It Seems We've Met Before

"Here, sir, the cigarettes and the change," said Carolina then gave the cigarette and the change of the man who told her to buy the cigarette on the man's table. The man only glanced briefly then returned to focus on the monitor screen in front of him.

After giving the cigarette, Carolina walked over to the other man.

"This is the coffee bottle, sir," said Carolina, who then put the bottle on the table of the man who ordered the bottled coffee.

"Ah, yes, thanks," said the other man.

After giving him what she bought, Carolina sat back down in her chair. Do not know what to do.

"If I play my cellphone will they gonna talk about me, huh?" thought Carolina. Unlike the cashier, who she likely won't see again, the people who are here will always meet her almost every day during her internship.

So she has to start building a good female image like when she was on campus.

"But what should I do, huh?" thought Carolina, who didn't know what to do because it seemed like everyone was busy there. Nor did she dare to ask Andi, who was the team's project manager, because it was clear that he didn't really like her.

"Carolina," lost in thought, suddenly Andi called her.

"Oh! Will I finally be given a task? He doesn't seem like the type to get people to buy something! " thought Carolina.

"Yes, sir," said Carolina then got up and came closer to Andi's table.

"The company secretary is looking for you, go to face him," said Andi, who seemed to have just gotten a phone call. Andi did not look away from the screen when Carolina approached. He only knew that the woman was near him from her voice.

Carolina stares at him confusedly, company secretary? Who?

Andi who seemed to realize that Carolina had not left yet, finally looked at Carolina who seemed confused, he then added, "The room is on the 6th floor."

"Oh okay," said Carolina then headed for the elevator and wondered if there was anyone here who knew her.

After arriving on the 6th floor, Carolina was amazed by the luxurious interior design, her eyes then fixed on the only table that looked like a reception desk in the room.

"Good morning sir. Are you looking for me? " Carolina asked after seeing the only man there. She seemed to have seen the man but had forgotten where.

"Morning, you are Carolina?" asked Agung when he saw a woman who was wearing an alma mater jacket, greeted him. After returning from work, Carolina was wearing her alma mater jacket again.

"Yes sir, said Carolina.

"Oh yes, come with me," said Agung. After knowing what section Carolina was placed in. Agung immediately called the team leader, Andi, and said he wanted to meet.

Agung deliberately said that the person who wanted to meet was himself, the company secretary, not the CEO of the company so that no gossip would circulate.

Carolina looks at Agung with suspicion but judging by the floor of this room where the interior design looks nicer and the man who has the position of the company secretary. Carolina finally followed suit.

After all, if they messed with her, Carolina could go home, dig the dark side of this company, and destroy it!

Because it is an easy thing for her.

Knock… Knock…

Agung knocked on the door not far from him,

"Enter," said the person inside.

Carolina then followed Agung to enter the room, the first thing Carolina saw was the office has a small living room, glass walls that show views of the city. Her gaze then fell on a leather chair that was back to her.

"This is the intern that Mr. Ethan asked about," said Agung who was in the room.

"Okay, you can come back," said Ethan, who was still turning his back to them.

After hearing a knock on the door to his room, Ethan suddenly became excited. He couldn't wait to see the expression on that woman's face again.

Did this woman want to use an expression that pretended to be not knowing him?

Or even after seeing himself who is the CEO of this company, that woman will apologize and say she knows himself?

So Ethan turned his back on purpose so he could see the expression on her face up close.

"Ah…," Agung was a little reluctant to leave them because after all, he didn't really know Ethan.

Would that man use his power to harass this intern? Such incidents are common among children who have powerful parents.

But in the end, Agung chose to leave, so far Ethan has not shown any symptoms like most of the rich children that Agung often hears.

"Hello," Ethan rolled back his chair to face Carolina with a smile and raised his hand.

As expected, the woman's expression was slightly taken aback, "Sh&t! Why is this red apple here?" Carolina thought, but she managed to calm herself down and returned the kind of smiling expression she often wore.

"Are you looking for me, sir?" asked Carolina with a smile.

"Ah, it turns out that you are an intern who just came in today," said Ethan, following Carolina who seemed to want to make small talk, "it seems we've met before," added Ethan and then rolled his eyes to the right.

"Tch, it looks so fake," thought Carolina as she saw the expression on Ethan's face. Carolina once read that rolling your eyes to the right indicates that the person is trying to lie by pretending to remember something he or she already remembered.

Of course, Carolina realized the man knew her!

"Hmm ...," Carolina deliberately tried to think, "looks like we met in the lobby earlier," she replied then with a smile.

Ethan smiled to himself when he saw Carolina, "This woman is really interesting,"

"Looks like we've met before that," said Ethan hanging the sentence, "in a hotel room, for example?" he added, lowering his voice, but still able to be heard by Carolina.

Carolina kept the expression on her face earlier because she thought he knew her, "Sorry sir, it looks like you have the wrong person."

Ethan, who could not take it anymore when she kept pretending not to know him, finally took out the flagship card that he kept.

"Wow, that's a shame," Ethan then opened his desk drawer and grabbed a necklace with the letter C pendant, "I was looking for a woman who secretly entered my room at that time, though," Ethan said later and deliberately left the necklace hanging, to make Carolina see it.

Before falling asleep on the way home from the airport to his parents' house, Ethan finally learns that after Agung left, he forgot to lock his hotel room again. So it seems that the woman entered the wrong room because she was drunk.

Carolina stared at the object Ethan was holding in disbelief.

That's her necklace!

As she thought that her necklace was actually being held by that man.

Carolina then approaches and tries to grab the necklace, but Ethan, the faster one, manages to avoid it.

"Looks like this doesn't belong to you, isn't it bad to take other people's belongings?" Ethan asked with a smile.

"Shameless! You're the one who took my belongings! " thought Carolina.

Carolina then turned around and started walking.

Ethan initially thought that the woman would come right out of the room soon, but that thought was immediately debunked as soon as Carolina sat on the sofa in the small living room opposite Ethan's leather chair.

After sitting up, Carolina crossed her slender legs, lifted her head, and glared at Ethan.

"Yes, I'm a woman who sleeps with you in a hotel room in Bali. So? What do you want?" asked Carolina in a sharp voice, challenging the man in front of her.