Something New

A few days have passed, Damon and Judas were talking in the bar with the bartender cleaning some glasses.

"So, where's Reina?" The bartender said in a soft and kind voice.

"Finishing up some studies, she's been hella busy with that." Damon answered smiling before taking a sip of his drink

The bar was well lit, warm, and cozy, it was the main bar Damon and his friends go to.

The bar along with its owner was lucky to be in Accardi Family territory, Giovanni gave the bar to Haruka as a token of kindness towards one of the best friends of his youngest child.

"Speaking of Reina..." Damon looked down smiling at a small black box in his hands.

"Well; bro! Tell us." Judas said with a bright smile as both Haruka and Judas got closer.

After a few seconds of smiling, Damon finally looked up and showed them the black box, and opened it.

"Oh my God!" Haruka yelled out covering her mouth.

"B-Bro...." Judas looked pale as he saw the diamond ring with an ebony black circle in the box.

"Yup, I think when the time is right I wanna marry her, I know we've been together since we were fifteen but I really do love her with all my heart." Damon had a small chuckle.

"I know, It's stupid but yeah..." Haruka had tears in her eyes seeing Damon look so dumb with love.

"Please, it isn't! I'm so happy oh my God." Haruka left her counter and gave her best friend a tight hug.

Judas stood up looking like he just saw his own sister murdered in front of him.

"My phone is going I have some business to do." Judas said in a death-like voice.

Once Judas was outside he grabbed his phone and dialed a number.

"Sir?" Judas said hearing the phone being picked up.

"Judas... What's up?" Sloane's voice came out of Judas' phone, Sloane sounded excited for some reason.

"I was wondering if you had any jobs for me?" Judas' voice felt cold as he was talking.

"Well I do but, sadly Officer Accardi is gonna inform you and the rest of your little friend group." Sloane said annoyed speaking of Giovanni.

Later that day, Damon, Judas, and the other six of the group were gathered together by Giovanni.

"Sup! Today I need you eight for a little job." Giovanni said smiling with his wife Sarah and his best friend Bachuss next to him

"Well let's hear it!" Richardson, a six-foot six-inch muscular man said excitedly cracking his knuckles.

"We should be cautious, Richardson." A man with short hair a serious face wearing black clothes under a black overcoat said without any emotion.

"Awww c'mon! It isn't fun if we have to be scared for bad things happening, right babe?" A young woman who was holding on to Richardson's arm said in an excited voice.

The woman next to Richardson had the same body as Jessica Rabbit but with a bubbly and happy personality.

"Look, even my cutie agrees, Jo" Jo's serious face turned into an annoyed face, starting to frown and furrow his brow.

"Maybe you two should get a room, this lovey-dovey shit is worse than Damon and Rein." A rich and smart looking girl said jokingly to the two lovers.

"Wait what's wrong with me and Reina?" Damon didn't pay attention and was clueless.

"Kids!" Sarah yelled angrily to them.

Her tone scared the eight young adults and caught their attention.

"Thank you Sarah' Giovanni said nearly laughing.

"But yeah, we need you eight to attack a rival family to me and Patriarch Sloane's family." Giovanni explained to them that the young adults had to attack a Patriarch and his family in their own office.

"Zane." Giovani said in a serious tone as the eight left.

"Ya got it, boss!" Bachus left the building and followed the kids.

After an hour the young adults beat almost every last one of the family members, leaving only the patriarch standing.

"Let's go!" Richardson yelled jumping to the patriarch but got kicked away.

"Babe!" Richardson's girlfriend said running to him.

The patriarch smiled soon getting a flame-like aura on him.

"The hell!" Judas said in a surprised bu scared tone.

"Guys! Get him!!!" Damon yelled backing off.

Everyone got knocked out by the patriarch, only leaving Damon.

"Now now...." The patriarch said smiling evilly.

"P-Please! Don't do this!" The patriarch didn't listen and just ran up to Damon.

Damon got backed up to the wall luckily dodging the punch.

The punch sadly broke the wall behind Damon leaving him frozen in place out of fear.

"Let's try again!" The patriarch backed up and ran again, when he swung there was a faint chuckle.

"Speed was never my forte ya know?" Bachuss said his arms crossed but having the fist against his cheek.

"Ahhhh, Luitenant Enforcer Bachuss, The Drunken Boxer in the flesh!" The patriarch said in an excited tone backing up from Bachuss.

"Kid, get your friends of here." Bachuss whistled and soon an Arabian man in a red tracksuit appeared.

"I'm here boss" Both got a light blow flame-like aura on them as Bachuss fought the patriarch the Arabian man helped Damon wake up his friends.

"Wow..." Damon said before waking his friends and running away with them.

"Thanks for the help, Ali!" Ali nodded at his coach as he dodged and punched every bit of the Patriarch in.

"What the hell was that?!" A few hours had passed until Damon and his group could finally talk to Giovanni.

"What was what?" Giovanni said cluelessly.

"That flaming thing Bachuss and Ali had!" Giovanni got it.

"Ah, that! It's called Fighter's Spirit, it's a technique a fighter can learn when he reaches a certain point in his strength, depending on the person it could get a different color and buff like red and increased speed."

"WHY THE HELL IS THAT A THING?!!" Damon yelled at his father.

"I don't know but it is." Giovanni said smiling at his youngest son.

"I need some sleep..." Damon said just limping to his room.

To be continued