That B*tch is Pressing You!

"Uhh... noisy," muttered Carolina as she tried to reach for her cellphone which was ringing because of the alarm she had set. After successfully turning off the alarm, Carolina paused a little before finally getting out of bed.

Her head ached a little because she had just gone to bed when it was 4 am. and set an alarm for 7.30 am. She only slept for 3 hours 30 minutes!

Since returning from her internship, Carolina has been trying to do the job Ethan gave her, and she's been trying to dig into the company more thoroughly. After all, she would lose 5 billion rupiahs if the information she provided was the same as the one already on Ethan's documents.

"Huh! See you later! You will know what the difference between me and the amateur you hire!" said Carolina excitedly as she thought about it.

After collecting her thoughts again, Carolina took her cellphone and opened the wa application. She was looking for Andi's contact.

Before going home yesterday Andi asked for her contact, even thoughs he didn't like having an intern on his team. However, Andi had been assigned to be Carolina's supervisor during the internship. So Andi felt the need to exchange contacts with Carolina, so they could communicate if there was something.

Carolina: "Good morning, Sir Andi. Today I'm not going to the office I have a business on campus, thanks." 7.35

After seeing the message check two, Carolina reset her cellphone alarm at 10 am, before finally going back to sleep.

She purposely got up early to tell Andi, if she notices it later at 10 am, it feels like she made an excuse not to come that day and it will ruin the image of the good woman she tries to build at the internship.


"Noona," whispered Ethan approached a woman who was waiting at the exit gate of the airport. Mi Sun is a little surprised because she doesn't know that person at all.

"Ethan?" Mi Sun asked in a low voice, not sure that the man wearing the sunglasses, mask, and hat was Ethan. Ethan nodded. The two of them then walked towards the parking lot.

"If noona is still sleepy, let me drive," Ethan offered when they reached the parking lot. After knowing the hours of his flight to South Korea, Ethan gives the news to Mi Sin, as requested by his cousin and manager. Mi Sun then says that she will pick him up.

So from 3 am, Mi Sun was ready to pick up Ethan. Ethan worries that Mi Sun is too tired to drive.

"Ah, okay. Thank you," said Mi Sun then gave the car keys.

"What time is my shooting schedule today, noona?" Ethan asked as he drove the car.

"You have to arrive at 8 am at the filming location. Looks like you will have a scene at school," replied Mi Sun who slightly lowered the chair next to her, closed her eyes, and tried to rest.

"Oh right, how is the condition of uncle and aunt?" asked Mi Sun, remembering that one of the reasons Ethan had to go home was because Ethan's mother was sick.

"Papa is fine! Mama seems to have to rest in bed, but her situation is getting better because she can eat at the dinner table," Ethan replied.

"Thank goodness! You weren't caught by the media when you arrived in Indonesia, right?" Mi Sun asked again, who had now opened her eyes, trying to see Ethan's expression.

"Eyy ~ Noona! Of course, no! Everything is safe! Noona, you don't need to worry. How are the conditions here?" asked Ethan, a little afraid his agency would find out he left the country without notifying them first.

"Looks like you have to be careful with that b*tch Ara!" said Mi Sun angrily.

She still remembers how she got a call from Ha Joon on Sunday morning to ask where Ethan was.

She initially thought Ha Joon called her because there was work for Ethan, maybe it had to be a substitute guest on a variety show or something small, like a magazine shoot.

But when she heard that Ha Joon was looking for Ethan because he had to accompany Ara to the salon and shop for clothes for the party tonight, an excited Mi Sun finally answered that Ethan can't do it in a sluggish tone. She's too hopeful.

Ha Joon then fell silent and seemed to be talking to someone, but Mi Sun could hear a woman's voice insisting on calling Ethan over. Ha Joon then conveyed this to Mi Sun.

"Sorry Director Ha, Ethan can't. He has a shooting schedule later at 10 am and has to standby at the filming location until evening because there is a scene for the night," said Mi Sun, who gave an excuse. Ha Joon just said he understood, then hung up the phone.

The next day, Ha Joon called again and told himself and Ethan to come into his office because he couldn't reach Ethan.

Mi Sun finally came and saw a woman in Ha Joon's room.

"Where's Ethan oppa?" asked the woman who stood up from her seat to look at the person behind Mi Sun, but Mi Sun just ignored her and closed the door again.

"What's the matter, Director Ha?" asked Mi Sun, ignoring Ara's question.

"Where's Ethan?" Ha Joon asked again because he only saw Mi Sun who came to his room ..

"Ethan can't come," answered Mi Sun.

Ha Joon raised his eyebrows, "Is he trying to disobey company orders?" asked Ha Joon, bringing their contract back up.

"It's not like that, Ethan was on the set all day and finally he was exhausted, he was even taken to the hospital," said Mi Sun, who had prepared an excuse.

"Is Ethan oppa okay? What hospital is he hospitalized for?" asked Ara worriedly.

"You idiot! I told you not to give Ethan oppa a busy schedule!" this time Ara stared angrily at Ha Joon.

Mi Sun was silent for a moment when she heard that, "Could it be that this b*tch is pressing on Ethan's schedule?"

"Ehem," Ha Joon coughed briefly and gestured Ara not to speak anymore. Ara just stomped her foot and sat back down.

"Then how is Ethan doing? Is he all right? Was the news known to the media?" asked Ha Joon, trying to bring the topic back up again.

"Ah, he's fine. Right now he's resting at his house. I thought the media didn't know because My Wife's Man crew was trying to keep the news up."

"Oh great, you can come back and take care of him, the drama shoot isn't over yet, right?" asked Ha Joon again.

"Yes, the shooting is not over yet. Then I'll excuse myself, Director Ha," said Mi Sun then left the room.

Before leaving, Mi Sun could hear Ha Joon reprimanded Ara for not talking like that again.

"I now believe that Ha Joon and that b*tch are trying to pressure you," Mi Sun said, ending her story.

"Eyy ~ noona! It can't be, Ha Joon hyung is a nice person and Ara also looks nice before she finally takes me to that strange place," said Ethan who did not believe Mi Sun. After all, Ha Joon is the person who gave him another chance to work in the entertainment world when no other agency wanted to recruit him.

So Ethan couldn't believe that Ha Joon was the one who put pressure on his career, Ethan thought he might not be ready to be the lead in a drama.

"You! How many times have I told you not to trust people too much! Anyway, you have to be careful with that b*tch!" said Mi Sun warned.

Ethan only smiled when he heard Mi Sun warn him, for some reason Mi Sun's straightforward personality reminded him of someone who had the same personality. But the difference is, that person is just being straightforward with him, but on other people, she tries to keep her image.

"What is she doing, huh?" Ethan thought.

"Did you hear noona just now?" Mi Sun asked again because Ethan was just silent.

"Yeah, i'm listening! Yes, I'll be careful. Noona just take a break first," said Ethan, who regained consciousness. Mi Sun smiled with satisfaction before finally leaning back on the chair and closing her eyes.