The Forgotten Past

"Friya! Friya!" Louie called out to her as she made out of the coffee shop.

Friya wiped her nose as she thought that she needed to go to Sean right away. She pushed open the door out of the shop, and she slung her bag on her shoulders. She got the keys in her pockets a little later and opened her car while her vision was blurry. Louie ran outside and grabbed a hold of her wrists.

Friya removed it rashly as she turned to him and asked, "Why did you say it to be a little late?"

Louie opened his mouth to say something as he sighed and he doesn't know what to comment it upon her. Louie breathed, "I was there earlier, and you said that you don't want to go. I heard how the doctor said it, and I was surprised when he said that it was the case for him."

"Why does it have to happen? Why is it granted upon to Sean?" Friya asked herself as she climbed inside without taking a second look back towards Louie. He was too late to talk it out to her as he ran towards his car too. Friya wiped her nose as she inserted the key on its socket while she cried. She gripped the steering wheel as she stepped on the gas pedal rather hastily.

Louie followed as they were on the way towards the corner of San Miguel's Hospital, only a corner away.


Feline was now sitting down on the stool beside Sean, who was still lost in his thoughts, leaning on his back. His parents were organizing his things and Sierra said that she would get out of her brother's room for a while. Feline knew that Sierra was not in the mood to stay with her in the same room.

She licked her lips as Sean asked, "Are you... my Mom and Dad?"

Sean's mother raised her to look towards her son and she saw how innocent his face was. Feline also saw the same thing. She sighed and let Sean talk to his parents for a while. Sean looked down as she could not take it anymore. Sean saw how the tears trickled down on her cheeks, and he furrowed his eyebrows. Sean's father quickly get up and guided his wife to stand up from the couch.

Feline nodded as Sean's father said that they would be getting out to grab some fresh air for a while. She sighed as she saw that they need to be alone. Feline watched as the door closed and Sean was also looking at it. He slowly averted his emotionless eyes towards the woman beside her. Sean furrowed his eyebrows as he saw that she has long hair and she was the same height as him. He swallowed as he doesn't want to utter some words.

He glanced at his blanket as Feline looked at her and smiled. Sean's eyes landed on her and he just nodded as he opened his mouth to say anything, "Who... are you?"

Feline looked up with an astonished face and pursed lips. She opened her mouth to say something as she pursed her lips to say, "Ahhh... I'm..."

"Are you also my sister or something?" Sean asked with that dreary face and sunken eyes. His dimples appeared as he clenched his jaw a little. He sighed as he looked at the other side as Feline formed the words to say it to him.

She clasped her hands on her lap as she mumbled, "I'm... I'm you... I'm your girlfriend, Sean."

Sean widened his eyes as he shot up a look towards her as he opened his eyes out of surprise. Sean blinked two times as Feline looked down and pretended to shed some tears. Sean snickered as his eyes got a little worried as he said, "I'm... I want to apologize for not recognizing you..."

Sean breathed as he shook his head and could not believe that he doesn't have a single memory on his mind. Feline lifted up her chin as she doesn't know what to say. She raised her hand and put it on his arm. Sean was surprised by that touch, but he doesn't flinch.

Feline slid her palms over his hands as she looked at him with glimmering eyes. She swallowed as she said, "It's okay. Accident happens, and we all know there is a reason why it happened to you."

Feline thought that it was maybe because the will of God was to drift Sean away from Friya, and that's a better reason why it happened to him. He glimpsed at his so-called girlfriend, as Feline entwined her fingers over him and smiled sadly. Sean was puzzled about what to respond to her.

Meanwhile, Sean's parents came out and turned the corner. They didn't notice Friya, walking swiftly, with her heels clicking on the tiles, as Louie grabbed a hold of her arms. Friya removed it rashly from her arm and turned to Louie.

Louie closed his eyes as he could not explain what he has in his mind. He licked his lips as he said, "I know that you wanted to see him right here and there, but... his parents were furious at you, Friya, do you want some time to think it off first?"

Friya sniggered at him while the tears were strolling down her eyes. She looked at him like a woman deprived of any rights, she mumbled, "I want to know why... why does it have to happen to him? Huh? I mean... Sean was fine..."

She could not continue what she was saying as she looked down and sobbed. She turned her back once again as she stopped abruptly, a few meters away from the door. She saw that the door was opening, and she opened her mouth slightly as she saw Feline, guiding someone out of the door.

The gauze was placed over his head, and he was standing close towards his intravenous pole., a line connecting through his veins. He swallowed and smiled a little, the dimples were showing, and he was talking towards Feline, with a delighted voice. They both walked in the corner, disappearing from sight, and Friya was left alone, unseen, in the center of the hallways. Louie halted on the back as he also saw the scene.

Friya froze in her place, knuckled her left fist, huffed an air, and glanced down at the hallways by what she had seen. The mistress was there, and by that short time, Feline probably said that he is her current girlfriend. Friya felt that her knees got weaker than usual, like a jelly, and she was going to go down to the floor.

Louie caught her before she goes down on the floor, and Friya was surprised by his touch. Friya caught her balance on the floor and she narrowed her eyebrows. She glanced at the other sides and she closed her eyes out of annoyance. She turned her heel around, forgetting what she had done for the past days, and she knew that she could not forget what she had just seen.

Louie was so puzzled about what happened to Friya, that he quickly gripped her arm again, but this time, she doesn't persist. The tears were falling on her eyes as she turned to Louie. She slowly raised her hands and removed Louie's grip.

"I thought you want to see him?" Louie asked as Friya looked upon him with a blurry vision. The tears welled up once again as she looked down.

"It's... it's only me that loves him... he doesn't even remember me anymore," Friya stated the fact that made her sob. Her shoulders were shaking as if she could not believe, in just a blink of an eye, all their memories inside his mind had been eradicated by a single accident.

She shook her head as she continued, "When he can't recognize me anymore, that means I have to let him go even though I am still loving him. What use of it when I was his beloved when he doesn't know who I am."

The heavy tears continuously escaped, and she closed her eyes out of grief. Louie was also stunned in his place, as he knew that she was really wounded and broken inside. Friya turned around as she wiped her nose. She walked up in the hallways with her eyes getting puffier than usual, as she thought of Sean, with Feline, his only mistress the time he remembered something before the accident, now being the one who was there for him.

Louie knew that he needed to give her some time alone. Louie just stayed there, watching Friya's back walking away from him.

Friya walked on the corner and she looked at the other side of the hallways, where the garden had been placed in the center. She widened her eyes when she saw Feline and Sean, standing beside each other, while Friya was there, watching them, talking to each other like they knew each other very well.