She Got Surprised

His mind even became tangled. He took deep breaths, taking a step backward as he got even more confused. Suddenly, he dropped on the floor as an intensified ringing in his ears erupted. Sean hissed, closing his eyes the moment it happened. He grunted in pain, falling on the floor completely.

Sean held onto both sides of his temples. A vision suddenly came up in his eyes. She was there, smiling at him, holding his hand... but the face blurred the moment he looked up. The laughter resonated all over his memory, and Sean shook his head.

The pain was all over his head.

It wouldn't go away. The employees around the area surround him, and someone even called the nurse by the clinic. Sean heard the commotion by his side, but he couldn't open his eyes. Something flashed in his mind that he didn't even know. It must be his memories of Feline.