Amnesia (II)

Sean had been with her for ten years, the only time she had a desire to destroy his relationship with Friya was when they were both drunk. Feline looked down while Louie was huffing some air as she remembered that day. She was cut off from her daze as Louie breathed a question, "What happened? Sean is now conscious, am I right? His parents called me."

Feline looked up at him, stammered in her place while nodding. "Yeah, he is. Although... there was a little problem with him the moment I reached his room."

Louie furrowed his eyebrows as Feline looked at the door while biting her bottom lip.

"What happened then? Is it something critical?" Louie asked as Feline didn't know what to say. She shook her head as she looked at him while forming the words at the tip of her tongue.

"I don't know. I came inside while seeing that Sean was being hugged by his sister. I am not sure what happened... but... Sean didn't even remember his name," Feline finally muttered it which made Louie froze in his place. The worried face earlier turned into a surprising one as he creased his forehead. He gaped a little as Feline swallowed and looked at the floor. She was also puzzled about what was happening.

"Sean... Sean didn't remember his name? What... what was the meaning of that?" Louie was shocked by the news as Feline didn't know what was the meaning too.

At the same time, Sean was like a kid who was curling up on his bed. He was afraid that the doctors will do something to him, but they were not. They were checking his eyes, his nose, and everything. One doctor, or maybe he would call himself a psychiatrist, came up to him and asked what was his name. The doctors bowed down their heads and went out of the door. Sean was left alone with the resident psychiatrist and the nurse, who was checking the intravenous lines towards his veins. He swallowed as he shook his head.

"Did you or did you not remember your name? Tell me if it is a yes or a no," the psychiatrist said as he wrote down something on the clipboard he was holding. Sean, who was sitting down on the bed with the strangers around him, answered back and he said that he doesn't have any memory left, even his name.

"I don't know where I am, doctor," Sean said innocently as he glanced the other way while raising his hands slowly towards his head. The psychiatrist looked at the nurse as they both nodded at each other. Sean sighed as he held on the sides of his head while the psychiatrist flapped the cover of the clipboard on his hand.

"We will report your condition to you after we have said it to your family members outside---"

"They are my family?" Sean blurted out on the bed while removing his hands from the side of his head and looked at the psychiatrist. The nurse came up to him as she smiled while her hair was neatly tied upon in a bun. She put her palms on her arms and looked at Sean.

"They are your family, Mr. Gonzales. They are waiting for you to be conscious last week, and thank God, you wake up today," the nurse said as the psychiatrist nodded and assist the doctor in talking at him softly. Sean tilted his head on one side as he was still confused about what she was saying.

"So... I had been asleep for a week? Is that what you are implying?" Sean asked back as the nurse smiled sadly towards him. She slowly nodded her head as Sean looked at the comforter that was covering his legs. The gauze that was wrapped around his head was removed earlier. He still felt a tinge and sharp pain at the side and he doesn't know why.

"So why am I in here? I am so puzzled about what was happening. Should I say that I am ill or what? Did I got into an accident?" Sean was asking multiple questions at once as he looked at the two medical professionals at either side of him. The psychiatrist cleared his throat as he was not the right doctor to say it to him. Sean was so baffled and waited for a response as the nurse came to the rescue once again.

"Mr. Sean Gonzales, I think the right person to say it to you right now is your family, hmm? We will let you talk with them after we discussed with them your condition," the nurse muttered softly that made Sean looked at her. He swallowed as he stayed quiet for a second and nodded right away. The nurse stood upright as she said that she will be going out for a second with the doctor. Sean watched as the two medical professionals came out of the door as he closed his eyes and let his forehead propped up on his palms.

Feline was with Louie at that time, and they were talking on the side. Sean's parents came upon when they saw the doctors came out, and Sierra came upon the hallways too. The psychiatrist and the nurse stopped at front of the door. They both sighed as Sean's parents came upon them and the mother came up by asking, "How is he? Is it something serious?"

The psychiatrist responded formally, saying, "My diagnosis is that he developed post-traumatic amnesia from the severe head injury that he had attained by the car accident he got through last week. As far as I saw, he doesn't have the will to state his name and where he is. He doesn't even remember that he has a family."

Sean's mother's eyes welled up with tears as her husband grabbed a hold of both her shoulders. She looked down as she covered her mouth with the handkerchief she was holding with the news that they heard. Feline was so astonished by what she had heard and looked the other way. Louie and Sierra both opened their mouths widely.