Where Did They Take My Wife

"I shouldn't have done that," thought Ethan who suddenly stopped with a smirk. It's still 9 in the morning and it's possible that his wife is still asleep.

Ethan clearly didn't want to wake his wife at this point.

Keeping a smile on his face, Ethan entered the password for their door and stepped inside when it finally opened.

"Tsk tsk, I thought she was still asleep, I should go wake her up," thought Ethan who was currently placing the plastic bag he was carrying on the dining table while shaking his head, that his wife was still the same even though it had been quite a while since he last saw her. 

Ethan then walked towards their bedroom, but when he was about to open the door to the bedroom, he suddenly stopped where he was.

"Wait a minute. What if mama is here and is currently sleeping with Lina?" thought Ethan suddenly.