Tao Ming Tse

"Huh! Bored! Did I just keep doing nothing like this during the internship, huh?" thought Carolina who had returned to the IT division and sat where she had been. She occasionally took her cellphone out of her pocket to check the time and immediately put it back in her pocket.

Even though she currently doesn't do anything and isn't told to do anything, Carolina still doesn't want to sit there playing with her cellphone, that's all she does to create a good woman image.

Wouldn't it be rude if she was just busy playing with his cellphone during working hours?

What if she took too long to look at her cellphone, and the people there would start talking nonsense to her?

Still, Carolina was bored because she just sat there.

It was 11 o'clock in the morning, and it had been about an hour since she returned from the red apple's room.

"Carolina!" Andi's voice suddenly came back, which immediately made Carolina stand up and immediately approached him.

"Yes, Sir?" asked Carolina excitedly.

Finally! After so long waiting! Did Andi finally realize that I had been sitting quietly like an idiot, huh?

"The company secretary is looking for you again! Do you know Mr. Agung?" asked Andi who was curious. Even though Carolina recently returned from the 6th floor, she has been called again.

Carolina immediately felt disappointed, it turned out that the red apple called her again. Has he finished checking the document, huh?

"Oh, no, Mr. Agung was just asking if anything he could be helped, because I was the first student to intern here, and then I told him I needed the history of this company," said Carolina, who quickly made up an excuse.

Andi looked at her suspiciously, but he immediately turned his gaze back to the monitor screen, after all, his job is currently in a state of emergency, "You can go."

Carolina nodded and stepped back towards the elevator.

"Are you looking for me?" asked Carolina, who was now in front of Agung. She could already guess that it was the red apple calling her, but in order to maintain the image of a good woman, she pretended to ask Agung who told Andi that he was the one who called her.

Carolina doesn't know if it was the red apple that told Agung to say that, but she doesn't care at all. So even though it's just a formality, Carolina still asks Agung.

What if she just walked in without greeting the secretary first?

Isn't that just the same as impolite? And surely the secretary would speak ill of her.

Agung once again looked at Carolina, who after another look, did have a pretty face, "Does the boss like this woman, huh?" thought Agung, who was completely surprised by the reason his new boss called this woman again because not long after the woman left, his new boss had called her again.

Apart from the fact that the woman was beautiful and his new boss liked her, Agung could think of no other reason.

"No, you are wanted by the person inside," said Agung, then glanced at the door beside him. Carolina just nodded and then turned the doorknob without knocking first.

She doesn't need to maintain the image of a good woman with the person inside, right?

After all, she had opened her mask. So she didn't need to knock first.

"Oh, it is you," said Ethan, suddenly surprised because the door to his room was opened without first knocking.

"Yo!" said Carolina who immediately sat on the sofa in the small living room opposite Ethan, crossed her right leg over her left, and raised her chin, challenging the man as before.

"You seem right, that company is involved in money laundering," said Ethan.

Carolina smiled with satisfaction when she heard the man who admitted defeat, "Of course! Because I'm a good person, I forgive you for not believing my words before. Now return my necklace!"

Ethan sullen, his feelings weren't wrong. It was natural not to believe that woman's words.

Then he also did not apologize, why did the woman seem to say that he was guilty, apologized, and that woman had forgiven him?

"But I have something to ask…," said Ethan, hanging his sentence.

"Is it okay if I ask her directly if she is a famous hacker?" Ethan thought suddenly hesitating.

"What if she really is a famous hacker, and to keep her identity from being exposed, she might destroy this company or worse… kill me? The witness who knows her identity?" Ethan thought again suddenly become scared.

Isn't it in films that if a witness knows the identity of the perpetrator, usually the perpetrator will kidnap the witness or kill them?

"What? Don't you dare to hang your words on purpose and said it is nothing!" threatened Carolina, who seemed to realize that the red apple would say that.

Ethan was a little surprised because like this time the woman managed to read him, "Do you speak traditional Mandarin?" Ethan asked suddenly when he remembered that Qi Inc came from Taiwan and that as far as Ethan remembered, the country still used traditional Mandarin, in contrast to China, the origin of his mother's family who used simplified Mandarin.

And as Ethan remembered, learning traditional Chinese was much more difficult than learning the simplified one. Even Ethan only knew simplified Chinese.

So he was a little surprised when he realized that the woman knew traditional Chinese.

"Yes, why?" asked Carolina, confused by Ethan's question.

"How come?" asked Ethan, knowing the level of difficulty of the language.

"Learning through Yutub," said Carolina who was learning it via the internet ..

"Why?" Ethan asked again, suddenly curious. If indeed the famous hacker FA, knows multiple languages, and the woman in front of him is FA, then chances are she also knows multiple languages. So Ethan was curious about why the woman was learning traditional Mandarin.

Annoyed that Ethan kept asking her questions, Carolina replied, "Well, what language do I like to learn, do I want to learn traditional Chinese, an alien language, I don't think it's your d*mn business. Where's my necklace?" asked Carolina, who now rose to her feet and walked over to Ethan.

"Answer first, why are you learning traditional Chinese?" asked Ethan, wanting to know why the woman had studied it. Because for now, most people learn simplified Chinese rather than traditional because it is so much easier.

"Oh my, I forgot that Qi Inc is from Taiwan, is that why the red apple insists on asking me to know why I know traditional Chinese, huh?" thought Carolina

"Because I want to have a guy from Taiwan! That's the reason! You don't know Taiwanese guys are sexy, huh? Tao Ming Tse for example!" said Carolina casually. She remembered that Clara had talked about the Taiwanese drama that was made in the 2018 version. But of the many cast names pronounced by Clara, Carolina only remembers the name Tao Ming Tse, and according to Clara, both the 2018 version or the one that aired in 2001, Tao Ming Tse is sexy. Carolina of course doesn't know who Tao Ming Tse is because she prefers watching anime to dramas.

"Tao Ming Tse, who?" thought Ethan, who didn't know him at all.

"It is done, right? Give me back my necklace!" said Carolina, holding out her hand again.

Ethan finally reopened his desk drawer and handed her the necklace.

After the necklace landed on her palm, Carolina gripped it tightly. As if she doesn't want to get lost it again.

Ethan, who realized that the necklace was valuable to the woman, said, "Next time don't leave it again,"

"Hm, yes, sure. Thanks for looking after it," said Carolina then immediately put the necklace on again. Afraid that if she put it in her pocket, the necklace would fall.

"You're welcome," replied Ethan, who sat back down and read the documents he hadn't read.

Everything is finished. According to Ethan, the necklace was a tie to get Carolina to meet him. Now he could no longer see Carolina because there was no longer any reason for her to see him after she got back her necklace.

Since there was no longer any reason for her to be here and see Ethan who is busy, Carolina decided to get out of here.

But just as she was about to grab the doorknob ...

"Wait a minute! Don't go away yet!" Ethan's voice stopped her hand to open the doorknob.