
We advised Harry of our position and he gave us permission to use a shortcut that will work as the emergency stairs, we were given a mix of colors of both and a sailcloth to make our logo, I preferred to leave that to Alejandro and I saw our rooms, the apartment had 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, that seemed great to us, so we agreed that 1 room would be exclusive for our computers and maps, each one would choose his favorite room, at the beginning we had a debate because neither of us saw the other room, and we both wanted one with ocean view, when I complained and we went to the other room he just laughed of grief; I had exhausted my calm and out of anger I kicked him in the ass.

He just looked at me incredulously and I went to look for a space to put my bag, I took out what I used the most which was the coats, the room itself was beautiful with soft shades of cream, where our equipment would be was a navy blue color.

I let my hair down and turned on the equipment, I saw its battery level and then left it suspended, I opened the other bag where we would have our solar panels and went up with my flashlight, I completely ignored Alejandro and when I opened the roof I inspected the area and after cleaning it I placed the solar panels, and connected them to each other and then to the power source, I left a possible space to place our logo.

Then I realized that Alejandro had followed me and watched what I was doing, I just ignored him and decided to look at the view from some angles, when I looked at an area I saw some plants moving and decided to use the binoculars, there were other dinosaurs but I could not detail them, as I had not uploaded the cell phone I decided to go down and leave it alone again, I went down and when I wanted to go up a curiosity called my attention, when I looked at the elevator I saw a black lump, and when I opened it and saw that it was moving instinctively I moved away, but without realizing I had made a noise and that thing jumped on me, my body was paralyzed and I tried to move it away from me calmly.

When Alejandro showed me his gun and I nodded to his signal, carefully I uncovered his face and we noticed that it was a cat who had been trapped, both of us saw that and I sighed and Alejandro told me

Alejandro: Let me take care of the top, you make sure it's okay and be careful.

The poor cat is all black, so I hurried and from the other bottle that Alejandro had I gave the cat to drink and then when I wanted to bathe him I noticed that I could not bathe him with normal soap, I looked in my bag and I did not get any, so we had to explore and unplug the appliances of the other apartments, I had managed to get some pet food and bath soap, I went upstairs and bathed him calmly and then dried him carefully, I understood that I had to look for things borrowed from the previous owners to take good care of the cat and of us, after that the cat fell asleep in the arms of Morpheus and slept peacefully in my room.

Alejandro had really done me a great favor, he had gotten a powerful camera and took some pictures of what he had seen, from the upper floors he took some things for our days of guard, sofa, hammocks and a beach umbrella; When I went back upstairs this time with the cat already awake it was almost night and the stars were present, he told me what he did and I just smiled telling him that it was an excellent idea, it was our turn to stand guard but none of us wanted to go down and leave that view, so we tried several games and the loser had to go down, after so many games where the wins and losses were almost equal we decided to leave it in a draw and both watch until dawn.