A New Saga Begins

A week after Damon's death.

At night in the well-lit bar, everyone was sitting quietly, the tension was big as Judas just looked down at his burned hands after hanging his suit jacket, the only sound that could be heard was Jack's glass moving around while he pours drink after drink.

The burned skin went from Judas's fingertips to the tips of his elbows, even the air made the sensation of that day feel like only seconds ago, his skin was gone and most likely would never heal back.

The week before, a few minutes ago after Damon and Judas's fight.

"Shit!" Judas was freaking out looking upon his unconscious best friend, his hands were burning from the red-hot plate he used on Damon's face.

"No! Please God no!" Judas yelled tears sprinting down his face as he started hyperventilating.

Judas couldn't think he just started moving like he was possed, before he knew it his sleeves were on fire touching the hot molten metal.

Judas yelled out in pain as he tried to put out the burning sleeves, as it reaches elbows, but all of a sudden someone ripped off Judas's sleeves.

"You should be more careful." The man behind Judas said in a deep Russian accent.

Judas turned around to see a big, brown-haired man with hazel eyes piercing his soul.

"A-Aleksei... What are you doing here? I thought Patriarch Sloane would come." After Judas was done speaking all Aleksei did was look at the unconscious Damon, the right side of the unconscious man's face was heavily burned while Damon's right hand was on fire.

Aleksei walked slowly to Damon and put out the flame.

"He's a heavy sleeper I should give him that." Aleksei said with a slight grin on his face as he faced Judas.

Judas was shaking, not only did he kill several people but he also nearly killed the man he would give his own life for.

"Do not panic Judas, you'll get used to this that is part of being yakuza, my friend."

In the present-day, while Judas was spacing Jo, Jack and Richardson were fighting.

"I swear to God can you stop with the obnoxious drinking?!" Jo yelled at the top of his lungs while Richardson held back Jo.

Jack just looked tipsy at Jo while chugging his drink his face was really disinterested as Jo tried reaching for Jack.

"If I wanna be like Bachus I need to work up my immunity to become a legendary drunk." Jack tried saying jumbling over his own words as he just kept chugging down and filling his drink.

Everyone just kept looking until Judas saw someone: a man with a fully intact face wearing black pants, shoes, and a black short-sleeved vest with a white suit jacket above that who is sporting black hair with blue eyes.

"Guys, Guys, I know we're stressed and under a lot of pressure but we shouldn't turn on each other, we should stand strong together and lift each other up!" The man said while Judas's jaw just dropped with wide eyes open.

Jo calmed down and with the result of Jo calming down, Richardson let go of Jo.

"You're right, Damon I shouldn't have been so... easily angry.' Jo couldn't find the words to apologize but he tried his best.

"It's fiiinneee dude, we all have those moments, come to me have a drink." Jo sat next to Jack as Jack poured his friend a drink.

Judas couldn't believe it, was he hallucinating?

Judas shook his head, but when he opened his eyes Damon wasn't there he just dreamed it, but it gave him some inspiration.

"Guys, Guys, I know we're stressed and under a lot of pressure but we shouldn't turn on each other, we should stand strong together and lift each other up" Judas stood up telling Jo and Jack but Jo just looked insulted.

Jo got loose from Richardson's grip and walked to Judas looking pissed off.

"What'd you think you're doing?" Jo said in a calm but very clearly intimidating and angry voice as he clenched his fists.

"I-" Before Judas could even start his sentence Jo cut him off angrily.

"How dare you talk like him?! If you think you can replace Damon well I got news for you! You ain't him and never will be!" Judas looked sad and defeated when Jo told him that.

But Jo didn't stop there, he started bad-mouthing everyone in the group calling, Jack a piece of human trash for always drinking and having sex every day while he's the most needed.

He called Richardson a whore fucker as well as calling Audriana a greedy little bitch who only thinks of herself, and then he faced Sam, he called her a worthless piece of shit who never should've met Damon and his group while she was unworthy and just plain useless.

"But I am not done yet Judas!" Jo turned to face Judas again with his beyond angry expression.

"I see those burn marks on your arms! I knew about them the day you told us Damon was dead, and I am sure as all hell you had something to do with his death!" When Jo finished yelling Judas recoiled in shock stepping a few steps away from Jo.

The room became quiet all that was heard were footsteps coming from the hall until someone jumped out of the door excitedly with a bright smile.

"Heyo! I'm finally done with my studies! What have I missed?" Reina said happily looking around.

Her happy and bright smile slowly faded when she saw everyone's expression she got very worried and confronted Judas.

"Judas? What's going on? Where's Damon?" Reina asked her best friend softly being worried something might have happened.

Judas didn't answer, Jo as well as the rest just looked away.

