Call the Intern to My Office

"Is there a meeting I have to attend today?" Ethan asked as he and Agung walked out of the meeting room with the deputy directors.

Agung checked the book he brought with him, before finally saying, "No sir, but it looks like the public relations want to announce the change of CEO while maybe later you will get an interview offer from the media," said Agung explaining.

It is very natural for public relations to announce their temporary change of CEO because one of the main functions of a CEO is to build and maintain the company's reputation.

How could he maintain the company's reputation if he wasn't even known? As the saying goes, do not know then are not loved.

How would potential customers be interested in using their services if the leader of their company is currently unknown? What's more, there are rumors that the company's leader, Ms. Wang Jia Li, is reportedly sick due to a heart attack.

"Has the press release regarding Ms. Wang's illness been issued?" Ethan asked as he and Agung were waiting for the elevator to go up.

"Not yet, but there are already rumors that Ms. Wang is currently sick, "said Agung.

The elevator finally went up and the door opened, Ethan and Agung then entered the elevator. After pressing button 6, the elevator closed again.

"Agung," Ethan called before opening the door to his office. Although actually Agung is older than Ethan, because of his current position and for the sake of professional work, Ethan only calls him by name. Agung doesn't mind either and calls Ethan an extra "sir" to show his respect.

"Yes, sir Ethan?" asked Agung who returned to his feet from his seat.

"Please tell the public relations team not to issue a press release regarding Mrs. Wang's who is sick or me who is a temporary CEO," Ethan finally said. He didn't want to risk getting caught by the agency company he was currently working with because he had sneaked up secretly to come to Indonesia.

Agung stared at Ethan for a moment, as if to say, "Are you sure what you are doing right now?" but Ethan just smiled and walked back into his office.

Agung finally contacted the public relations team, and as expected, they objected to the decision.

"It can't be helped, that's an order from the boss!" said Agung, who immediately took out an "order from boss" card, a very absolute card, which no one could deny. Want to argue? Just leave the company!


After returning to his room, Ethan was again busy reading the documents he needed to see and sign.

"Looks like the last time I read this much when I was writing my thesis," thought Ethan, leaning back in his leather chair. The last time he read that much while in college in London, he still remembers having to go back and forth to the library to read a book or read a journal.

While taking a break while twirling his office chair, Ethan remembered the woman he had met earlier in front of the office, for some reason he became very interested because she always put on fake expressions on those around her. Ethan then immediately presses the intercom to call Agung.

"Yes, sir Ethan," answered Agung across the street.

"Do you remember there was a girl wearing a college alma mater jacket that I met this morning in the lobby?" Ethan asked.

Agung seemed to think for a while before finally answering, "Yes, I remember it, what's wrong?"

"Try to find out who she is," Ethan said before finally hanging up the call again.

A few minutes later, a call came in over Ethan's intercom.

"Yes?" Ethan replied.

"I've managed to find it, the girl named Carolina Akai, she's an intern who just entered today in the IT department," said Agung.

Ethan smiled with satisfaction, as expected of his father's company secretary.

"Oh good job, please call the intern into my office," Ethan replied.

"Ahem, I'm sorry sir Ethan, I think it would be inappropriate if you immediately called an intern on her first day," said Agung advised him. He didn't want to get involved in his boss's love affairs, but it seemed that his boss was too young and inexperienced.

Bad rumors could arise from that, so Agung tried to advise him.

Ethan thought for a moment, trying to decipher what Agung meant, after understanding what he meant, he replied, "Ah, this is not what you imagined, really! Isn't there usually something the boss has to sign in the intern report?" Ethan asked, giving reasons.

"Oh right, did you order plane tickets for flights to South Korea?" Ethan asked, wanting to change the subject.

"What ticket?" asked Agung, confused.

"Did I forget to tell you, huh? I have to go back to South Korea today! If possible order the flight for tonight," said Ethan which surprised Agung.

"Ah, looks like I forgot to tell you that I can only be in the office every Monday," said Ethan, finally realizing that he forgot to tell Agung that.

"I think I also forgot to tell papa and mama. Will they be angry again?" he thought.

Agung finally realized why his new boss had ordered the deputy directors of the meeting room to submit their reports to him on file.

"Yes, sir Ethan, I will order a ticket to Seoul and call the intern to your office," said Agung before finally closing the call.

Ethan rolled back the chair he was sitting in and a smile etched on his face.


"What the f*ck! I intend to do an internship here, not an errand girl," thought Carolina as she was in the elevator.

"It is not like i want to get anything from this company." she thought again. Since the beginning, she came here as a formality to fulfill the requirements before taking the Final Project. So Carolina doesn't expect to learn anything here, but that doesn't mean she has to be an errand girl to buy the cigarettes and bottled drinks for people here.

After getting out of the elevator, Carolina headed straight outside to go to BetaMart which is not too far from the NamTech company office.

"D*mn the weather is so fu*king hot!" Carolina grumbled and then took off her alma mater jacket.

After arriving at BetaMart, Carolina headed straight to the beverage cupboard and returned to the cashier.

"With one pack of beta cigarettes," said Carolina.

"The total is 38 thousand 700 coins miss, as well as top up your credit?" said the cashier. Carolina then gave 50 thousand that was given to her.

"If you buy something and then top up your credit, can you get a discount, miss?" asked Carolina suddenly. She has never shopped at this convenience store, who knows there are rules like that, right?

"Sorry miss, nothing," said the cashier with a smile.

"Can you donate the 300 coins, miss?" asked the cashier again when she saw that there was no change in change.

"Oh, here I have 200 coins, just return 500 coins," said Carolina then opened the coin purse she was carrying. Previously, she had deliberately brought her wallet with her, just in case there was anything she could buy.

But after seeing that the price of the snacks she ate was 300 cons higher than the convenience store where she usually bought her snacks, she immediately gave up her mind.

"Sorry sis, no more change. Can the 300 coins be donated?" asked the cashier again, trying to stay friendly.

"Here are 700 coins," said Carolina once again taking out 500 coins from her wallet.

"What the heck with this woman," thought the cashier. But Carolina ignored the cashier's gaze, they wouldn't see each other again anyway.

After all, 300 coins are worth you know! For every transaction, she must donate 300 coins. Ten transactions are already 3 thousand!

She can buy fritters with that money!

"This is the change sis," said the cashier who returned 1 note of 10 thousand and 1 note of 2 thousand. The cashier then saw Carolina put the 2,000 in her wallet and took out a thousand.

"Can you give me some plastic?" Carolina asked when she saw cigarettes and bottled coffee just placed in front of her.

"Ah yes, miss," said the cashier then took the plastic and put it in the coffee bottle and cigarette.

"This is your order miss, thank you!" said the cashier then smiled.

"Damn it, it's still early morning and I get customers like this," thought the cashier.

Carolina, who could see the cashier, didn't like her, just ignored her.

"It's not bad to get a thousand," thought Carolina, smiling with satisfaction.