
Chapter 6

Somewhere deep inside a dark forest, there was a small cavern inside a small hill of rocks piled on top of each other.

Moonlight shone through the cracks between the large rocks.

And if one looked closely in the rays of soft silver light, one could see a pair of amber-red eyes and the shadow of a small feline with white-tipped tail and wings.

A month has passed by since it first awoke, and the small palm-sized kitten has now grown into the size of a normal house cat.

Hunting down the animals of the forest, from horned rabbits to small wild boars, deers, as well as a starving lone wolf.

Now, in her temporary den, the hunter is ready to begin her legend, one step at a time.


[ Host Status ]

[ Name : N/A ]

[ Title equipped : N/A ]

[ Titles : Child of ???, System Administrator, Traveler, Linguist, Devil's Valkyrie, Heartless Killer, World Hopper, Reincarnator, Primordial, Big Bully(!!!) ]

[ Age : 1/0/0 ]

[ True Age : 1/0/16 ]

[ Species : ??? ]

[ Race : ??? ]

[ Class : N/A ]

[ Affiliation : N/A ]

[ Level : 1→32 ]

[ HP : 100% ]

[ MP : 100% ]

[ EXP : 14.2% ]

[ Skills ]

[ Innate : Flight, Night Vision, Perfect memory, Beast Tongue, True sight ]

[ Passive : Regeneration-Intermediate(!!!), Conceal-Major(!!!), Adaptation-Minor, Translator-EX, Bloodlust-Major ]

[ Active : Emotional Detachment-Major, Devour-Minor, Mana manipulation-Major, Mana Infusion-Minor(!!!), Physical Enhancement-Minor(!!!) ]

[ Affinities ]

[ Darkness-100% ]

[ Space-92% ]

[ Star-71% ]

[ Fire-25% ]

[ Light-23% ]

[ Time-15% ]

[ Chaos-9% ]

[ Order-5% ]

[ Void-3% ]

[ >collapse/expand< ]

It's been exactly one month since I've woken in VANHA.

Killing most of the animals in my immediate vicinity, the amount of EXP is nearly negligible now.

And recently, my growth has stagnated, so I've decided to go out of the forest.

I also wish to see the world created with my own eyes, maybe I am indifferent to a lot of things, but I have emotions as well.

Now before I leave, I examine my titles.

Titles can be achieved by either gaining a reputation or by performing a feat that is unique enough and is recognized by the system.

By equipping a title, the ID which can be seen by players, that is shown above my head would be something like [ N/A, ( Insert title name ) ] or [ ( Insert title name ), N/A ] depending on the title.

Titles when equipped can also get special effects, like an increase in stats or has the host emit a passive aura.

The titles I currently have are [ Traveler ], [ Linguist ], [ Primordial ], [ Devil's Valkyrie ], [ Heartless Killer ], [ World Hopper ], [ Reincarnator ], [ System Administrator ], [ Daughter of ??? ], and [ Big Bully ] which I had recently gained durring my hunt.

[ Traveler ]

[ Description : Someone who has traveled from one end of the world to the other. Usually an impossible feat for someone in a continuously growing world. ]

[ When equipped : AGI is enhanced by 1%. When traveling long distances, unexpected inconveniences are less likely to happen. ]

[ Linguist ]

[ Description : Someone who has learned at least 2 or more languages, can speak, read, and write fluently. ]

[ When equipped : Learning capacity and speed increases by 10%, and for every other language learned another 1% increase. Doing anything related to languages will be significantly easier. ]

[ Primordial ]

[ Description : The first one of its kind, usually impossible to 'obtain' under normal circumstances. ]

[ When equipped : 10% increase in overall combat power. Others of the same kind will instinctively revere and respect you. ]

[ Devil's Valkyrie ]

[ Description : On Earth, you have amassed a worldwide reputation of a ruthless devil. Though your peerless beauty doesn't stop you from gaining fans and followers. ]

[ When equipped : 7% increase in agility, people are more likely to follow or fear you. You will also radiate a strong aura of slaughter aura and ruthlessness. Those who look at you will undergo a test of will, those who fail will feel pressure when interacting with you. ]

[ Heartless Killer ]

[ Description : You have killed more than 100 people in cold blood. Feeling no sympathy, even to the innocent. Your reputation is feared across the Earth. ]

[ When equipped : 2% increase in strength. Gruesome sights will not shake your heart. ]

[ World Hopper ]

[ Description : Someone whose seen the bigger picture, and has traveled in between worlds. One can truly be said to be free by then. ]

[ When equipped : 5% increase in learning and mana capacity. Spacial manipulation is slightly easier. ]

[ Reincarnator ]

