Like a God

"What a po*n video! Hurry up and show me the evidence, "said Ethan, feeling offended.

He last watched a video like that in college, but after that, he never watched it again because he was too busy to build a career. Then that woman even accused him of keeping a video like that! Especially on the office computer!

What an insulting word!

"Or should I try it? I haven't watched it in a long time either," Ethan thought suddenly and then immediately shook his own head.

"Well, don't be angry if there isn't! Wait a minute!" said Carolina then immediately hovering over the cursor to open a web browser and start typing something.

Ethan initially thought that Carolina was going to open up her Cloud storage, but he immediately frowned in confusion as to what Carolina was actually doing.

"That…," Ethan was just about to ask, but Carolina immediately interrupted him, "Shut up, don't ask!"

Ethan then kept quiet and just continued to watch the monitor screen.

After a while, Carolina seemed to find the evidence and downloaded it.

"It will be downloaded soon, by the way, this chair is soft too, huh!" she said then began to spin the chair.

"I'll buy a chair like this later," thought Carolina, who had fallen in love with the chair.

Ethan just said nothing and nodded, the chair was indeed soft and comfortable.

"Oh, that's over," said Carolina then pointed her computer cursor to open the evidence in document form.

"Where's my necklace?" asked Carolina who then got up from the chair, and held out her hand once again.

"Wait a minute!" said Ethan, who was immediately cut by Carolina, "Do you want to take it back what you said earlier?"

"No, really! The agreement was that what you said had to be proven first. So I have to check your documents first," Ethan said and then sat back down in the leather chair.

"Okay, go ahead," said Carolina then sat back down on the sofa in the small living room that was there.

"Do you still want to be here? Don't you have work to do, huh?" Ethan asked, staring at Carolina in surprise.

"What work! I just sat there quietly," thought Carolina. She deliberately didn't want to say it because maybe Andi would be scolded by his boss, and after that, the people around her would sneer and brand her as a snitch.

"Okay, I'll go back first. Don't forget your words, OK! Just watch out!" Carolina threatened before finally opening the door to the room and stepping out.

As soon as Carolina came out, Agung looked straight at her, trying to see if anything had happened to the woman. After seeing that the woman was fine and even smiling nodding at him, Agung breathed a sigh of relief.

The boss didn't do anything to the intern!

After Carolina left, Ethan went back to reading the document Carolina had just downloaded.

"Hmm ... Looks like this is true, but it's better to ask the experts first," Ethan thought then pressed the intercom button again.

"Yes, sir Ethan?" asked Agung.

"Please call the person from the special team that checks Qi Inc.,"



Knock ... knock ... knock ...

"Come in,"

A man who was in his late 30s came inside, the man was a little surprised to see the man who was younger than him and with red hair was sitting on a chair belonging to the CEO of the company. The last time he came here, the company's CEO was a middle-aged woman.

"Good morning, sir. Are you looking for me?" he asked then after walking towards the man.

"You…?" Ethan asked.

"I'm from the special team, sir. Can I help you?" asked the man introducing himself.

"Are you the one who check Qi Inc?" asked Ethan.

"Yes, is there something wrong?" asked the man confused. He had checked Qi Inc and there was no serious problem with the company.

"Are you sure they are not involved in money laundering?" Ethan asked again.


"Check this out," Ethan said and then turned the monitor so the man could read it.

The man looked confused at first, but he still read the document on the monitor screen.

After finishing reading the document, the man asked, "This ... where did you get it?"

"Why? Is there anything wrong with what this document says?" Ethan asked. According to him personally, the evidence provided by Carolina was too detailed, strong, clear, and did not seem like a lie, but after all, Ethan was not an expert, so he wanted to ask an expert's opinion.

"Not really! Nothing is wrong! The evidence presented in this report is too perfect to be called fake, but…" the man hung up his sentence as if there was something he couldn't believe.

"But..? What? Try to explain!" said Ethan impatiently.

"This way of writing reports, is the same as reports that are often made by the FA," said the man who was still amazed by the results of the reports that were in front of him.

"Who?" Ethan asked again.

"FA! The hackers are famous these days! That person is like a god among hackers! Did the FA interested in your offer? How do you communicate with him?" the man asked excitedly. As a hacker, he certainly knows the FA, like any other hacker. He even idolizes the person and hopes that one day he will be able to communicate with each other even if only through chat.

Ethan looked at the man with a confused look, the man suddenly became excited when talking about the FA.

But if this document is the result of a report made by the FA, the hacker is as famous as the man said.

Does that mean… that intern is the FA?

Although initially confused by what Carolina was doing on his computer, he could clearly see that Carolina was downloading the document from cloud storage.

"Try to tell clearly about this FA," said Ethan.

The man then explained it with enthusiasm, starting from the beginning the FA became famous, as well as companies and government intelligence agencies that were destroyed by the hacker's act.

Ethan listened to the story carefully and occasionally felt amused because the man was like a fan telling the strengths of his idol.

"Then how do you communicate with the FA? Are there any traces?" the man asked after telling him about the FA.

"Hmm… yes, that is it. That person came when I called," said Ethan. Carolina did come when he called her, so he didn't lie about it at all.

But after hearing about the FA, Ethan was sure that her identity shouldn't be found out. So he purposely didn't say that the FA was an intern who just came in today. Even if he said it, it was not certain that the man in front of him would believe it.

"Wow! So you just need to type something on the computer, and he will immediately come to contact you?" said the man in amazement.

Ethan, who did not understand what the man was saying, just nodded, "Yes, you can go back to work."

After the man left, Ethan paused and thought about what had just happened.

Ethan then went back to looking at Qi Inc.'s company report documents.

If someone made a report like this about NamTech and handed it over to a competitor… he couldn't imagine what would happen!

"Papa and mama can't possibly have dirty secrets like this," thought Ethan, who immediately threw the thought away. He trusted his parents.

Ethan then hovered over and opened the web browser Carolina had used.

He then tried to see the search history of the browser, but there was no result! The last search history that appeared was just last week, for the cake recipe, Ethan could immediately guess that it was his mother's search.

Ethan paused for a moment and tried to remember the name of the cloud storage that Carolina had typed and typed into a search engine. But no search results were found!

"Is that woman really a famous hacker?" he thought.

If that woman is indeed the FA, the famous hacker, that woman is a person not to be offended. She can destroy anyone anytime she wants!

Ethan then went back to hitting the intercom button on the table.

"Please call the intern to come over here," said Ethan, who immediately hung up the call.

"Carolina Akai, who are you really?" Ethan thought.