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Seeing Dinda starting to stagger and almost fainting, Budi hastily held the woman's body.

"Boss!" said Budi frantically. He immediately picked up the woman and then finally took her outside.

Baek Hyeon and Jia Li who were currently focused on looking at Carolina who suddenly started crying, just let the two people go.

"I'm okay, really! I'm fine now!" Carolina said after a moment of calming herself down. She wiped her tears once again and looked at Baek Hyeon and Jia Li with a smile.

Though she usually doesn't cry easily. But lately she's been so easy to cry. It seems like it's because of her pregnancy.

"You sure you're okay right? Do you want to be taken to the hospital first?" asked Baek Hyeon who was still worried.

Carolina just smiled and shook her head, indicating that she was fine now.

"How dare they bully you and think of you as a poor woman!" said Jia Li who was still annoyed looking outside the door.