[ Description : Someone who has been reborn, complete with their memories and their originals character. One has escaped the wheel of fate, and cannot be tracked by the fate system, which includes prophecy and divination means. Every reincarnator can either be utter trash or the best genius out there. ]

[ When equipped : 50% increased luck, exudes an otherworldly aura. Chances of getting into 'cliche' scenarios increase drastically. ]

[ System Administrator ]

[ Description : The Administrator of the system. Can edit the source code and has absolute power over the system. But with great power comes great responsibility, Admin will need to protect the system of bugs and viruses. Passable to those who are deemed qualified by the system and the Admin. Others with systems of their own will feel a certain suppression when nearby. ]

[ When equipped : 10% increase in overall combat power, 100% increase in computing power. ]

[ Child of ??? ]

[ Description : ...child of ??? ]

[ When equipped : 15% increase overall combat power. Though if enemies of ??? find you, they will try and hunt you down to kill you. Lower lifeforms feel suppressed when near you, weaker lifeforms may feel the need to worship you and fear you. ]

[ Big Bully ]

[ Description : Someone who has killed beings of 10+ levels under their own. ]

[ When equipped : Those who are 10+ levels below you will fear you, those who are weaker will stay away from you. An overbearing aura is released around you. ]

Examining the descriptions and effects of the titles that I have already obtained from my past life, I mentally berate myself for not equipping any titles earlier.

Queen had to go and manage the system, so she wasn't able to advise me at the time.

Though looking at the [ Daughter of ??? ] title's description, I was a little confused. Was it referring to my past life parents or my current ones?

What was so special about their identity that even the system had to give me a title with '???' in it?

Ignoring my confusion, I take a look at the other titles before mentally filtering out the ones that I couldn't equip right now.

The titles [ World Hopper ], [ Primordial ], [ Devil's Valkyrie ], [ Heartless Killer ], [ Reincarnator ], and [ Child of ??? ] arent to be equipped as of now, because players could see equipped titles, and unless one had a skill or an item that could disguise or hide one's status, which I currently did not have.

I didn't want anyone knowing that I had traveled in between worlds, or was the infamous Devil's Valkyrie either. Exposing that I had reincarnated was plain stupid, and its equipped effects are also a double-edged sword.

[ System Administrator ]'s effects were amazing but by equipping that title I would attract a stupid amount of trouble.

That was the same with the title [ Child of ??? ], it seemed pretty good but I didn't want any unknown enemies chasing me down when I am still weak.

All the options I am willing to equip now are [ Traveler ], [ Linguist ], [ Heartless Killer ], and finally [ Big Bully ].

[ Big Bully ] was something I definitely wouldn't equip as it just emitted an overbearing aura. I wanted to stay low-key until I could protect myself.

While [ Heartless Killer ] gave me a 2% strength increase, it was a far cry from the effects of [ Traveler ] and [ Linguist ].

As I had learned many languages, mainly due to the organization and my own personal curiosity, as well as VANHA's many intricate languages. My native language was Mandarin Chinese, as my father was Chinese, and my mother was British so I was also taught to speak English at a young age.

I was taught Latin and Greek, for some reason, and I'm pretty sure my father's unique code was considered a language as well.

The languages I learned in VANHA were Arrunta, Kiralyi, Atlagos, Allos Kosmos, Vayri, and Sanco.

Arrunta was the universal common language. While Kiralyi was the Draconic Royal language, which I had learned due to my Amphithere's origins.

Atlagos was the human language, which I had learned for obvious reasons and Allos Kosmos is the Elven language, also known as the Spirit language.

The Elven kind was very close to spirits, and their language could contact spirits and communicate with them.

Beastial language was just a bunch of growls, and body language combined, mainly for beasts. But I had learned it because I had thought it was fun. The Vayri language required me to alter my vocal cords ah, so painful.

Still regret that.

Sanco was the ancient language. Barely anyone will use it to converse anymore but it's crucial for mages and anyone involved in ancient ruin's type of work.

So in total, the [ Linguist ] title would give me a 19% increase in learning comprehension. Which would be useful I guess?

[ Traveler ] would just increase agility by 1% but it's the most useful out of all of them, for now.

That was mainly because I would be traveling without a destination, I wouldn't want anything going too out of control. But there should be a village nearby, after all, there were those two girls at the border.

Equipping the [ Traveler ] title, I feel myself slightly lighter than before, like taking off some non-existent weights.

I get up and out of my den, traveling at night was safer in my opinion. I could fly and not get caught by other ariel predators.

Ariel battles weren't my strong suit, especially ones in a body like mine so I have to be careful when flying.

Spreading my wings up, they've grown out their baby fluff and grew feathers that were stronger, more steady.

I fly atop the trees, into the blanket of the night.

Clusters of stars blink as they rotate above me, welcoming the return of their beloved.