Meet The Right Woman

"Ethan… Ethan… Hey!"

Ethan, who was staring at his cellphone screen, gasped when suddenly a hand touched his arm.

"Wait a moment. There's something I want to check first," said Ethan who completely ignored the person who had just called him.

Daniel, the one who called Ethan earlier, couldn't hide the annoyed expression on his face. Even though there are only 11 days until the BMC Awards are held, he and Ethan haven't discussed at all what they should bring that day because of Ethan's busy shooting schedule.

Daniel wanted to feel like protesting, but he decided against it. Even though he was upset, he still knew enough that Ethan had brought him here. He finally decided to take a look at the practice room at Ethan's agency because they were currently practicing there.

Meanwhile, Ethan, who looked busy before, was actually looking at the conversation between him and Carolina.

"Lina hasn't read my message yet?" thought Ethan in bewilderment.