The Lost Memories of the Story

How come he found me in the garden?

Friya furrowed her eyebrows. Her jaw dropped on the floor for the moment. Friya slowly turned around, trying to shake off the thought that it was Sean. She gazed at the man's sneakers, and she confirmed it.

The only one who could find her in the garden was him. And now he's standing over there. Friya looked up in his worried eyes. The look on his face... he's confused why he was there. Friya was too.

"Ms. Friya Lee. The broadcast may be ruined if you walked away now." Sean took a step forward. Friya didn't intend to make her bewilderment washed over her surprise. She clutched the hem of her coat, looking straight into his eyes. Sean approached her skeptically. He was careful not to trigger her or anything.