The Hero's Story

In a small, well-lit bar seven people were celebrating the birthday of the eight-person of their group while the bartender, a brown-haired Asian woman.

The woman was looking at the eight young adults with a bright expression on her face.

"Yo bro!" One of the eight people said.

The man yelling is a dark haired tall, lean man who is quick with his hands who was mixing drinks.

"Look at how good i am, Damon!" The man said mixing different types of drinks for the different types of people around.

"Damon, what drink do you want? 'Cause the boss deserves to first drink!" Damon Accardi, the leader, a very tall very well build black-haired man wearing a white with black suit, who is twenty and at the prime of his happiness.

"You know i like my whiskey, so better give me a big glass." Damon answered his oath brother in his deep calm voice.

"And now our Destroyer, Richardson!" Damon's oath brother exclaimed to the short but very bulky man.

"Ya know i want rum." The mixer laughed as he poured a glass of rum for Richardson.

As all eight people were getting their drinks they were all laughing, drinking, and eating their hearts out.

A few hours later Damon and his oath brother were walking around the city, they were talking until a little girl with ice cream bummed into Damon's leg.

"My ice cream..." The girl said looking down at her now fallen while tears were forming in her eyes.

"Oh no!" A older man yelled running to the two yakuza looking men holding the girl.

"P-Please sirs! I-I beg you, don't hurt my daughter!" The father pleaded to Damon and his oath brother.

Damon knelled to the girl, the girl looked frightened feeling her father hold her tightly.

"Two scoops..." Damon said before giving the girl a warm smile.

"Here, with this much you can buy four scoops!" Damon said excitedly.

After Damon gave the money he stood straight again moving his head signaling his oath brother to follow him.

After that, the two friends were walking into a alleyway soon seeing a big bald man smiling evilly at the two.

"Damon, Judas!" The bald man said in his deep, burly voice.

"Officer Sloane, It's a pleasure to meet you today." Judas said respectfully bowing for a second.

"Officer." Damon said in a annoyed voice.

"Don' be like that Damon! Yer never gonna be a Officer if you keep disrespecting your elders." Patriarch Sloane said chuckling.

"But, i gots to go, be sure to give my regards to Patriarch Accardi..." Patriarch Sloane walked past the two but before he fully passed Damon, he smiled again and opened his mouth.

"And give your kindest regards to your smoking mom, Captain Accardi." Damon frowned at the Officer's comment.

"Sure, Officer" Damon said harsh before walking off with Judas.

A few hours later at the Ryuji Clan Headquarters, during an Officers Meeting.

The Fifth Chairman walked past the row of sitting Officers before sitting in his chair.

"Officer Mazoku, did the hit go well?" Officer Shintaro Mazoku President of the Ryuji Clan's Black Ops organisation, The Consortium.

"It did, sir, we had some problems but the witnesses are silenced, but we do have a big problem that Officer Accardi will talk about." Officer Mazoku said in his serious voice.

Officer Giovanni Accardi, Patriarch of the Accardi Family was sitting like he was bored before Officer Mazoku stopped talking.

"As we can see the money the Government has has been moved as well as many different mafia organisation like the Chinese Li jun Triad with their leader Wang Xiu Ying." Officer Accardi said pulling down a screen to give the other 24 mainline Officers a visual explanation.

There were pictures of Government officials working on destroying the Ryuji Clan as well as the Li Jun Triad killing fourth tier families or making them join their side.

After a three hours, the Officers were finally fee and left with three of them staying behind.

Two of them, Officer Mazoku and Officer Accardi were speaking to each other.

"So, Shintaro how are those two kids?" Giovanni asked Shintaro before yawning.

"Ah! Angelica and Akuma, i think they'll be great members of The Consortium in two years when they hit eighteen."

"Maybe they can meet my kids soon." While Giovanni is talking a woman wearing a suit that shows her stomach and cleavage.

"Yooooo, What's going on?" The female Officer said wrapping her arms around the two men.

"We were talking about our kids, Sam." Sam's face brightened.

"Can i see that Inugami kid again!!! Akuma us such a cute little child." Sam jumped while her arms were still around the men.

"Sam, please! Akuma isn't gonna follow in your footsteps of being a deranged Night Life owner." Sam puts at Shintaro's reply.

"You're no fun, fine i'll wait until he's 18 and i'll recruit him" Giovanni laughed at the two's conversation.

To be continued