Day 2 part 2

The 2L orange juices were sour, the meat was already in bad shape and we had to see what to do with it, it was a challenge, what could be saved we saved but without overdoing it, I kept in another small bag the knick-knacks and we marked the place as a future reestablishment for food and drink.

We explored a little more until a noise caught my attention, for the one who hated toads would hate them more now, as a result of all the mutation his body could not stand so many vitamins and steroids, they had grown in size to a little more than someone who was 2 meters tall. I asked myself the million dollar question again, what kind of movie am I in, not to mention that their diet now included meat, even crazier.

I don't know if it was luck but despite his attack of sticky slime or oil, I don't know what it was anymore, I along with Capitan and Isaias were bathed, thanks to Miguel he saved me from a swallowing kiss.

Obviously due to this incident along with the report we were sent to return and we were given a big bath, apparently we were not the only ones with such an accident, we took the toad and returned to the fort.

The mocking was not long in coming and more with the nickname "The kiss of the toad" who I least wanted to see at that time had also been bathed but still mocked.

I could not stand much but I continued with the plan to ignore him, I went with the girls to take a bath, although I took longer with my hair because I still felt the smell, the mixture was fresh water with salt, I preferred the smell of the sea and thus did not attract something strange.

After my bath I met him again, this time he didn't say anything but brag about 2 buildings they managed to explore and give green light, I just looked at him and said.

Me: *believed* Good for you guys, that's good luck. -I smiled at him with little encouragement.

His reaction was curious as it was a mixture of Are you really congratulating me? And "I can tell you don't like me" even I couldn't understand his gesture, I came back and another uniform was right in my area, while I raised an eyebrow Miguel sees me and tells me

Miguel: we have already been assigned other uniforms and later we have to postulate a leader.

Me: What do you mean, Captain will no longer be our leader? -confused-

Miguel: he will be the Captain, but he is a group leader, besides we will also do our other activities.

Me: -laughs- if you say that for you I am glad but... -laughs- I can't sue or advocate a dinosaur.

For such a comment of mine Miguel did not stop laughing, and I was happy to be in his group, that made me laugh heartily in spite of what we were all going through.

Effectively, after each group vote a leader would be chosen and each one would choose another support but referring to what they mainly did, that is to say, I as an explorer could take samples to the laboratory and then they would give me a report and in turn I would take it to my superior who in this case would be Captain Harry Thompson.

I was chosen by the boys, the heavy Alejandro and others in total we were 6, there were only 2 women Leaders, Alejandro was to clear what I was investigating and we both secured the area, I joined him by force and not by vote, they said it was because we knew how to synchronize, hunter who was Miguel could help extermination, in case he wanted to pass the wall.

I was named the Alpha of the scouts, the 04 squad was to qualify us as one of the 10 best, and to have excelled in several areas, Isaiah would be my decoder because he understood Morse code, each building would be painted to the taste of the team, so we gave the report of the colors and I drew them how to paint the emergency stairs to enter the building.

Yellow as chicken, sky blue, black would be our color, the red was to be dark and not light as that would cause chaos with the horned ones, Alejandro for some reason reported that they in their area had the Stegosaurus and the others had seen a small group of Stegoceras, all herbivores for now, but the latter in heat were chaos.