Breaking News

"Ohh, you're back. How is it?" asked a middle-aged woman when she saw a man hurrying up to her.

The man wiped the sweat off his forehead, before finally taking out the flash drive from his pocket and placing it on the woman's table.

"Thank goodness you're still here," he said, catching his breath. Because the elevator had been going down for a long time, he ended up climbing the emergency stairs. Hope the boss isn't going home yet because it's already 4 pm.

"This! I managed to get the face of their youngest son. The news is more exciting than you think! " said the man excitedly.

The woman took the flash on her desk and plugged it into her computer. After reading the flash, she read the only document file that was there.

[This Korean Actor Turns Out to be the Interim CEO of a Famous Indonesian Company]

The woman then read the news, before finally commenting.

"Good work. Are the results of your investigation correct? You know the repercussions if this news isn't true?" asked the woman.

Jaka - the man - nodded confidently.

"Is this Korean actor famous?" asked the woman.

"Of course! My daughter knows him. Currently, his drama is still airing and is quite popular in Indonesia," said Jaka again, trying to convince his boss. He had been preparing since early in the morning for the news, according to his boss's directions. If the news was rejected, all his efforts would be in vain!

"Then, we don't need a clickbait title. We will write it: Nam Ethan, This Popular Korean Actor Becomes the Interim CEO of a Famous Company in Indonesia. Good work!" praise the woman.

"Thank you! Are you going to publish it now? " asked Jaka. He was worried that his daughter would tell the news first and eventually it would be discovered by other news companies.

The woman nodded. As expected, this was exclusive news. Who would have thought that the youngest son of the NamTech leader was a Korean actor who was quite famous?

When imagining how many comments on their social media and the traffic of their website visitors. The woman couldn't stop smiling.

Jaka smiled with satisfaction at the reaction of his boss. Looks like the news this time he brought was really shocking news!

Smiling with satisfaction, Jaka returned to his desk to pick up his belongings.



Nam Ethan, the cast in the drama "My Wife's Man" turned out to be the interim CEO of a well-known IT company in Indonesia!

Duh, i didn't expect to breathe the same air with this oppa * Emoticons Smiling Faces while Crying *

In the drama, being a younger brother who doesn't want his sister to marry because of money, but in the real world, he has a lot of money.

Isn't oppa really handsome to wear a suit? *Emoticon Smiling Face with Hearty Eyes *

After that, attached a photo of Ethan who looks like he just entered the office, and a close up photo of Ethan standing next to a student whose face has been blurred and wearing an alma mater jacket.

"Is this serious? This isn't Ethan oppa's new drama, is it?"

"Oh Myyyyy! My husband really handsome wears a suit like that * Emoticon Smiling Face with Hearty Eyes *"

"Does anyone know the location of the company, or not? Spill please, who knows it is near. "

" Omoo! My husband is reallyyyyy handsome. Where is the producer? My husband is perfect for playing chaebol dramas here!"

"Eh! @clarara, isn't it your campus alma mater, huh? Don't tell me you have an internship at Ethan oppa's company?

"I think I know what company this is. It is Company N right? Ha ha."


Clara entered her room feeling sluggish. She just came back from her internship and today was really tiring.

While lying down, Clara picked up her cellphone in the bag that she had turned off earlier because her internship supervisor scolded her for playing handphone where she is at work. So Clara turned off her cellphone to save battery.

"What's the news, why am I being tagged so much," thought Clara, seeing a lot of social media notifications on her cellphone. She pressed one of them.

"OH MY GOD!" shouted Clara when the page finished loading.

"Oh my God, is this serious Ethan oppa in Indonesia?" said Clara questioningly.

Clara then saw a notification stating that she had been tagged, asking whether the alma mater's jacket belonging to the Smart University.

After discussing one by one the comments that mention her. Clara looked back at the post, which was posted 42 minutes ago. Trying to find out who the student is whose face is blurred. Clara wasn't even sure if the student was a boy or a girl.

She also tries to read some of the comments, find out if anyone knows or admits that she is the one in the blur. Even though the post was only 42 minutes ago, the number of comments has reached around 800. Clara gave up after reading a few comments.

