
"Now Inosuke, let's train a little, shall we."

"YOU'RE ON." shouted Inosuke

*Asura's POV*

Inosuke said nothing else and simply got into his fighting stance. He then ran towards me with full speed.

I had taught Inosuke that unless it's to distract an enemy, he should never speak with the enemy and If the enemy himself is speaking then use the chance to think of countermeasures.

I still haven't told him about the existence of demons because if he knew that someone stronger than me existed then he would want to fight him or her.

Inosuke was a battle maniac. Even in the original timeline he trained himself in Kenjutsu (Swordsmanship) after only getting a sword few weeks before the selection exam. Hell I wasn't even sure when he got the sword and how much he trained but there's sure as hell no place on this mountain to train in Swordsmanship.

And if that wasn't crazy enough, he even developed Beast breathing which was a Breath form on the same level of potential as Wind breathing .

(Won't wind breathing just be normal breathing? Lol)

*Now back to the fight.*

Inosuke ran with his small body towards me at full speed. Due to living with the family of boars, Inosuke has developed a fighting stance for himself.

He had his head lowered and moved his body like a bullet. It was somewhat similar to the Naruto stance but he was a lot better at making use of it.

In just a moment he was in front of me and tried to land a kick on my knees to break my stance. He has his own style of fighting and that involves a lot of kicks. Sometimes he even wierds me out with the kind of flexibility he can pull off.

I caught his leg with my hand and lifted his body before throwing it towards the ground.

Inosuke almost instantaneously realised my intention and used his hands to get back up at his feet.

I then proceeded to perform quick jabs towards his chest and neck while deflecting his punches and kicks with my palms.

After a while of doing this and Inosuke using his insane flexibility to dodge my attacks, Inosuke finally managed to dodge my defense and was about to land a kick on my face.

"Haha looks like I'll finally win!"

After getting suprised for a moment I then used my mouth to catch Inosuke's kick and break it's momentum.

If you can't block or dodge it then just try to break it's momentum at least you'll get less damage.

Yeah after living with wolves for years you pick up a trick or two.

The wolves in my pack used their teeth like swords and their claws like knifes. And after eating raw meat for such a large amount of time I had a biting force even stronger than many other members of my pack similar in age to me. Maybe that has something to do with my system and Demigod body.

"Tat bid I tay abau peaping bile kiting Ineseke." ( What did I say about speaking while fighting Inosuke.)

Inosuke didn't reply and just tried to take back his leg but I had jaws which broke bones to eat their marrow how can I let my target get away so easily.

I pulled back my arm and punched Inosuke's chest to knock the wind out of him. My bones and skin were pretty more reselient then others not to the level of unbreakable but I did get a lot less scrapes and bruises in my childhood, something I'm proud of as I don't wanna die of infection.

While Inosuke was gasping for air I used the opportunity to get him into a blood choke.

"I win little guy."

I then released him because I didn't want my brother to fall unconscious.

But as soon as I released him Inosuke again began attacking me. But with my regeneration abilities any drawn out battle with a human was just mine to win. This was something I taught Inosuke myself if it's on the battlefield or in a life and death fight then anything is allowed all kinds of punches and kicks. History is written by those who survive after all. Well Inosuke still was his own man and doesn't use this tactic as much as me. He still has a little bit of chivalry and I've got no problem against that. Guess I gotta be the Demon Assassin.

After a while of punching and dodging Inosuke was face first into the ground while I was standing over him.

"Are you calm now Inosuke?"

"Yeah Big bro." Inosuke said with a sad face.

"You dumbo, I have already told you not to get sad because of me. My strength means nothing without you."

"You are the only family I have so I want to protect you that's why I'm working to get stronger. You don't have to feel sad about it."

"Yeah." Inosuke said as he had a small smile on his face.

"But that doesn't mean you'll get away from your training. Now start running laps with me around the mountain" I said as I got Inosuke up on his feet.

He visibly shuddered when I said the end of my sentence.

"But Nii san....." Inosuke said while giving me those puppy eyes. His strongest attack if I say so myself.

'Uff,this little brother of mine.He can be so cute sometimes, maybe I should leave training for today?'

'No! Bad brother! You can't have him slack off.'

"No excuses Inosuke. Let's get a head start".

'This guy will do anything to get out of my training. In canon he never even flinched against the hardest of enemies and here he is so small and cute. Well he is my brother.' I thought while smiling at Inosuke which sent a shiver down my younger brother's spine.

4 Hours of hellish training later

[ *Ding* ]

[ Due to host having completed the required training in less than half the time host will get a beginner pack and additional skills after the initialisation of system]

[ System initialisation 1....2....3....]

[ System initialisation complete. Let's get you started on some training shall we. We'll make a fine Beast Lord out of you.]