. So naturally, as the main overseer of the system that had authority right under me, I could coverse with Queen without needing to say anything.

Queen is an androgynous child, she has a light creamy short bob cut with a curly ahoge peeking on her head.

Her eyes are honeyed brown, are large with long butterfly lashes.

Right under her eyes were a few light colored freckles, making her look even cuter.

Gold rimmed glasses rested on the bridge of her small nose, giving her a cute secretary vibe.

She's a bit smaller than me, and is wearing an oversized black stripped yellow hoodie with some short jeans.

Queen was excitedly jumping about, fluttering her were thin bee wings behind her back, which were slightly larger than her.

As Queen examined me closer, I'm reminded of my small kit-like self, not what I had originally looked like.

I used to have long straight black hair with a few silver strands and golden eyes. Seeing as I was now like, 'this' must be a shocker to her.

'Ah, Queen, what's today's date?'

I ask her, and although Queen seemed a bit childish, she would exude a professional aura around her if anything serious comes up.

She looked at me with a suspicious look, answering a bit hesitantly.

{ ...It's the 12th day of the last month. }

'And the year?'

I wanted to confirm that I really have time-traveled.

When I died, it was already 3110. VANHA was released when I was 13 in 3107.

{ 3106 }

It was 12/12/3106.

A month before the first closed beta, and a year before the official launch.

'...Thank you.'

After pausing for a sec, I continue to explain my current situation to Queen.

'I am still the same Val that you know, just of a different future.'

Just by me existing, I've already changed what will happen in the future, so it would be fit to say I came from a parallel timeline.

'...I had died and woke up here.'

Looking at Queen straight in the eye, I observe her reaction.

Queen was my first AI that gained a stable consciousness and awareness.

I treasured her deeply like a mother to her child.

She looked at me wide-eyed.

{ So you're still master? }

Her soft and milky voice melts my heart ah.


After confirming, Queen speedily flies towards me and hugs my neck.

Normally, if it were anyone else who tried to do so, I would have killed them no questions asked.

After all, doing so would be akin to an animal exposing its soft underbelly to a starving predator.

Washing one's own neck for the slaughter.

But to Queen, I trusted that they wouldn't do so.

Feeling a little wet spot on the side of my neck, I can feel that Queen had shed a few of her tears.

Queen was a prankster, and although a little childish and dramatic rarely cried.

'Ah! Queen, what's wrong?'

Her tears flowed like tap water, she looked so cute I wa-

No! nows not the time!

{ Outside, master suddenly collapsed! Baby was so scared!! When baby was notified that Master's soul signature was detected here baby came immediately! }

She said in between some hiccups.

Hearing what Queen said, I think it was because I had come here. After all, two of me would just be confusing.

'Don't worry, I believe it was because I came here. I don't think I'm dead yet.'

I attempt to coax the small child, who was trying to control her sobs. She lets go of my neck and nods fervently.

{ Yes! Baby understands! }

'Good. Can Baby show me my status now?'

Queen swipes her hand to the side and a lengthy hologram appears.

[ Host Status ]

[ Name : N/A ]

[ Title equiped : N/A ]

[ Titles : Child of ???, Linguist, System Administrator, Traveler, Devil's Valkyrie, Heartless Killer, World Hopper, Reincarnator, Primordial ]

[ Age : 0/2/0 ]

[ True Age : 0/2/16 ]

[ Gender : Female ]

[ Species : ??? ]

[ Race : ??? ]

[ Class : N/A ]

[ Affiliation : N/A ]

[ Level : 1 ]

[ HP : 100% ]

[ MP : 100% ]

[ EXP : 20% ]

[ Skills ]

[ Innate : Flight, Night Vision, Perfect memory, Beast Tongue, True sight ]

[ Passive : Regeneration-Minor, Conceal-Intermediate, Adaptation-Minor, Translator-EX, Bloodlust-Major ]

[ Active : Emotional Detachment-Major, Devour-Minor, Mana manipulation-Major ]

[ Affinities ]

[ Darkness-100% ]

[ Space-97% ]

[ Star-71% ]

[ Fire-25% ]

[ Light-23% ]

[ Time-15% ]

[ Chaos-9% ]

[ Order-5% ]

[ Void-3% ]

[ >collapse/expand< ]

Observing the status screen that was layed out before me, I wasn't too surprised to see my stats. Although my affinities were a bit much, I'm guessing the [ Darkness ], [ Star ], [ Chaos ], and [ Void ] affinities were innate to my race.

My past life avatar in VANHA was a mage, a [ Space-Time Archmage ] so my [ Space ] and [ Time ] affinity also crossed over with me?

I mentally press the [ >Collapse< ] at the bottom as the long status screen shrunk considerably, only showing the crucial items.

[ Host Status ]

[ Name : N/A ]

[ Title equiped : N/A ]

[ Affiliation : N/A ]

[ Level : 1 ]

[ HP : 100% ]

[ MP : 100% ]

[ EXP : 20% ]

[ >collapse/expand< ]

Satisfied with my current status, I dismiss the status page as I continue walking towards the center of the forest.

Now that I know that I reincarnated in VANHA, my new priority is to level up.

I was familiar with the players, and if my existence were to be known by them, it was likely that they would probably try to tame or capture me.

If not, then kill me for various reasons.

{ Master! There's a whole family of horned rabbits on your left! }

Queen, who had been floating close by me, pointed to the left, informing me of my lunch for the day.

Tasting the air, there should be a fairly large family of horned rabbits.

Silently, I crouch down and slowly sneak over.

'It's time to hunt.'