The Mistress (II)

Feline crossed her arms over her chest as Friya turned around with a glare right on her face. Feline tilted her head on one side as she scoffed and later on, it turned into a snicker.

"Don't ever stare at me like that. It was you... because of you, Sean had been unconscious for a week," Feline took that time to point out what she had been in mind since she went inside the studios. Friya gritted her teeth as she placed the papers back on the table and looked up at Feline. She rolled her tongue inside her mouth as the anger was rising in her veins and she knew that she couldn't control herself from saying nasty things towards her.

Feline sniggered as she muttered sarcastically, "C'mon, say it. You know what happened, right?"

Friya breathed inwardly first before licking her lips and saying, "I am not in the mood to be involved with an argument with you, Ms. Feline Lazaro. We are at our workplace, and just a reminder, let's be professional here. Not the one who mocks everyone just because she achieved so much than the rest of us."

Friya gritted her teeth as she raised her eyebrows and Feline opened her mouth slightly by what she heard. Feline took a step forward towards Friya and mumbled furiously, "I am not mocking everyone."

Friya knew that she reached the limit point as she asked in a snap, "Then why are you doing this? To show off your hidden relationship with him, am I right?"

Feline froze in her place as soon as Friya dropped the bomb while she opened her mouth widely. Feline took a step backward as she was taken aback by what Friya said and how she found it out. Her deepest and darkest secret had been revealed by none other than Friya herself. Feline removed her arms over her chest as she knuckled her fists while Friya smirked at her.

"You're the one who called that day... that's why...," Friya looked up slowly at her as the tears welled up in her eyes while Feline was looking at her with rage. Feline fumed over at her nose as she broke her stare from Friya.

Friya's eyes were full of tears now.

"Sean and I... had a chaotic fight that day you called early in the morning. I was surprised when I heard your voice, and I was correct," Friya stared up at Feline with that sad smile on her lips. She was shaking her head as if to say that she couldn't believe what she just heard. She was not in the mood to fight anymore for her relationship with Sean. She had been prohibited to go anywhere near him after the accident, and she knew that she had to let go from that tight grasp she was holding on to for ten years.

"It was you, Feline," Friya mumbled in a low voice as she looked down while Feline was gritting her teeth.

"No one else would be worried so much to him if you don't love him yourself, Feline," she added as she picked up the papers from the table while Feline held it in her place in one swift move of her hands, and she glared at Friya.

Friya let go of the papers as she pursed her lips in the calmest way Feline ever known. She muttered, "If you want those papers, okay I will lend them to you. If you want Sean, I will also give him to you."

Feline didn't remove her stare from the wall as she was holding the papers back on the table. Friya was swallowing constantly as she said, "Just promise me you will take care of him."

Friya breathed out while she formed her mouth in an O-shaped. She exhaled as she turned her heel around and swiftly walked towards the door. Feline was stunned in her place as she punched the table with her small knuckle while hissing. She couldn't believe that Friya knew it all along, and yet, she was hiding that she was in pain.

"How could she...," Feline whispered as she put her palms on the table while closing her eyes tightly. Friya walked outside of the door while the tears fell down and knew it all along. It was Feline, her colleague, the one she wanted to get along with, but she failed. Friya walked slowly towards the other side of the hallway that will lead towards the radio stations around the studios. She drooped her head down as the ponytail of her hair had gone loose. It fell down on the floor without her noticing.

Friya and Feline had been rivals since they were in college. She doesn't know why Feline was doing that thing to her, being rude, nasty and also, she was always showing off her skills through everyone. She liked to boast that her family had been holding the record of best directors all over the country. Friya always put herself out of her circle, but she was being dragged all along by Feline.

She doesn't know why, maybe it was because of Sean.

Friya turned the corner as she heard her name. She turned her heel around as she felt that her hair had been loose for a while Louie stopped in front of her. Friya bowed down her head as she greeted, "Louie."

Louie huffed some air as he was holding his cell phone and showing it to Friya. She pursed her lips while she creased her forehead and she doesn't know what Louie wanted to convey with the caller ID. Louie recovered himself first before breathing, "Sean..."

Friya widened her eyes by the mention of her beloved's name and she hastily asked, "What? What happened to him?"

Louie exhaled as he stood upright while laying down the cell phone on his side while saying, "He's now awake. He's now conscious."