Get to know each other

Harry's House, At Country D

It had already been three days since Berry lived with Harry in his apartment. However, they were still not making any progress up till now. The man always left early in the morning and came back home way too late that she was practically sleeping every time were together. She hated that they lived in the same house but were practically total strangers to each other. To think that he was willing to marry her anytime she wanted?

"Does that even make sense?" she retorted as she cooked dinner. She didn't bother to call him, knowing that he would just tell her that he would be late again. She typed out a message instead, saying:

[I'm cooking dinner. I'll wait for you, so please come home early. Don't let me starve?] She added a peace emoji before sending it.

She was trying her best not to look clingy whatsoever, but as the days passed, she was starting to tire of their awkward set-up.