"G-Guys?" Reina sounded worried looking around in a panic.

"What happened? Where's Damon?!" Reine put her hands on Judas's shoulders looking into his eyes tears nearly coming down hers.

Judas opened his mouth and what she heard, she couldn't believe what came out of Judas's mouth.

"Please tell me you're joking!" The face Judas was making made Reina's heart sink.

Reina looked horrified as she shook Judas yelling that he's lying while she was sobbing.

"I said... HE'S DEAD!" Judas swung his right hand backhanding Reina making her fall on the ground.

Reina looked horrified at the sight of a pissed Judas.

Judas quickly saw what he has done and tried to get closer to her but Jo pushed him aside and helped Reina up.

"C'mon Reina let's have a walk." Reina nodded walking with Jo her hand still being on her cheek.

As the door closed Judas looked around and the looks everyone gave him were judging looks.

Jo and Reina were walking to a park soon sitting down at a nearby bench.

"Is he really...?" Jo nodded looking down not wearing his sunglasses.

Jo looked at the full moon while Reina started crying.

"I wonder how he feels now, seeing us from up there mourning his death." After Jo was done talking he gave Reina a hug to comfort her.

Reina was ugly sobbing on Jo's chest saying she loved him with all her heart.

"We all loved him, some more than others" Jo started to tear up as well, Damon had a special heart in both their hearts.

Jo couldn't accept that he is just dead he needed to find proof that he's either alive or someone killed him.

That night both their hearts started hardening.

"He promised me something, I'm not sure what to do now without him." Jo said with pain in his face.

"What did he promise?" Reina said loosening the hug.

"He promised me he will help me not turn out like that asshole of an abusive father of mine, he promised I won't follow in his footsteps and now, I'm afraid." Reina put her hand on Jo's shoulder and what she said made Jo happy.

"I'll be there then, I'll help you not turn out as that" Reina said with a very bright smile on her face.

Jonathan Renée, son of the legendary assassin Gilbert Renée as well as the future heir Renée Clan was happy and proud to have such a good friend.

"It's getting very late should I escort you back home?" Jo offered but Reina refused she lives nearby so she could go alone.

"Stay safe ok Jo?" Jo smiled and nodded.

Ten minutes later Reina arrived home when her father ran up to her.

"Reina! I had to tell you something." The Fifth Chairman looked worried but he told her Damon was dead for a week.

"I know..." The Fifth Chairman was surprised at what she said.

"H-How?" Reina told her father Judas told her.

"And how long were you going to hide this?" The Fifth Chairman tried explaining himself but Reina didn't let him.

"It's like grandma all over again! You took two months to tell me she died!" Reina yelled furiously at her father.

"The Fourth Chairman-" Reina immediately cut off her father after he said that.

"Fourth Chairman?! She adopted you! Bent over backwards for you to join this stupid organisation, and now it took the two most important people in my life, and then you all you can call her is Fourth Chairman?" Reina said crying again and running to her room.

"Reina!" The Fifth Chairman yelled in hopes she would return but she didn't.

Meanwhile, outside Haruka's bar, Judas was calling Sloane asking for a favour.

"Sir, what is the heaviest metal you got?" Judas said in a quiet voice so the rest wouldn't hear him.

"Well, I got a large supply of tungsten, why?" Judas explained that he wanted to get stronger while scratching his new wounds.

"So training weights, hmm." Sloane started thinking for a few seconds and agreed.

"I'll give you multiple weights, ranging from ten kilos to a hundred and fifty kilos." Sloane said with a big smile on his face.

Judas thanked Sloane and hung up.

A few days later in an unknown prison, a man with half a burned face and a burned right hand was getting beat up by a warden using a police baton.

"That's enough." Sloane said smiling evilly dragging some kind of heavy chains and armour with him.

"You..." The burned man said spitting in his Sloane's face.

Sloane snapped his fanger and the warden picked the burned man as Sloane put on the metal objects on the man's body.

"I've seen your family mourn you; your father, mother and, siblings, their spirit was broken and soon the Accardi Family will be gone and I'll absorb it." Sloane said provoking Damon when Damon finally got lose from the warden he immediately fell down not being able to get up.

Sloane just kept laughing.

"You bastard!" Damon yelled trying to get up but to no avail.

Sloane explained to Damon that he was wearing two hundred and fifty kilos of tungsten armour the idea courtesy to his best friend Judas.

"You'll love wearing it, I promise." Sloane picked up Damon with some trouble but got him on his feet and brought him to a cafeteria, Damon struggling all the while.

"If you try and escape I'll kill your entire family." Sloane said grinning before leaving, Damon couldn't do anything since he became tired from struggling in the armour.

Damon looked around the cafeteria seeing both men and woman as well as some weird looking people.

To be continued.