Lies Within

"I want to apologize for what happened to me... I just want to remember everything even the slightest things we did as a couple," Sean grinned from ear to ear, showing his deep dimples on either side of his cheeks, his tousled hair volumized and held onto the pole once again. He was a bit flustered by the fact that Feline was looking at him with a blush on her cheeks.

She was beautiful, a goddess, really. Sean couldn't even attempt to think that he was standing beside someone who was so gorgeous. Feline was upstanding at first sight, fresh from up to the toe, her skin was smooth even though it was covered by the long sleeves of her white polo. She looked at the garden by the hallways and sighed.

She was lying so much that she doesn't know if she could attempt to see Friya's face by now. She was the mistress, the woman who was in despair to be his girlfriend, the woman who was desperate to be loved. Feline was seeing that much of her character inside in just a matter of few hours.

But she was glad that Sean believed everything that she had said.

"It will take time before you can recover your memories. I am sure that you will remember me as much as possible. The doctors will take good care of you," Feline explained and placed her hands on that barricades. She tiptoed a little as she stared up through the glass dome and sighed. Sean was looking at her, his eyes were painted of bewilderment and excitement at the same time.

Sean didn't know what life he had bent through. He just woke up with nothing to remember. What happened to him was the reason he wanted to recollect the memories he had once been. How tough it was to lie down on the bed with the family members howling at the sides of the railings when you, yourself, didn't even know the first letter of his name.

"I apologize for not remembering you earlier. Each faces that I saw today was really new to me. It was like I am born again with nothing but to just cry until someone came up and say, 'It's okay, I'm here,'" Sean said in a wise tone of his voice. He held onto his pole and quivered his lip. Feline shifted her gaze and felt the pity. He stood up straight, brushed a little of his fingertips, and draw some breath.

"Can we walk a little bit further in the park of the hospital? I want to sit down on the bushes with the flowers blooming," Sean muttered in a low voice. Feline was surprised by what he said and she doesn't have enough time to react. She knew that Sean was fond of parks and gardens, but she was not always there for her.

It was Friya.

She looked down and put on a pretend beam that was in a form sarcastic means. She followed him even if it hurts her ego way more than he had expected.

At the same time, Friya was leaning her forehead through the steering wheel of her car. The whole ambiance of her car was frigidly cold, the radio was turned off for an instant, and the sound of silence was defeating. The tears rolled down her cheeks as she remembered the day she saw Feline's Caller ID through Sean's cell phone.

The words she tumbled out through her mouth, the anger that was laced through her tone, the despise that was fixed on her eyes. She regretted all of it. She wanted to go back in time where Sean didn't lose his memories in one blink of an eye. She raised her head and leaned it back on the rest.

She was still in a daze. She was in a devastated world where no one could console her even the slightest. Friya wiped the tears from her cheeks as soon as her cell phone rang. She sighed as she saw that it was from the police. She was then the reported guardian of Sean Gonzales, but she repeatedly said that she was not the one who should be interviewed anymore.

Friya swiped the end button and whispered, "They kept on pestering me. I am not the one who was responsible for his accident."

Friya held on through the steering wheel while someone knocked through the side of her car. The cell phone started to ring once again but she ignored it. She turned it upside down, held the power button for a few seconds, and unlocked the locks of her car. She sighed in an irritating way as Louie tried to open the passenger door. He was surprised when it open and he swung it wide.

Friya was not in the mood to talk to anyone but Louie hopped in a minute later. She looked at the other way, the sadness in her eyes had been eradicated and changed to a tempering one, and she hissed.

"I was trying to find you earlier but you're here---"

"What is it? Do you need to say something about Sean once again? Just reserve it. I don't want to hear everything about the words you wanted to say," Friya concluded their conversation once again. She wanted to be alone, for god's sake!

"I am not here to say something about Sean. I was concerned about who hit him the day he got into an accident, Friya," Louie huffed and never wanted to back out from the argument that Friya had initiated. Friya furrowed her eyebrows and looked at him with confusion. Louie sighed and picked up his ringing cell phone while showing him how he had been pestered by the police every day.

"I was reaching out to the police to stop investigating first. But this case could be a hit and run. Sean's parents were now investigating everything, you should help too," Louie delivered the news as Friya parted her lips slightly.