Comes Second

"Let's pack your things. We could go home now. Let's celebrate with Feline at the house," Uncle Stephen babbled out. He retrieved something at the bottom of the drawer table. Auntie Sophie yapped out, saying that she should sign the discharge form.

Feline and Sean smiled at each other. A text beeped through Feline's cell phone, and she retrieved it from her bag. Feline saw that it's from her teammates for her afternoon radio show. She opened the message. Feline read it, and she dropped her jaw on the floor.

She saw the screenshot of an image with the buzz net worth rankings for radio shows. It included hers, but what comes first was... Friya's production of Dear Love.

She knuckled her fists as her consultation with a psychiatrist in action came second. Feline still wanted to be the first one. TSV Studios lead to the top 10 buzz worth rankings, but Feline wasn't ecstatic with the news. After all those years, Friya remained at the first spot.

Feline turned off her cell phone. She's certain that Friya's team was celebrating now. Dear Love has been on the run for 5 years now. Since Friya stepped inside the TSV Studios, it was the only one she produced. And looked where it got her. The radio show has million of supporters around the Philippines.

Feline got used to being the second one to her. She's not that competitive with other directors, but for Friya, she wanted to fight. Even if it meant destroying Sean's relationship with her.

She tucked the cell phone into her tight jeans once again. She's unsure whether to wrap up the production or start a new one. Her members would be furious at her if she suggested they should end it quickly.

Feline shrug it off. After all, Sean was there for her, even if it's a lie. Feline brushed her hair, tucking it in her ears, and tilted the corners of her lips. She should be happy she got Sean. It's her only wish.

She spun around and went inside his room again.


Friya pushed the glass doors. Louie by her side, holding his briefcase. They went inside, bowing down to the employees who recognized them. Friya even raised her eyebrows at one actress of their studios.

Louie and Friya stopped at the front of the elevator. She breathed as she took a sip from her coffee. The freezing air around them made every employee wore a coat over their office outfit. Even Friya.

"The buzz worth top rankings would be out now, aren't you excited about that?" Louie asked her. He pushed the up button. They both waited for the elevator ride to come. Friya breathed, chuckling.

"Why? It's not like something I should holler about," Friya responded. Her humble personality came up once again. Louie turned to her, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Aren't you proud you secured the first spot in the last two years? You had been unbeatable at that rate," he remarked. Friya shrugged. She shook her head too. The beep of the elevator came, and they rode in an empty car.

Louie pressed the fourth and fifth floor buttons. Friya answered, "Someone would beat me this year. I saw our rankings. It's not that high anymore. It might fluctuate next year."

Louie chortled at it, watching the red screen above the door. He pouted his lips, saying, "How can you say that? You're great at your work, Friya. You should celebrate here and then. It's a blessing for you, to be number one."

Her heart comforted on its own with his words. To be the number one in the world wasn't everything. Friya might lose something precious in order to be on the top.

She looked down, and drawled, "What's the use of being the number one when there are still other numbers?"

Louie's smile vanished from his lips as he could feel the atmosphere on a serious note. Friya sniggered at him, shrugging her shoulders. It's the truth, after all. No matter how she maintained the number one spot, there's still someone envious of her. She tried to be a role model for them, but they seem to see them otherwise.

The elevator doors opened, and Louie sighed. He reminded, "See you later."

Louie stepped out from the doors and walked into the corner. He left her behind with no response, intrigued by Friya's words. Louie shook his head and head to his office.

Friya felt the elevator moved a few meters away from the fourth floor. It opened, but... Friya didn't step out after a minute. Someone came in, looked at her unknowingly. Her thoughts scrambled once again to Sean's recovery.

It has been two weeks already. Only Louie had the guts to say what he was doing inside the hospital. The elevator doors closed again as she puffed her cheeks. She pressed the rooftop button and stayed there for a while.

Several questions popped out in her mind as she waited for her destination. Friya observed the people in and out of the car. She gripped the body of the cup. The elevator dinged, and the wind around the hallways gushed through her entirety.

Friya's the only one who was there. She stepped out, threw the cup in the trash bin, and sighed. She opened the door towards the rooftop. Friya saw the one she was looking for.

She went out, called out, "I'm here. I want to give the statement you wanted since day one of the investigation."

The detective slipped his hands on his jacket and turned to her. Friya distanced herself at the safe radius. Skeptical about the sighting of her talking to a detective. She's pretty popular, yes, as the producer of a radio show.

She might head out if there was news that circle around her. Friya doesn't want to be the center of the talk. The detective sighed, mumbling, "You need to follow me to the station. Or don't you want the mirror of the cameras in your face?"