
'Are those Wisteria flowers?'

I could barely make out the shape and color of the flowers above my head with my tear filled eyes.

It's been quite some time since we washed up here from the river. Inosuke is now sleeping next to me.

[ *Ding* ]

[ System integration complete ]

[ *Ding* ]

[ Due to host being laughably weak, the system can't perform a large amount of it's functions ]

[ The host will be given the Demigod body and will have to complete a certain amount of physical training for the system to fully unlock ]

After that a blue screen appeared in front of me listing all the various excercise I'll have to perform till I'm 10 to unlock the system.

[ 1. 10KM run

2. 100 Push ups

3. 100 squats

4. 100 Sit ups]

'Holy shit. Isn't this the Holy Saitama Training Regime. But it isn't like I'll be doing any kind of excercise until I'm 2 at the very least. There's a limit to my baby body. First gotta learn to stand up at the very least.', I thought already producing ideas about my future while still holding my little brother's hand.

The little brother who was now my sole family and will be my only one I'll be able to protect because I couldn't protect our mother.

'Guess you win some and you lose some, huh?' I thought before another message appeared in front of me.

[The training will keep changing according to the changes in the host's body so you can have a thorough training of you body.]

[ The system will be inactive until the host reaches the threshold of 'beginner in body training'. Goodnight and good luck. ]

'Yeah, there's no way I'm waiting till I turn 10 to unlock the system. Out here in the wild if I want to protect Inosuke, I'll have to grow stronger really fast.'

'I can't hope that the boars will share their food with 2 children so easily'

'Let's just wait for someone or something to show up'

10 Minutes later

*Asura's POV*

'Ah here they come, the boars which will be raising us for years to come.'

'Wait why are those things with them!'

5 Years later

Right now I was jumping from tree to tree as fast as I could while being chased by wolves.

"Why wolves?" You might ask.

Well that's because of this wierd mountain. Due to this mountain being surrounded by wisteria flowers, all animals here are quite docile and lenient towards each other.

The wisteria flower makes the mountain safe from any kind of demon attacks. And the Wisteria flowers also give changes to the animals that live here.

The species of animals here might be the same but they are far different than any other of their counterparts.

From their appearance, to their size, to their intelligence they show that they are far superior.

The animals here can somehow understand human speech with very few species being unable to do it.

They just protect their young ones. The carnivores don't overpopulated and the herbivores don't escape the mountain and accept when at certain times their numbers decrease a little.

Despite me saying carnivores, the only species on this mountain which fits the description would be the wolf pack behind me.

'Okay this is enough, I shouldn't make them fight for food this much.'

I jumped down from a tree and begin leisurely walkin towards the wolves while holding the pieces of meat in my hand.

I proceeded to feed the meat to every single one of the white wolves before patting them and heading deeper into the forest.

The wolves in the forest had snow white skin with lightning like purple patterns running through their bodies. Yeah we were raised by really cool beings.

I began running full speed in a direction. My full speed can right now even counter the top athletes of my previous world but it's not like the other Wolves give a shit. They have to slow down for me to be able to keep up with them. It was more of a necessity that I had to learn to run this fast.

Why? Well when you live with wolves that reach maturity at almost 4 years of age you gotta learn to keep your head above waters. There weren't any food issues or things like that but I had to at least be able to keep up with them when they hunt.

It's not like I never tried my human abilities. Like how I just now went from tree to tree full on Tarzan style. It's fun to see beings that can absolutely demolish you in a straight up confrontation become so helpless in front of you.

What? You surpass every human in strength,speed and agility and can find any being in the forest easily through your amazing sense of smell?

Haha bipedal Monkey uses Climbing

It was super effective

' I need to stop with my harassment of my own family.' I thought while chuckling to myself about how I finally have a family even though it only has a single human related to me by blood they are still my family.

10 Minutes later

I wait in a clearing between a patch of trees waiting for Inosuke to show up. Despite me being here it was like he had a connection to the boars living here.

I obviously couldn't stay with them as their diet consists of plants and a whole bunch of insects for protiens.

I could never forget when I first saw Inosuke literally drinking down bugs. Well it's kinda better that he didn't chew.

But I still made him brush his teeth for at least half an hour the next day.

As much as I love that stupid brother of mine I don't want him to die of something like an oral infection although the concept of 'Good Hygiene' remains questionable in our daily lives but I make sure he at least rinses his mouth every day and baths every day.

So, with me not being a insect eater I went to live with the wolves whom I had a connection to. The pack leader accepted me and raised me as their own.

The other pups even smeared some mud on my back and made it into something that resembled the shape of lightning.

The food in the pack was also pretty gross to be honest. Yeah it was no bugs but I still had to eat raw meat.

After a couple of years I even started cooking the meat and shared it with the whole pack. They quite liked it to be honest.

'That dumbo is probably eating some bugs right now. Sigh'

I thought, when suddenly the bushes behind me rustled and out came the little ball of energy which was my little brother.

"Nii san!" He said while hugging me.

"Can you at least be a little more quiet."

Yeah it was me who taught Inosuke how to read and write.

I was the first one to start speaking and after that it was like the world was coming after him to take away his most precious toy as Inosuke started trying his hardest to speak.

I also taught him basic manners and other things, like how to interact with humans and proper etiquette. He was still sloppy with it but at least it was better than in the original timeline. It's not like I'm not gonna stop training him in that.

But my greatest accomplishment in this life is that I taught Inosuke how and why taking a bath is necessary.

I know for a fact that if I hadn't taught him his handsome face would've been covered in monkey shit all the while until he reached human society.

So for Inosuke I was not only his big brother and only family alive. I was also the coolest person ever because I was stronger than him and better than him in almost everything.

He was literally fascinated by the stories and myths I told him about from my previous lifetime.

So all in all, me and Inosuke loved each other to death and also we're happy to be in each other's company.

Despite him being a little bratty Inosuke still loved me as a brother and I loved him too.

So now, getting back to the present.

"How can I be quiet when coming to visit my bro who's the coolest person ever. You even have those cool two colored eyes."

"Yeah. Those are kinda cool I guess."

Even I had been shocked when I first saw the reflection of my eyes in water.

One of my eye was azure blue in color with the pupil resembling the shape of lightning while the other one was crimson red with the pupil being somewhat similar to a slit in shape. I knew I had seen this kinda pupil before but I just couldn't make any strong connection.

"Now Inosuke, let's train a little, shall we."

I said as I got up and got into my fighting stance with Inosuke doing the same.

"YOU'RE ON!" Shouted my little brother.