God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman

As everyone was talking one of the men from Damon's group walked up to Sam, a man who looked like he was in a lot of brawls, unhealthy but had a good physique.

"Sorry to ruin yer fun but I am a bit lost, I don't really understand this whole thing, Why'd you wanna be a girl?" The man asked a bit weirdly out of confusion.

"Well, even when I was young I didn't feel comfortable in my own skin even when I met you guys but it took me a while to fully understand what I am and who I want to be." Sam answered her friend happily.

The man didn't fully understand what Sam said but he was happy for her.

All of a sudden, Judas ran into the warehouse breathing heavily tears nearly form in his eyes.

"Judas what's up?!" Jo ran to Judas putting his hands on Judas' shoulders.

"Damon..." Judas said under his breath.

Judas couldn't help but look down, his eyes looked dead as Jo tried snapping Judas back into reality.

"Judas! Tell me what's wrong!"

"D-Damon..." Judas finally answered looking horrified.

Jo didn't understand what Judas meant.

"What do you mean 'Damon'? What's with him?" Judas's tears finally came as he finally faced Jo.

"He's dead..." Behind his sunglasses, Jo's right eye was twitching soon grabbing Judas by the neck.

"This some kind of joke right?" Jo's grip on Judas's neck got tighter with each second.

Judas couldn't help but try to get lose from Jo's grip until he punched Jo away from him.

Jo staggered as his sunglasses flew away.

"Oh no, it's on!" Jo and Judas started fighting.

Jo easily overpowered Judas until Richardson and his girlfriend stopped the two.

Richardson was having trouble holding back Jo.

"Tell me this is some kinda sick joke!!!" Jo really didn't wanna believe it.

Judas yelled back saying it's not true until Richardson and his girlfriend knocked out the two.

"Guys, we have to stay calm! Even if the leader of the team is dead we need to stay rational." One of the women of the group, a rich-looking woman with gold and silver decorations to her already expensive-looking clothes walked to Richardson and his girlfriend.

"Yeah... Let the queen herself be the boss!" Jo said grunting and struggling to get up.

When Jo finally got on his feet all he saw were surprised expressions.

Richardson looked at Jo surprised that he could still stand after a right hook to his head.

"You know what, maybe you and Judas did this on purpose! Maybe you two killed him?!" Jo's right eye started twitching again as he got ready to punch someone.

"Jo! Stay calm, if Damon is dead we need someone who can lead the group, and for all I see-" Jo shouted and punched Audriana in the face.

After that Richardson was quick on pinning Jo onto the ground.

"Get off me!!" Jo shouted struggling all the while.

"I won't get off you if you keep acting like a child!" Richardson exclaimed hitting Jo on the head.

Meanwhile, in the Ryuji Clan headquarters, all the Officers and their Captains were sent in for an immediate meeting.

The main hall was packed full of people, twenty Officers, and twenty-five Captains, the main hall was filled was talk, many of the Officers were panicking.

"Both Officers AND Captains? Guess something must've happened that caused the Chairman to panic." Giovanni said to his wife in a worried voice before Sloane bumped roughly into Giovanni and his wife.

"Sloane this isn't time to start fights, something bad must've happened if all of us are here right!" Giovanni said in a bothered and annoyed voice to his fellow Officer but he didn't even turn to face Giovanni.

"Look at how we are five short and the meeting is gonna happen, I don't think that's a coincidence..." Sloane said in an unusually calm voice before walking off.

Giovanni looked around and saw that Sloane was correct but Giovanni got very suspicious.

"What did you do?" Sloane kept on walking.

After a few minutes, all the Officers were seated with their Captains next to them.

Giovanni was sitting next to the chair that was a smaller one right next to the Fifth Chairman, while Sloane sat opposite Giovanni, Sloane grinning a giant grin that even made Giovanni uncomfortable.

All the Fifth Chairman did was sigh and look down.

"Patriarch O'Sullivan, would you do the honors this pains me too much." Sloane stood up, his grin disappearing.

