Never Let That Bitch Seek Attention

Elena who screamed with wide eyes as she stood up from her seat, made Carolina who was sitting a little startled.

Elena looked at Carolina with an apologetic smile before finally speaking back to Fei Fei in Chinese, "Please find out what that kid was doing at his ex-lover's house."

Carolina, who understood Elena's words, frowned when she heard that. 

"Did that idiot go to see Maria?" Carolina thought then took out her cellphone and opened Yui's program.

"Yui, find out where papa is. Oh yeah, you also try to keep an eye on Maria Anastasya's social media," Carolina typed on her cellphone application that she made to communicate with Yui.

"What's wrong, sister-in-law?" Carolina asked trying to pretend she didn't understand what Elena had said on the phone after seeing that she wasn't on the phone.

Elena sighed for a moment, before looking at Carolina.