Feline's Disguise

Sean's mother ordered Feline to follow her. Feline raised her eyebrows and turned to Sean. "I'll go out with your mom. Talk with your father first."

She placed her coat on the stool and smiled at him. Sean's father nodded at her as she walked out of the door. Feline grabbed the doorknob, closing the door gently. She walked out, peeking through the hallway. Feline saw Sean's mother at the front of another ward.

The sunlight illuminated the hallways. Her footsteps made Sean's mother look up at her.

"Auntie Sophie," Feline stop, calling out her name. Sophie looked up at her and beamed. Feline was rather skeptical around her moves. She needed to be careful with her words this time. Sophie breathed in the fresh air first.

Feline stooped her head down. She glanced at her while swallowing.

"You know, I don't know what happened to my son. One thing's sure, I am glad that Friya went out of her life for a reason," Sophie began. Feline stared up at her. Is she saying that she wished for her son's tragedy?

Feline creased her forehead with that. She's the mistress, after all. She doesn't have any opposing arguments with Sophie's statement. Sean's mother averted her eyes to her and asked, "Aren't you glad too? You seduced my son, aren't you?"

Sophie stood upright after asking that. Feline's eyes darted everywhere, ended up landing on Sophie's glowering ones.

"I don't know... what you're talking about," Feline stuttered. It's not real. She was pretending to be innocent, although it doesn't show in her actions. Feline gazed at Sophie, chuckling.

"You didn't? That's why you said to him you are his girlfriend?" Sophie retorted. She crossed her arms below her chest, tilting her head to one side. How could this woman lie? Sophie thought it once.

"I'm sorry, Auntie Sophie. We need to go back inside Sean's room. I am sure she's worried about you," she ended the conversation but failed to shut Sophie's mouth. Feline knew she placed herself in a situation with no exit. She has to deal with the consequences at the end of the line. It was a never ending maze of life after all.

No, life felt uncomfortable.

"I am worried about you, too. Because you might slip out Friya's name in front of him," Sophie remarked, making Feline looked up at her. How can she do that? It could jog up his memories. Feline never wanted to say that name unless she has to.

"You blink. One wrong word and you will lose my son, Feline. Think about that hundred times," she mused. Feline's fists knuckle. She glimpsed at Sophie after a few moments.

"Do you think you can disguise yourself as her girlfriend for a longer time? No, Feline. That's not the point here." Sophie contemplated everything just to wake her up. She turned her head to the side, raising her arms at her chest level. Sophie quivered her lip at the same time.

She gritted her teeth and asked, "What are you trying to pertain, Auntie Sophie? Do you want to say something about his relationship with Friya? Or... you wanted something different to talk about?"

Sophie flailed her arms down. She breathed as she shook her head. Feline creased her eyebrows a little. She wanted to order something. She could see it right through Sophie's eyes.

Sophie clicked her tongue at the roof of her mouth, murmured, "Make sure you keep my Sean away from Friya. That girl didn't leech off from my son for 10 years. I didn't even know how I can remove her from his life. This is the only time she walked out of his life."

Feline hid her hands behind her back. She tightened it. Her statement was vague, but it's not nice based on her words. How could she keep him away from Friya if he wanted to bring back his job? He still has to come across her.

Feline asked, "What?"

"Disguise yourself until he believes you. It's not a crime to fall in love with my son. After all, I wanted you to be his wife. That Friya should stay out of my sight, the better it takes for us," Sophie concluded. She walked to her side, tapped her shoulder. Feline gradually shifted her eyes.

She whispered, "Love is a rose. You choose to hold on to the thorns even if you know you're hurting."

Feline left herself hanging as she walked out of that hallway. Sophie's heels click clacked and reached the door. Feline stayed her head on that angle and closed her eyes. She recovered right away and asked herself what a mess she dragged herself into.


Even though he doesn't know what it looked like. Feline clasped her hands down on her lap as she squirmed in her seat. She left the details with Friya out, throwing those memories in a trash bin. Feline looked up and saw the smoldering look of Sean's mother. Their talk earlier plastered on Feline's mind.

She tore it off. Instead, she smiled at Sean and voiced, "I can finally tour you around, to bring back your memories. I know you have been waiting to bring back the life you have."

Sean's father went on, "Yeah, son. Feline will surely guide you back to track."

A track that can lead Sean to Friya once again, she thought. Feline's disguise as his girlfriend would never be permanent. It's that she just wanted to live on it for as long as she could. She pursed her lips as she nodded, looking into Sean's hopeful eyes.

"Let's pack your things. We could go home now. Let's celebrate with Feline at the house," Uncle Stephen babbled out. He retrieved something at the bottom of the drawer table. Auntie Sophie yapped out, saying that she should sign the discharge form.

Feline and Sean smiled at each other. A text beeped through Feline's cell phone, and she retrieved it from her bag. Feline saw that it's from her teammates for her afternoon radio show. She opened the message. Feline read it, and she dropped her jaw on the floor.