"As you all can see, the youngest son of one of our Officers was seen killing and stealing from five of our Officers." Sloane pulled down a small TV showing pictures of Damon, bloodied holding a knife in front of the five dead Officers.

There were also pictures of a truck full of money, while the next one was another dead body.

"The last picture is the subordinate who took the pictures and sent me them before he died." Sarah and Giovanni looked horrified.

Giovanni looked pissed as he jumps out of his seat.

"Now you wait here! My son would never do something like this, i- we know him better than this!" Giovanni got up close and personal with Sloane yelling and spitting in Sloane's face.

"I'm just stating facts, Giovanni." Giovanni took a step back but his expression didn't change as he looked around, he could see that all the forty-two other members were judging him.

The Fifth Chairman's face became disgusted before he finally stood up and stated his mind.

"Patriarch Accardi! The evidence is here, we lost five of our best Officers AND we lost the three billion dollars, you should be happy Second Officer Bushida vouched for you so you could stay with us!" Giovanni looked back at Sam.

Sam looked down when her eyes met that of Giovanni's.

"Sam...?" Giovanni looked clueless when he faced Sloane again.

"Fifth-" Before Giovanni could talk the Fifth Chairman shut Giovanni up.

"I do not wanna hear any argument from you anymore! This is done and from what we know your 'son' is dead, we found his body nearly burned to a crisp. " One last thing Giovanni did was grab Sloane by the neck nearly crushing his windpipe.

"I know you have something to do with this!" Giovanni yelled pushing Sloane back into the wall.

When Sloane hit the wall part of it shattered.

"Sarah..." Sarah nodded and left with him.

A few hours ago when Giovanni, Sarah, and their children were meeting.

"So, What's happening?" Damon said sitting down with a bright smile.

"Well it's about something we wanted to discuss and it has something to do with Reina." Damon got immediately worried.

"Is she alright?" Damon quickly got worried about the love of his life.

"No no no, she wanted you to cum in a small cup." Sarah reassured Damon but he raised his finger but immediately lowered it.

"She is worried something might happen when we purpose our idea, and you know her she wants to be prepared." Sarah said grabbing a small plastic cup, when Dia saw the cup he almost fell on his eyes laughing.

After a few minutes, Damon came but with red cheeks handing his mother.

"GOD DAMN IT!!" Dio yelled crying while laughing.

"That"s enough Dio, Be more mature!" Eliza yelled kicking her now downed brother.

"Fine fine! So what's this thing you'll want to say to our baby bro over there?" Dio said sitting down and putting his feet on the table.

"Well I and your father have been thinking and we were thinking of getting a new branch to our Family." Dio nearly fell from his seat out of trying to readjust his position when he heard it.

"Oh my God! That's such amazing news!" Eliza said happily hugging Damon.

Damon was very confused about what's happening.

"W-What's going on?" Dio finally stood up and explained it to Damon.

"The leader of that branch will be you ya numbskull." Finally, Damon understood.

"Really?!" Giovanni and Sarah nodded happily.

Present-day at the Accardi family home, Giovanni was breaking everything that wasn't alive while Sarah, Bachus, and Eliza were crying their eyes out.

"Arthur! Fucking prepare a funeral this week!" Giovanni yelled out still breaking things with his metal baseball bat.

"Sir, I know this is hard on you but you can't just break your own things." Arthur said without emotion.

"I'll fucking buy new ones! Get ready for the funeral!" Giovanny kept yelling.

A few days later, everyone was at the funeral, Damon's group: Judas, Jo, Richardson, Jess, Jack, Audriana, Sam, and Damon's family: Giovanni, Sarah, Eliza, Arthur, Dio, and Bachus.

It was a dark day, it was raining heavly while thunder was roaring outside.

The priest speaking was the only one holding an umbrella.

"God rest ye merry gentlemen, we hope God will be merciful on you, Damon." Everyone stayed quiet until the end of the funeral, then everyone left.

Damon's family left together while his seven closest friends took different paths away from the funeral as the thunder kept on roaring.

"I'll find out what's going on, even if it takes my entire life!" Giovanni yelled tears running down his face.

To be continued.