Stopping Her Son

Carolina went back to sleep after Andrew finally came out of the room. She stared at the roof of the room before finally sighing.

"Things just got messed up, huh," Carolina muttered under her breath.

Even though she had hoped to be caught by the FBI because she was plotting something, things turned out to be like this.

"But... papa wants me to stay in Indonesia. Is papa planning something?" Carolina thought as she put the back of her hand on her forehead.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became quiet because Carolina didn't move at all

"Well, I better not think about that first. By the way, aren't they going to feed me? Isn't it time for dinner?" mumbled Carolina who immediately got up from her bed and leaned against the wall. Then she rubbed her stomach.

"Baby, Mommy's sorry," Carolina whispered quietly. She suddenly started to feel bad for the baby.

Did she do something selfish?