Help Me Meet Lina

"Oppa... it hurts..." Clara grimace in pain because the grip on Ethan's arm was so tight it started hurting her.

Ethan's eyes suddenly widened when he realized what he was doing, he hastily released his grip on Clara's shoulder and took a few steps back. 

"Sorry… I'm really sorry, I must have gone crazy," said Ethan in frustration as he grabbed his own hair.

When he heard that his current wife and child had been arrested and taken away, Ethan suddenly became emotional and he couldn't control himself.

"Yes oppa, it's okay, maybe oppa is still under the influence of the movie character at this time," Clara said slowly while hugging her own arm. She was indeed surprised to see Ethan's reaction like this, she knew that Ethan would be sad, annoyed, or angry, but she had absolutely no idea that Ethan would be rough to her.

Ethan looked at the woman in front of him who was trying to smile, but she couldn't hide the look in her eyes that looked terrified.