Meet Sister-In-Laws

Today is Monday. 

Carolina, who should have been at NamTech, was forced to stay in bed.

Maybe because last night she ate too much, or maybe because of the birthday party where some crazy woman wanted to mess with her, today Carolina was in really bad shape.

Her body felt tired, her legs hurt, and since morning her nausea had become worse than usual.

Carolina, who wanted to enter the office because today was her last day to come to NamTech, was forced to give up.

"When is that idiot coming home?" Carolina thought after sending Andi a message that there was something going on on campus that made her have to come there, of course Carolina didn't tell Andi the real reason.

Carolina then glanced at the clock on her cellphone, 7:30.

Carolina sighed as she looked at the current clock. Ethan told her he would arrive in Indonesia at 8:45. If she added the time from the airport to this apartment. Ethan probably will arrive an hour later.