The Slugger's Past

It was a dark cool night in Italy, a young woman who looks like she's in her twenties was sitting alone at a table in the busy cafe while two men were looking at her, a white-haired man who had a resemblance to the woman in looks started talking to the man next to him.

"So, bro my sister is waiting for us, should I grab the drinks?" The white-haired man asked the black-haired man next to him.

"Sure, I'll go have a talk with your sister." The black-haired man answered while walking with a smug smile on his face.

"Hello there, beautiful, how can I be of service?" The black-haired man said trying his best to look seductive, but failing at the same time.The woman let out a sigh of frustration and opened her mouth.

"Giovanni, please take this seriously, our fathers and, your grandfather need this job to go successfully." The young woman told the annoying man soon letting the man sit.

"Where is my brother?" The woman asked Giovanni in an almost angry tone.

"He's grabbing some drinks for us so there is nothing to worry about, beautiful." Giovanni really started to work on the woman's nerves.

"My name is Sarah, please for the love of God stop with this obnoxious flirting." Sarah told Giovanni angrily.

"Fine, you're no fun at all, Sarah." The man said in a bothered voice, after a few minutes of complete silence the white-haired walked up the table the two were sitting and noticed the tension.

"Now, now, there is no need for this tension." Sarah sighs.

"Bacchus, tell Giovanni here that I don't like his constant flirting, ever since we were fifteen, he started flirting with me, it's been eight years."

"And tell your sister over there that i'm just lightening the mood with her constant, work work work!" The two looked angrily at one another, if looks could kill, the entire cafe would be empty.

"Sarah, You do need to lighten up sometimes honestly but, Giovanni is quite obnoxious i'll give ya that" Bacchus answered before sitting down and taking a flask pouring some of it's content into his half-empty cup of coffee.

"Bacchus no!" Sarah slapped Bacchus' flask out of her brother's hand.

"Ow! Why did you do that?!" Bacchus' said annoyed.

"Because you've had enough alcohol for today, you're gonna kill yourself like that."

"Listen it was only a small bit of whiskey that i was putting into my coffee." Bacchus countered before drinking his now full cup of coffee.

Sarah gave a annoyed sigh and started discussing their plan.

"Listen, both our families are on the line if all else fails we have to go to the States, my dad has ties to the Ryuji Clan but i'm not sure if they'll accept us that quick."

"What exactly is the Ryuji Clan? You told me that it's pretty much a Western Yakuza where woman and people of other races are allowed to join." Giovanni questioned still being none the wiser.

"If you're a high enough rank you can get a outline of a tattoo and when you're an Officer, which is the leader of their own first tier family, or their Captain which is their right hand man and leader of their second tier family, and the last three are the lieutenants who are also allowed to get full tattoos with colors but either actual "families" or have association or a business."

"Huh, sounds like a good place." Giovanni said smiling.

"Oh it sure is! Dad used to tell me stories about the Ryuji Clan when me and Sarah were little, God i hope i'll go to the States one day." Bacchus said excitedly.

After the three's chit chat they started to pay their coffee and then left to a ware house.

At the warehouse.

"Sup dad, How is the family going?" Bacchus said in a calm voice to his father.

The drunkards father let out a disappointed sigh.

"Zane, please! Act normal for once!" Bacchus' father said in a angry voice calling his son by his real name.

All Bacchus did was chuckle.

"Well, dad you need your lead enforcer and his buddy to protect you right?" Bacchus said before seeing Giovanni walk in with a black metal baseball bat resting on his shoulder.

"Me and Sarah are ready! She is on her way." As Giovanni informed the father and son he Italian man was waiting for Sarah to come.

After a few hours the meeting was about to start, but Sarah, Giovanni, Bacchus, and his father were surrounded.

"No! We had a deal!" Sarah yelled out in anger.

"Listen here girlie, someone like you has no authority like we men have" The Patriarch of their rival family said mockingly while chuckling.

"Did you really think i would agree on something this stupid by a woman?" Sarah got very angry and almost started crying.

"But i feel bad for Giovanni the most, he loves a weak, useless girl like you." The Patriarch said.

Giovanni got pissed and wanted to walk up to the Patriarch but Sarah kicked him in the balls.

"Dare talk about someone i hold very dear and love like this again and this will *not* be the last time I'll have you by the balls."  Giovanni smiled and swung his bat against the head of the one men the surrounded them.

The man flew into wooden boxes before Bacchus and his father took the same boxing pose.

"Let's go shall we!" Bacchus yelled at the top of his lungs excited.

After an hour of fighting the four won but were in big trouble.

"Godfather Accardi will not like this." Bacchus said in a very worried voice.

"Let's go, we'll explain everything to him." Bacchus' father said pulling him to follow him.

Sarah and Giovanni were alone.

Sarah pulled on Giovanni's sleeve as she looked down.

"So... Someone you you hold very dear and love? Anything you gotta tell me?" Giovanni smirked but to his surprise she hugged him tears running down her face.

"I'm not useless am i?" Sarah said in a sad tone.

"You're not, you saved my life a few times, if it weren't for you i would be dead which you have a talent for, saving people." As insecure as Sarah was she always had her comfort Italian to cheer her up.

"What do you think of eating something sometime?" Sarah asked.

"Hell yeah!" Giovanni was overjoyed to hear she finally gave him a chance.

"Now let's go you flirt or else the cops will catch us."

"Sounds good!" the two smiled as they walked off.

"You could be a great Matriarch of your own family, if you start a family." Sarah laughed as she responds.

"And you could be my captain."


13 years later in the United States.

"And that is how i met Giovanni, and after that  we had to run to the States to start a new life." Sarah said in a proud and happy tone telling the eight children.


10 years later it was someone's birthday, as his friends celebrated with cake and drinks the bartender looked happy at the young adults being happy.

"Happy 18th birthday, my friend!" A man who seemed to be the leader of their group said in a big, happy smile.


To be continued.