Birthday Party, Or A Funeral

Carolina stared at her reflection in the mirror after she finished putting on her clothes.

It was a long black fishtail dress with sleeves that went past the elbow with a v-neck chest but not too low.

"Hmm… looks like I can only wear this one this time," Carolina muttered when she saw her reflection in the mirror. The dress fits her body perfectly and showcases her curves.

If her stomach had gotten bigger, she definitely couldn't wear this dress again.

Ting Tong… Ting Tong…

Carolina frowned when she heard the doorbell ring.

"Is it  Ethan, huh? thought Carolina, suddenly excited.

Did that idiot intentionally lie to her that he would come tomorrow but he had come home tonight and wanted to surprise her?

Carolina then rushed out of the room to look at the monitor screen, but Carolina's face immediately changed when she saw a man who looked familiar now was in front of her.