The Other Side

"It was late in the day in the Ryuji Clan Headquarter, Giovanni and he Fifth Chairman were talking.

"I don't know, what Damon and your daughter do when they run at night is a mystery to me." Giovanni said chuckling.

"Your son is just like you Giovanni, Captain Accardi has told me about you being a flirt when you two were younger." Ser Aurora, Fifth Chairman of the Ryuji Clan while as well being the Patriarch of Aurora Family and being the son of the late Fourth Chairman.

Giovanni just started laughing loudly to Ser's comment

"Like father like son as they say!" The Fifth Chairman did get a bit worried about what the two love birds were doing.

"I hope they're not getting into trouble, them and Judas can get into some major trouble." Giovanni agreed with Ser but still trusts the kids.

"We should trust them Fifth Chairman, we weren't so much different from them." Ser laughed with a bright smile.

As the Ser and Giovanni were talking Bachuss came to puck Giovanni up.

"Sup, What did I miss?" Bachus said taking a sip of the drink he had in his hand.

"Not much Luitenant, I and Giovanni were talking about Damon and my daughter." Ser answered the Luitenent Enforcer of the Accardi Family.

"Ah yes! The two were found, they were scamming a few guys." Bachus said in a half tipsy voice

"Why am I not surprised?" Ser said before letting out an annoyed sigh.

Meanwhile with Judas, Damon, and Reina in the Accardi house.

"No, I love you more!" Damon countered Reina.

"And what if I told you that I love you so much I wanna marry you?" Reina said in retaliation.

Reina Aurora, a black-haired 19-year-old woman as well as the girlfriend of Damon.

"Well, then I would marry you!" The two kept being lovey-dovey while Judas felt a bit off.

"Hey bro! You OK?" Judas snapped back to reality because of Damon's voice.

"Y-yeah! I.... I have to go." Judas just kept stumbling over his word and soon ran away.

After a few minutes of running, Judas saw Officer Sloane.

"Ah! Judas! My favorite Apostal, what brings you around these parts?"

"W-wel i-i." Sloane hushed the stuttering man.

"I saw everything... You ran because you saw the two love birds, and you were jealous." Judas' face started furrowing at the Officers' comment.

"That's not true!" Judas said in an angry tone.

Sloane just laughed loudly.

"Your sister is in the hospital, parents died trying to be something, the girl you love is with your best friend and both of them don't even bat an eye at you... How does that make you feel?" Sloane slowly walked to Judas wrapping his meaty arm around Judas.

Judas' hands started clenching into fists.

"You want what's yours Judas, and I can give it to you... You just have to listen to what I have to say understand?" Judas got very pissed.

Sloane, the man towering over Judas both in height and flesh walked out in front of Judas and offered Judas, his hand.

And not to his surprise Judas took Sloane's hand and shook it.

"Now we get to business, my friend."

"Yes Officer Sloane, but all I ask is I don't want to hurt Damon or Reina I deeply care about them." Sloane chuckled with a big evil grin.

"Fine but, you best listen to me." Judas couldn't say no to the Officer's offer.

Meanwhile, in an orphanage, Officer Mazoku was talking to two children, a black-haired girl who is being very emotional, and a black-haired Japanese guy looking the opposite of her.

"Akuma, Angelica!" Shintaro yelled out in a happy tone.

The two young adults ran to their father figure.

"I hope you two are doing well!"

"I did but, Officer Bushida tried recruiting me again." Akuma said in a bothered voice.

"I know I know but, I and her have had a conversation and, you two will meet her at her most famous Cabaret." Akuma was shocked at Shintaro's comment.

"The hell?! Why do I have to be saddled up with that crazy bitch?" Shintaro let out a burdened sigh.

"I know but my hands are tied behind my back, if you win she'll leave you be but if she wins... she'll work for you as much as it hurts to say." Akuma had to agree and left walking to the Night Life district of their city.

After a few hours of walking, Akuma finally made it to The Diamond, Sam's best Cabaret, and the biggest she has.

Akuma opened the door only to be greeted by a single woman waiting on the music stage.

When the young man walked to the stage he noticed her attire, Sam's clothes were dirty and not fully buttoned up, her stomach and cleavage was very visible as well as her head being a mess like she just woke up.

"I'm here ya old hag! Now what you want?" All Sam did was get off stage to get close to Akuma and cackled in a crazy like tone.

"I'm just here to have fun, cutie!" Sam winked at Akuma.

"You do know I'm sixteen right?" Sam rolled her eyes as Akuma reminded her.

"I still have standard besides, I can wait! But, why I brought you here." Sam explained that they will fight if she wins he'll be working here in her most famous Cabaret if he wins she'll stop going after him.

Once Sam got closer she grabbed a special-looking tanto knife, but didn't unsheath it yet.

"Get ready Akuma!" Akuma spreads his legs a bit apart and puts his arm in front of him in a horizontal form, pulling his right shoulder close to his hand.

They started fighting, Sam dodged all of Akuma's quick hits with eas as she just kept laughing as she dodged the inexperienced kid.

Sam then kicked Akuma staggering him.

"I'm not done yet!" Sam unsheathes her tanto, throwing the knife in her left hand and roundhouse kicks the sheath into Akuma's stomach with incredible speed and power knocking all the air out of him.

Before Akuma could get a breath of air he had to dodge a barrage of slice and stab attacks, Sam's last tanto attack was her throwing it into Akuma's shoulder.

"Ahh!" Akuma yelled out in pain but Sam didn't show mercy, she punched the kid one last time sending him flying a few meters.

The winner was decided, Sam who didn't break a sweat won to the know bleeding Akuma.

"You really gotta fight more you scrawny ass." Sam said in a mocking voice.

"The hell was that?! That was unfair."

"What's unfair is that I didn't get the fight of my life!" Sam just kept laughing and smiling like a crazy woman.

"Come here kid I still won but you deserve to be patched up." Sam picked up Akuma and took care of his wounds.

"Your shift starts tomorrow at seven pm and paid of course." Sam said in a serious tone.

Akuma just started to get annoyed by her.

"Fine... I hope the pay is good at the least."

"Now come here and gimme a hug!!!" Sam tried hugging Akuma but he kept pushing her away with his foot.

"Get away from me ya crazy hag!"

To be continued.