The Time Has Come

"Good morning, Master." When Damon opened his eyes he was greeted by an older man with a refined appearance.

The man has a slicked-back hairdo with a curl at the front and sports a handlebar mustache along with a well-kept, medium-sized beard.

"Morning Arthur, how late is it?" Damon was rubbing his eyes while asking the questions.

"It is about, 11:30 AM sir." Arthur said in his gentleman like voice.

"Your clothes are ready on your chair and your parents are out for the day, I'll be making breakfast for you and your siblings." After he was done talking Arthur left Damon's room.

Damon left his bed grabbing his clothes, black pants, shoes, and a black short-sleeved vest with a white suit jacket above that.

When Damon left his room he got snuck behind and choked by someone.

"Agh!" Damon tried struggling away from the grip but he wasn't strong enough.

"Still weak as ever, Damon!" The guy let go of his chokehold.

"You nearly... Killed me!" Damon needed to catch his breath.

The man that was choking him looked similar to Damon in appearance.

"Aw, c'mon little brother! It's all fun and game- AH." Damon's older brother got hit in the back of his neck.

"Until you push him off the stairs, Dio." A lady said who looked like she was the same age as the two said sternly.

"That was one time Eliza! You still angry at me that I pushed you?" Dio Accardi works under Captain Accardi as an enforcer as well as being the middle Accardi child.

"Um yes! I nearly broke my neck!" Eliza Accardi third lieutenant of the Accardi Family and heir to the Accardi Family as well as the oldest Accardi child.

"Fine... Can't have fun around here with you here." Dean said going downstairs annoyed.

"Are you ok?" Eliza looked concerned at her baby brother putting her hand on his shoulder.

"I'm ok Eliza just a bit startled." Damon reassured his older sister with a smile.

"That's good, let's go eat I bet Arthur made our favorites." Eliza said excitedly while she and Damon are going downstairs.

"Ah, Eliza, Damon!" Arthur said putting their favorite food on the table.

Dio just started tearing into his bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich.

Eliza was eating Belgian waffles while Damon was eating toast with butter.

"Stop eating like a pig, Dio!" Dio looked at his sister and just oinked at her.

"You're hopeless." Dio swallowed the food and straightened up.

"You know what's also hopeless?" Eliza raised an eyebrow scared of what he's gonna say.

"THE WORLD!" Eliza just let out a disappointed sigh while Dio was yelling.

"What did we do wrong with you?" Damon had to hold in his laugh at the response Eliza gave.

"I'm living life free baby! I'm so free and manly I'll probably get a muscular ghost to fight for me and stop THE WORLD!" Dio knows his carelessness got under her skin.

"Just... Please have some manners that's all I'm asking." Eliza just wanted a calm morning.

"Kids, please don't let your food get cold!" Arthur said in his stern voice.

All three became silent.

They started getting chills from his voice, Arthur didn't even look at them and they started to get scared.

"Y-you know I heard Arthur never smiles or shows emotion." Dio whispered trying his best to not be heard by Arthur.

"For what I heard, he lost his wife and daughter twenty years ago because of his emotions." Damon answered back with.

"I feel bad for him honestly, imagine the hell he's going through every day." Eliza said very concernedly.

"All we can do for now is maybe try and make him happy." Eliza said wanting to help her uncle.

Meanwhile, in the O'Sullivan Family Office, a Spanish tall lean man wearing an open fuchsia suit with brown shoes and a black vest walked into the place.

"Mr. Cruzado! Welcome back!" A subordinate yelled opening the door for the Spaniard.

The Spaniard looked around the office while walking around.

"Where is Sloane?" The Spaniard said in a cold voice.

"Right this way, Mr. Cruzado." Another subordinate said showing Mr. Cruzado the way to Sloane.

The subordinate opened the door for the Spaniard soon walking into the office where Sloane and three other men were waiting.

Sloane yelled hitting his fist on the desk happily.

"Judas! My favorite ally! What do I owe the pleasure of seeing you?" The three men were equally divided by Sloane's side the two burly men around him stood on his left and right, while the other person was on his right.

"You called me, you've got a job for me." Sloane smiled at Judas.

"Ya know I've always been looking for a Captain of my own, as you can see I only have my three lieutenants, my enforcer: Asad, advisor: Aalto, and lastly my third lieutenant and Oath Brother Aleksei." Sloane informed his friend of their status.

"Thank you for the lesson, sir but what does this have to do with me?" Judas asked in a cold manner.

"God! If manners could kill all of us would be dead." Sloane said laughing loudly.

"But... What I was implying is this, I'm gonna give you one last task and if you pull it off you'll become not only my Captain my mu own brother, What'd you think?" Judas Cruzado, could he actually pull it off and become Captain?

"What do I have to do, sir." Sloane got a big evil grin on his face, after a few seconds he opened his mouth and what Judas heard made him take a step back opening his eyes with shock.


To be continued.