The greatest achievement of all

"Does Will have a problem? He looks a bit stressed," Kimmy curiously asked when Cain returned back inside the house.

Cain put his arm over her shoulders, drawing her closer as he whispered into her ear, "Yeah, and it's personal. But if you're really interested, then we can talk more about it inside our room."

"That tickles," Kimmy giggled, feeling Cain nudge his nose right below her ear.

"Let's go," Cain said, leading her towards their bedroom. However, Kimmy stopped them in their tracks, looking at him suspiciously.

"Why does it have to be in the bedroom? Why can't we talk in the living room instead?" Her eyes widened as she saw the naughty grin on Cain's face, "Stop that! I know what you're thinking, and it's a big NO!"

She shook her head. She couldn't believe how… voracious he was acting in terms of having her hands all over her when he should be resting!