
"What?" asked Carolina, who stopped right in front of the door.

Ethan got up from his leather chair and had some documents in his hand, "Sit down first," he said, inviting Carolina to sit in the small living room.

Carolina was a little confused, but in the end, she sits on that chair.

"NamTech will not cooperate with Qi Inc, what do you think about this company?" Ethan asked, pointing out the documents he was carrying on the table.

Carolina's eyebrows rose, did the red apple think she was his personal consultant?


"How about them?" Ethan asked again. Even though Ethan wasn't 100 percent sure that Carolina was the FA, the famous hacker, but Ethan wanted to bet on that woman. If that woman can help him to choose the best business partner for NamTech, it will make his job easier and his father's company won't get worse under his interim leadership.

"Sorry, but I'm busy," said Carolina, who immediately refused and stood up from her seat. She didn't know how Ethan checked the documents she had previously provided, but Carolina felt that Ethan was getting suspicious and knew her identity. If she continued any more than this, her identity could be discovered.

"Are you sure?" asked Ethan, who seemed to have guessed that Carolina would turn down his offer.

"Yes, if you don't have anything to discuss, I want to go out," said Carolina, who immediately stepped her foot to the door.

"Doesn't the place of internship have the right to give a grade to the intern?" Ethan asked. Carolina, who was just about to open the doorknob again, fell silent.

She turned and glared at Ethan, "You mean?"

Ethan was a little scared when he saw that look, but he tried to put on a poker face, "Let's just say it's shooting now and you play a character who is fearless," Ethan suggested to his mind.

"As far as I know the internship place will give a grade to the intern, for example… grade for attitude?" Ethan said calmly. After seeing Carolina at the hotel restaurant always smiling and being kind, Ethan knew that Carolina wanted to keep her image up.

"Are you threatening me?" asked Carolina, who sharpened her gaze even more.

"Don't be afraid, Ethan! Think of it as shooting again and you play the antagonist character," Ethan tried to suggest himself not to be scared again.

"I'm just asking," Ethan replied calmly.

Carolina stomped her foot and then sat back down on the chair earlier. As Ethan said, the company where the internship place has the right to give a grade to the intern. The grade ​​given by the company is divided into four, which are: attitude, diligence, teamwork, and workability. The total average grade will later be the grade of ten percent of the final grade of her practical work course.

But if that red apple threatens to give her a low score or even 0 on her attitude score, she will definitely become a topic of conversation for her faculty!

Carolina Akai, the woman who is always nice, always smiles, scored 0 on attitude score from the intern!

Isn't it funny!

"Let me see the company first!" said Carolina finally. Ethan smiled when he heard this and passed the stack of documents to Carolina.

In fact, there were 3 documents and each of them had information from three companies. Carolina recognized one of these companies because she had previously been given a job looking for information from that company.

Carolina put the document on the table when she finished writing the name of the company on her cell phone.

"I will help you, but there are conditions!" said Carolina then crossed her legs again.

"What?" asked Ethan, interested in what conditions the woman would provide.

"First, I want you to prepare a doc or pdf file about this company, starting from the history, logo, and company structure to my internship report, oh right, there must be a reference," said Carolina.

If that man wanted to use it to make decisions on the company he was leading, then she would also use it to work on her internship report!

"I'm a genius," thought Carolina. If the man prepares the file, she doesn't have to bother asking Andi or other co-workers.

"Okay, the first condition can be, is there more?" Ethan asked.

"The second and final condition, you have to pay for the information I will give you," said Carolina.

She is a well-known hacker who takes high paying jobs! If that man wished he would provide information for free like that earlier, he could only dream!

"Ohh ... how much?" Ethan asked. He became increasingly convinced that Carolina is the FA, because the FA is always doing high paying jobs, and Carolina has just said he has to pay if he wants his job done.

"One billion rupiah," replied Carolina.

"Deal!" Ethan replied. He could use the company money to pay for Carolina, or maybe split 50:50 with his personal money.

"Per company," Carolina added with a smile.

"Now that's for sure! He must be the famous hacker!" thought Ethan, now one hundred percent sure.

"If you don't want to, that's fine," said Carolina, lowering her legs ready to leave when the man was just silent. The man is the CEO of a famous company, meaning: he is rich! One billion definitely means nothing to him. So Carolina did charge Ethan her usual paycheck.

Oh no, she usually charges in US dollars, but this time she charges in rupiah. The red apple should be grateful I gave him a discount!

Ethan paused for a moment, wondering how much money he had. It had been two years since he had been living independently again without the money made by the shareholders of NamTech and Wang's company. So it seems, he has enough money.

"Then, I also want to provide one condition," said Ethan.


Ethan then picked up the documents that were on the table, "You have to send the report within 7 days. If the results of your report are not useful or the same as these documents. I want a refund plus interest. Five billion rupiah per company," said Ethan with a smile.




"Oh, I forgot to tell you that the fee did not include the translation and other costs," said Carolina not wanting to lose. If the man wanted to be shameless, then she would show how shameless it was!

"What do you mean?" asked a confused Ethan.

"The translation fee, if for example, the company is in Taiwan, then I will provide the file in the language according to the location of the company. If you want to receive a file in the language of your choice, the fee is 500 million rupiah per company," explained Carolina.

Initially, she will give the file in Indonesian. But since that man had dared to try to be shameless before her, then she wouldn't be shy anymore either.

"Then how much are the other costs?" Ethan asked again, trying to suppress a smile. The woman before him was really attractive!

"Hmm .. the other costs are 100 million!" said Carolina. She actually carelessly mentioned the other cost.

"Oh, i see. Please explain what's included in the other cost," said Ethan, who was now starting to smile as he caught the confused look on Carolina's face.

"The cost of the internet, electricity, and the cost of the time I spent on it. As you know, I'm currently an intern!" stated Carolina who had found the reason.

"Good. So the total is 4 billion 600 million rupiah?" Ethan asked again.

"Yes, then pay in full first," said Carolina again, showing her shamelessness.

"Okay! What is your account number? " Ethan asked.

"Give me your email, I'll send it through there. As well as the reports," said Carolina holding her cellphone.

Ethan then gave his email address. Carolina, who could guess that her identity was already known to Ethan, finally decided to send her account number via a private email address that has been encrypted.

FA: "This is my account number. I don't know how you know my identity. If you do something about it, you will see!"

Carolina wrote then gave her account number information.

Ethan was surprised to read the message. As expected, the intern is a well-known hacker!

The atmosphere turned quiet again, until a few minutes later, Carolina received a text message. It was a message from the bank saying her account number had just received 3 billion rupiah.

Carolina smiled with satisfaction. The man already paid for it, it looks like she really has to finish the job. After all, if she didn't do it, he would have to refund 5 billion!

"It is done, right? In that case, nice to work with you," Ethan said holding out his hand.

"Hmph! Leave me alone for 7 days," said Carolina, who immediately stepped her foot out without receiving a helping hand from Ethan.

Ethan just smiled as he lowered his hand.

That woman is really attractive!