From the results of some of the comments that Clara read from the post, Clara only got information that Ethan became the interim CEO of a well-known company N in Indonesia.

Clara then pressed the home button so that the cellphone screen display returned to the home screen, and opened the wa application. As expected, there were 400 unreadable messages from the k-pop group she joined, and some even asked her to ask about the alma mater's jacket.

"Does anyone already know what company N is?" type Clara who no longer reads the messages.

"Nah, Clara has come"

"Ra, is that really alma mater jacket from your campus?"

"Ah yes, but I don't know who it is," replied Clara.

"Looks like NamTech or Nusa Bangsa, but it's not certain which one."

Clara was silent for a moment as she read the message, it seemed that the company name seemed familiar.


Knock ... Knock ... Knock ...

"Come in," Ethan who was busy reading some documents answered without looking at the person who entered the room.

"Sir Ethan is not coming home yet?" asked Agung, the person who had knocked earlier.

Ethan glanced at the clock that was there. 5:15.

Agung, whose working hour ends at 4 o'clock. Trying to wait for Ethan to come home first, in order to get a good impression of the man. But after an hour of waiting and Ethan showing no sign of returning home, Agung is forced to step in to confirm it.

"There are still a lot of unread documents, how about you? Aren't you coming home? Oh right, did you order tickets to South Korea?" Ethan asked.

"If Sir Ethan doesn't come home, I'll just stay here. The ticket has been ordered, Sir Ethan's flight is 9:15 pm," answered Agung.

"Oh well, if you don't want to go home, later can you take me to the airport and then take the car that i brought back home?" Ethan asked again.

Agung smiled to himself, the request was like the job of a private secretary, "Yes, Sir Ethan."

"Okay, thank you!" Ethan replied and then went back to reading the documents.


"Agung, later stop by for a bit to buy fried chicken! The original, don't be spicy,"said Ethan, who is currently in the car sitting next to Agung. He last ate at 12 noon, and now it's 7 o'clock in the evening. His stomach asked to be filled.

"Okay, D you want to eat in the restaurant?" asked Agung, looking left and right for a fast food restaurant.

"I'll just eat in the car," Ethan replied.

Shortly thereafter, Agung parked the car and went out to buy fried chicken.

Bored. Ethan took out his cellphone and looked for his father's contact, to inform him that he had to return to South Korea because of his job and could only be in the office every Monday. He hoped his father would help explain this to his mother.

After sending the message, Ethan fell silent again. But suddenly Carolina's face crossed his mind, he then opened his email address and reread the woman's threatening email. Ethan's lips lifted slightly as he read it.

Ethan who was bored finally chose to write an email to the woman.

"Looks like next time I'll have to ask for her id line," Ethan muttered.

Ethan Nam: "Carolina."

2 minutes passed, but the email remained unanswered.

Ethan smiled, somehow his feeling told him that she had read it but ignored it on purpose.

Ethan Nam: "Looks like you are busy. Even though I will pay the translation cost and other costs that I forgot to pay earlier."

It was only a few seconds for Ethan to send it, a new message arrived.

FA: "One billion six hundred million rupiah!"

Ethan smiled again. As expected, the woman didn't reply to his message on purpose.

Ethan then transferred the money to the woman's account number.

Ethan Nam: "I sent it. Translate it in Hangul * "

Ethan could have actually asked the woman to translate it in English or Indonesian, but somehow, he wondered if she could translate it in Hangul too.

(* Alphabet used to write Korean)

FA: "* Thumbs up emoticon *"


Clara, who was lazing on her bed, suddenly got an incoming call.


"Ra! I managed to get a photo without being blurred! I'll send it!" said the person on the other side.

Clara, who didn't know what that person was talking about, just kept quiet and opened the message that had just come in.

Clara pressed the image to download it, after a few seconds, it became clear.

It was a photo of Ethan with a student whose face was no longer blurred.

Clara looked at her cellphone for a moment in disbelief.

"That girl ... Isn't she Carolina?" thought Clara.